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The Dutch

Can someone explain me why each time i found a town with the Dutch, i autmatically get some buildings (granary, blacksmith...) and a population of 3?

Is it specific for the dutch or is it a new feature with Bts?
Can someone explain me why each time i found a town with the Dutch, i autmatically get some buildings (granary, blacksmith...) and a population of 3?

Is it specific for the dutch or is it a new feature with Bts?

This happens for all Civs from Spain onward to some degree. And I think it has to do with the technological era you're in as well, although I've never sat down to test it, or ask Rhye.
I won the Dutch twice. Basically did same thing twice:
1) Take Hamburg early. It never flipped to me, but it did revolt. If you wait too long it becomes well defended. Remember you cannot replace your crossbows!
2) Beeline optics. Build 2 caravel, load with explorers. Discover the world is round while sending explorers into all huts (credit this idea to Corm). On the way stop by the Aztecs to get the adventurers spawn.
3) Hopefully an explorer will find astronomy. If not, that is my next tech. After that gunpowder.
4) Use those adventurers to take over the Aztecs (they have 1 spices), plus you can capture a lot of workers.
5) Settle Australia in the North, cause latter you need to take some islands for spices. You'll see a number of good spots. Then you can send that Galleon over to the Pacific side of the Aztecs and transport those workers over to Australia!
6) With luck and skill you can get a pretty good settlement going on with the Aztecs, even generate some units to defend the homeland. The Dutch Indiaman with can get back and forth from Amsterdam to Aztec pretty quick (about 5-6 turns round trip)
7) Build up Australia and start to settle the spice islands (there are spices all over the islands north of Australia). Plus prepare in the back of your head to take Singapore from the Khmer. I try to get Australia and/or Aztec pumping out settlers and units, sort of have two regions: The Homeland and the South Pacfic/Aztec.
8) Beware of getting too weak in the homeland. I settle the North of Denmark, and sooner or later (even if they are friendly) the freaking Vikings attack me. If you can keep good relations with most folks it should be survivable, and they concentrate on Hamburg, so you can leave Amsterdam empty while they throw units at Hamburg.
9) I never did it, but there are also Spices in India. But just take Singapore and settle the spice islands and you will have 4, plus 1 in Aztec.

Why are you settling denmark and take hamburg? disband hamburg and don't settle denmark, to negate the close border penalty. Keep all your initianal army home. Its all the protection you need.
My stragtegy was to send 1 settler and worker to australia, settle the fish,iron,gems,iron site. Use that settler to colonize indië. sumatera first, then jawa, then irian yaya. Be nice to the khmer and trade for their spices.. Settle the mouth of the amazone. And you will have all the spice you need.
Tech path, is beurocracy, paper, optics. If nobody has meditation research it your self and gift it away to all. This should give you open borders with most.
After optics, build 3 caravels and explorers. Send 2 to south and north america, and 1 to china. After optics go for astronomy and gunpowder.
Build order in amsterdam, You can build 2 wonders in the beginning most of the time. go for it. Then build market, library and grocer. Ussually you have researched optics by now. Build those caravels, then build a wall and castle. You will have astronomy by now, otherwise pre build some settlers and workers.
From the start start running a engineer, when he appears settle him, start running a scientist too. let your city grow to the happinis cap and then run merchants to stop growth. Use any scientist after the first to lightbulb and trade. Settle all merchants, they will pay for your empire. Gift every worthless tech away, for open borders for your explorers and worldmaps.
At 1600AD your golden age will start, When it ends, you have won the game.
That sounds really good Greeneye...

I always wanna have more than Amsterdam though. And if the opportunity presents, I wanna invade either Germany for France. That's why I try to get some cities in Europe. Plus I like to play after the UHV and see how I can do up to about WWII times.

I have another strategy for Dutch UHV:) (600 AD start).

