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The City of Huntington

550 BC - Mayor's Report

We have one mined tile that is contributing to our overall production efforts, but this has now created a timing problem for us. And what is that strange looking individual in the southeast? More to follow...

Production, Growth and Commerce all are respectable considering our size.


Due to the increased productivity from the mined grasslands in the east, our workers are destined to be recruited before our city can grow large enough to support them. Combine this with the fact that there are elite Babylonian warriors a mere 20 miles from town and it would seem prudent to ammend our production schedule somewhat.

Furthermore, there is great talk about constructing a sea-going vessel, something the experts are calling a galley, in hopes of exploring up the coastline and finding other nations with which to trade. I am pleased to say that Huntington is high on the list of suitable locations from which to construct such a vessel.

Therefore, I am proposing to the village council that we recommend to the governor the following production queue: Warrior (2), Worker (5), Galley (<15)

The galley would require no more than 15 turns to construct at our current rate of production, but it is likely that the workers will have completed the terrain improvements due east of town and that our productive capacity may increase, thereby shortening the amount of time needed to complete production. What says the council?

Welcome to Huntington. I hope you find this town as lovely *SLAP* as we do.

Our Village Council is still seeking one more member and since you are our third registered citizen and due to your contributions to the town, I invite you to join the council and continue to serve the community as a councilman.

Once again, welcome and please let me know if we can be of any assistance in helping you get settled in.

Lord Mayor of Huntington
Mayor ForyJ,

Ok, let me get down to bussiness. I like your proposal for the building queue. I AGREE with it. But may I say, that after the galley, build military. If Babolyon attacks, we will need defense. So after the galley I would to see another warrior or even a spearman to guard out city all the time.

May I request to go on the sea voyage to this new country to trade with. I will try to keep you posted daily on our trips. This trip might be dangerous because there is barbarians out in the sea I think. But I will be fine if you allow me to go.

I like you flag proposals very much. The black is a really good color. (What program are you using to make the flags?) THe first flag is different becuase of the pink thing coming down. The 2nd is the best I think. My I suggest that maybe the flag colors could be rainbow. (Like tye dye colors.)

Thanks you.

well, thanks for the welcome! i'll get to painting your houses/barns as soon as you tell me what colors you want. i like the first flag best, but may i suggest not having that pink stripe down the middle? i am interested in joinging the council, what would my responsibilities be?

I agree with your assessment, we will desperately need to contribute to the military effort, probably sooner than we'd like. In fact, if we can persuade the governor to produce a worker elsewhere and direct them to our town, then I would recommend that we remove the worker from the queue and recruit a warrior and then immediately switch to a galley.

The "black" in the flag is meant to be a very dark green to represent the jungle surrounding our town. The pink column in the center, dipping into the bowl of pink dye is designed to represent our town (and it's dyes) providing the very essence of our national flag, nay the nation itself.

As far as your desire to command the galley, I believe that the assignment of that position will fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. However, I imagine that it would be prudent that we supply a representative from the shipyard to act as a liason to the military so that we can answer any questions they have as well as log any feedback so that we can implement any changes in future designs.

I encourage you to get more involved with the shipyard and assist them in the design and production of the prototype vessel. Feel free to update me on your progress, but be sure to use the standard couriers as there are foreigners roaming the countryside and I would hate for some priviledged information to fall into the wrong hands.

Keep up the good work at home. I should be back there shortly.




You don't like the pink? Our national color? What would you recommend in its place?

As far as serving on the council, the responsibilities are great and extremely time consuming, but I feel you are more than capable of handlng the job. We expect you to keep close tabs on the wishes and concerns of the citizens of our fair community. Also, the citizens expect you to govern the town (along with your fellow councilmembers) in the best interests of all Huntingtonians.

