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The Dutch

I find Austrialia is just soo productive and easy to defend (as no one really goes for you there!). Issue with Africa is natives, barbarians, and French always take some culture areas.

I do like American West coast, but only after Australia. It is important to either control the spices in South East Asia or settle.
I never really had any problems with barbs. For barbs I can ussually build the great wall in africa. When the natives spawn, I ussually have gunpowder for muskets.
I've never seen the french come to africa. And settling asia and austrialia is just to easy.
I'm just starting as the Dutch in RFC (I've always loved playing them in EU2), and my strategy so far is:

-Send settler, 2 units, worker and build city on western tip of South Africa
-Build a settler in Amst., and settle under pigs on the Danish Jutland (which will eventually consume the pig tile)
-Hamburg flips eventually

Problems I've encountered:
-Vikings declare war and catch my navy off-guard (blockading Amst. for a time)
-Mainz swallowing the stone tile in its radius

Also, has anyone had any success founding a city two tiles down from Amst.? (Antwerp-ish). I wish there were room for a city between Amsterdam and Paris, as this is historically a very fertile land...
There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other peoples' cultures - and the Dutch!
> Nup! Not till Whitefire tells me how to do Ethiopia. *Sulks*

Spoiler :
A working solution has been figured out and posted in the Ethiopia thread.
I'm intolerant of non-European cultures. But only cultures. I have friends who has grown in other cultures so this have nothing to do with people. If you know, what I mean.

But you're Polish? You're not European! *opens a can of worms*

I jest of course, as I was jesting with the quote from the legendary Michael Caine. ;)
'tho back on topic, is there a good map of the Dutch provinces anywhere that could provide a useful guide for settlers?
This is what I use:

If you want to see it bigger you can find it here

Ohh and does anyone know if you can settle the Belgian areas too?
Ahh wicked, thanks. Maps like these I find really useful when playing an Empire I'm not too hot on historically ;)
I had a lot of success crushing everyone in the area with my culture as the Dutch. I ended up conquering France, Italy and Germany (and maybe more of Europe too, I forget) without any overseas colonies.

I once started as the americans, and the ai dutch beat yoiu easaly. they had the whole of europe, turkey, middle east, egypt aztecs, and persia conguered. And ironicaly spain was their vassal.:lol:
I always grab Pasargade/Persepolis (whichever is built). One city for 2 spices, plus you pick up Ivory, Deer, Iron, Wine and Incense. Most of which you can't get in SE Asia.

EDIT: If you run a start from 3000BC with the unlocked WBS, you can conquer the British Isles in 5-10 turns with your starting units, sail down to Rome, take it's shrine, then proceed to colonize the world.
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