Is there any info on how many beakers each tech costs on different levels, map sizes and in the light of how many known AI have that tech anywhere on this site.
Research Cost = [MM * [10*COST * (1 - N/[CL*1.75])]/(CF * 10)] - Research done so far.
I know this thread is over a year old, but I have noticed techs on cheiftain to regent seem the same cost, at least on conquests, is this correct.
MM = map modifier(tech rate on world sizes tab in the editor)
Tiny 160
Small 200
Standard 240
Large 320
Huge 400
CF = AI cost factor(as on the difficulty tab in the editor)
For the purposes of the research cost formula, CF has a maximum value of 10.
Chieftain 10
Warlord 10
Regent 10
Monarch 9
Emperor 8
Deity 6
COST = technology cost as on the civilization advances tab in the editor.
N = number of civs on the diplomacy screen that have discovered the tech.
CL = number of civs left in the game