It is an elected position, and should more citizens move into town, we will begin conducting elections, including our own debates, etc. However, until that time, we only ask that you serve your community to your fullest potential as one of the founding councilmembers of the Huntington Village Council.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask either myself or Truckingpete.

i have no problem with the pink, it just doesn't seem tight down the center, what if we switched the drak green stripes and pink stripes? right now it seems like the pink is a beem coming from the dyes, which seems to cheesy to me. you are a fabulous artist, and i have n complaint in what you did, i'm just making a sugeestion.

i herby accept the position of city councilman
I hadn't thought of it that way, Ybbor, but I can understand your point. Here's yet another version for your consideration:

now that is good! :)

i'm still waiting for the colors you gys want...
Mayor FortyJ,

The recent flag that you posted looks excellent.

In you latest post to me, you said to ask the Minster of Defense. Where can I ask him to see if I could join on the voyage, and to ask him questions about this galley?? Is the Minster of Defense Sarevok?? How can I get involved in the shipyard??

Plus off our shore, we can see a new country that we can explore!! We are learning so much about this world.

I like to say I am starting a newspaper for Fantican... Here is the location..

Fanatican Newspaper

I am going to busy trying to get the paper organized. I hope i can ge the first issue out soon..

Well that is it.

Originally posted by truckingpete
How can I get involved in the shipyard??
stepping out of RPG mode for a sec...

Make it up. I was hoping to inspire you to post some creative stories about the development of the nation's first galley. For example, "Today we finally discovered some suitable lumber that we can use to build the prototype. This version will be built much smaller than the intended final version as we are not yet sure it will work as we hope, but we are still extremely excited to be able to finally get started."

Have fun with it. This also applies to the role of Village Council Member. Use your imagination, or do a little research, or both and post something about what a village leader might do. Be sure to keep it consistent with our level of technology though. It wouldn't be good if you posted about visiting day care centers or something similar as these institutions really didn't exist in 550BC.

Which brings up another point, specifically related to your newspaper idea truckingpete. Be sure that you don't include anything involving a printing press in your newspaper related posts. That tech is not yet available to us and including such technology would be in violation of CHD rules, which this thread has agreed to adhere to.

resuming RPG mode...
Dear Mayor FortyJ,

Step out of RPG mode for a little while...

For the newspaper thing, I will keep the printing press out until we get it. Plus I will use my imagination. I am a little new at the DemoGame...

continueing RPG mode...

The builders of this "galley" is using the wood from our beautiful jungle...*SLAP* These constructors are making a plan now to see how they are going to build it...They say it is going to be powered by "oars"?? I don't know what those are yet... They also say that they are going to put a big piece of faberic and top of this "galley"?? The call this piece of faberic a "sail"...It is supposed to help the wind push them into the sea...

I will continue to update you on this "galley"...

i say your crazy, men going across water? never i say, NEVER!
No kidding! They're expecting that much weight to float? And those little itty-bitty sticks are going to move it.


-- Ravensfire
Gentlemen of the Council,

With your permission, I have hired a consultant group that goes by the name of FTYC to conduct a public opinion poll on the issue of our city flag. The poll is not binding, but it may help us select a flag for our city.

You can find this poll here.

Here is the latest update for the galley building...

The designers of the boat have released a scetch. Here is the scetch:

They are going to hire oarsmen whice get paided a HUGE amount of money!! By the way, an oar is a A long, thin, wooden pole with a blade at one end. They say that it is going to be safe for man to travel on water. It is giong to take a lot of money to build this galley. So say good luck to the designers....



To Mayor FortyJ:

Due to the thought of war with Babaloyn, may I suggest that sometime we should build a barracks so our units can survive more in battle..

Mayor's Report - 410 BC

Well, it seems that the regional government had other plans that what we local yokels desired, but the end result was that we have another worker clearing the jungle outside our town. Now, we need to change our direction to the much anticipated galley that the nation so desperately desires.

Once again, here is another update on the galley...

The builders decided to start building a galley in St.Octaviansburg. I will be gone a few days. I will be going to St.Octaviansburg for a little while to see how they are going to build this galley. The town is only about 40 miles away. I will have to go through jungle..no road yet. Plus I hear barbarians are everywhere. Wish me good luck and I will keep you updated!! Take good care of my animals in my barn!

P.S. - I see the people have built a shipyard by my house..I like it..I needed a dock for my ship anyway.
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