At start I send galleys with settler and 2 units into India, to secure 1 spice and to build nice city there(Palikol-under cows at the east side of India).
I beeline for optics, while in progress build 4 explorers, some buildings for culture and science, maybe some units. With optics discovered I build 4 caravels(I micromanage exploring every ocean tile before 1600) and unloading explorers in Americas, Africa and Australia and automate them(after I hunted huts).
Then I go for gunpowder, because gunpowder conquerors are better:). Then astronomy if it doesn't pops up in hut. Then I aim for Liberalism(if I am 1st I take Chemistry - Frigates) and after this I aim for economic techs. Tech trading is essential to catch up with others.
When Hamburg flips I disband it, but immediately I settle in Denmark under pigs.
Take Aztecs(1 spice), settle Cuba(another spice), and Caribbean, +1 city in Australia(iron city essentially).
After 1600 I sell my super map to other nations for nice money to maintain colonies.
Once city in India is strong, it can easily conquer Khmers(2-3 spices), just with muskets and trebuchets/cannons:) .
Additionally I settle with Aztec cities Java and New Guinea and if this isn't enough, another spice is in Madagascar.
That sounds really good Greeneye...

I always wanna have more than Amsterdam though. And if the opportunity presents, I wanna invade either Germany for France. That's why I try to get some cities in Europe. Plus I like to play after the UHV and see how I can do up to about WWII times.


Why invade? In my games the french ussually get conguered by the spanish and germans. After wich the cities ussually revolt to me. And for wanting more then amsterdam, their is always australia, south africa and the top of south america. (my posted strategy, was just the basic) If you play your cards right, you can control most of the sugar/spice/fruit trade in the world.

@heav, Won't your cities revolt to india when settling there? In my games they ussually spawn around 1600, taking any cities I founded in india.

Why is everyone so bent on conguering the aztecs? Why not go for the arabians and conguer coastal persia. Wait a few turns and they ussually collapse having to fight 2 wars. You and the ottomans.
No that city doesn't revolt to india;) , and there is room for another city on the tip of peninsula.

Aztec cities are strong (mexico-stadt + tultan) and it is easy to conquer them.
No that city doesn't revolt to india;) , and there is room for another city on the tip of peninsula.
Good to know:)

Aztec cities are strong (mexico-stadt + tultan) and it is easy to conquer them.
To easy. When I get the conguer event and not playing the spanish I ussually gift my units to them, espescially when the spanish are settling in north america. Good old monty ussually uses my units to start spanking the spanish.:lol:
In my current game as the Dutch, something weird happened:
The Roman Empire collapsed, leaving the christian holy city (Mediolanum) to the Independents. I was at good relations with the French and Germans, so I sent two trebuchets and two crossbowmen down there and conquered it - one turn before the Germans would have.
So now I own the christian holy city in northern Italy. A prophet was no problem since I had built Angkor Wat (or whatever the new name for it is ;) ), plus a christian and a jewish temple in Amsterdam = 5 priests.
I built the shrine, a few turns later got a great artist (caste system), settled him in Mediolanum and waited. About 10 turns later, Rome (which had been taken by the French) flipped to me. Unfortunately, Pompeij (which was still independent) had quite strong cultural influence, so Rome revolted a few times.
Since Rome didn't have any wonders built in it, I decided it wasn't worth the trouble fighting the revolts and gifted it to the Germans. Now, since the Germans' settling area includes Italy, they soon captured Pompeij from the independents. While Pompeij's culture was still down because of the resistance against the Germans, Rome flipped to me again (remember the Great Artist in Mediolanum?). This time, I decided to keep it and settled another Great Artist there. Rome's culture grew stronger very quickly, and now I own most of Italy and a great part of what is today the western part of Germany.
The Germans didn't settle Hamburg by the way, but Kiel (one tile north). It flipped to me very soon, and I razed it in order to take some cultural pressure from the region.

Besides, another unusual thing in that game: India has the best score, by far. (it is ~1700 AD by now)
By the way, in the tiles around Amsterdam that are not with a resource(all grasslands with rivers), is it worthy more to build what? All cottages, farms or watermill?
I am thinking in farms, because it has a good potential to be a SE IMHO and I will get enough hammers form dike anyway, but that is later in the game...
By the way, in the tiles around Amsterdam that are not with a resource(all grasslands with rivers), is it worthy more to build what? All cottages, farms or watermill?
I am thinking in farms, because it has a good potential to be a SE IMHO and I will get enough hammers form dike anyway, but that is later in the game...

Workshops. You'll need the hammers, and under caste system they are extra productive. Youll still have enough food to run several specialists. if you run merchants and settle them, its very well possible to reach a size of 40 for your amsterdam. after you have build dikes you should change them to cottages.
Workshops. You'll need the hammers, and under caste system they are extra productive. Youll still have enough food to run several specialists. if you run merchants and settle them, its very well possible to reach a size of 40 for your amsterdam. after you have build dikes you should change them to cottages.

Hum, thanks!
German just decladed war on me, and THEN, and only then, I perceived I didn't change to any civc yet ... :rolleyes:
Why are you settling denmark and take hamburg? disband hamburg and don't settle denmark, to negate the close border penalty. Keep all your initianal army home. Its all the protection you need.

Well, why... because with the extra fish you can take off from Amsterdam which doesn't really need it, you can have a very good city in Denmark with all those water tiles (good commerce). When Hamburg flips I disband it. It's easy to make Hamburg flip, research Music and use the Artist in Amsterdam, then make a G.E. (easy in Amsterdam) and hurry the Sistine Chapel in the city in Denmark.
Btw I settle my second city in Africa, where I take wine (happyness+health in Amsterdam), ivory (double happyness), iron (defense), sheeps (health), and eventually horses. It's nearer and easier to defend and with better resources than Australia, and you can settle it way, way before and launch Explorers and Caravels from there in order to get the first goal (exploration). Why settle Australia so early ? No need... I do it just before the timeline. To grab spices I settle in Guayana or whatever (2 spices), Caribs (1 spice), some island north of Australia (I settle on the sugar and grab 2 spices), south India (1 spice), and if I need, an island north-west of Australia, or just trade for it (very possible in most cases). I found the UHV very easy and Amsterdam by far the best city I have played in Europe (I played all civs except England). Initially I adopt Hereditary Rule and Caste System (happyness and production with workshops + GPP), later I switch to Organized Religion.

edit: just one note about trading for spices. I knew that in BtS it is possible to trade resources even when you already have one or more of that kind. Well, for some reasons I couldn't, the AI would say "is it a joke ?" or something like this (redded out). So I had to present all my 6 spices to the 6 weakest civs, trade for 1 spices, and then declare war to those 6 civs and win the turn after.
Workshops. You'll need the hammers, and under caste system they are extra productive. Youll still have enough food to run several specialists. if you run merchants and settle them, its very well possible to reach a size of 40 for your amsterdam. after you have build dikes you should change them to cottages.

I do farms and focus on pumping out Great Scientists and Engineers. I settle them as super specialists and get hammers from them.
edit: just one note about trading for spices. I knew that in BtS it is possible to trade resources even when you already have one or more of that kind. Well, for some reasons I couldn't, the AI would say "is it a joke ?" or something like this (redded out).

Only if you have a corporation that needs the ressource otherwise the Ais will not trade it away (probably to avoid players accidently trading for something that doesn't benefit them).
In my Game, I win on UHV conditions, i first get the 2nd settler with an armyman on a gally and go down South Africa.
So the 2nd City, while early founded, gets a really powerhouse and controled the whole expandations.
So Amsterdam was free, becoming a cultural and researching highlight.
Man, the first city in north-west Australia(with gems and iron) helps a lot! From there i did pump out 3 more settlers to settle 2 spices north and one in that small island south-east of Africa!
The others got out of Amsterdam(I didn't get Hamburg flipped by the way, even building a wonder early :( )and I did two cities in the 2 spices north-east of South-America and then the spices in the islands of Central-America!
I do farms and focus on pumping out Great Scientists and Engineers. I settle them as super specialists and get hammers from them.

My first great people are GE, then scientist, merchants. I settle them all. I find I get so many GP, its almost no fun anymore;) Currently I'm focussing to get as many merchants as needed to fill all gp slots in my city. And those early workshops help me get some early wonders.

Man, the first city in north-west Australia(with gems and iron) helps a lot! From there i did pump out 3 more settlers to settle 2 spices north and one in that small island south-east of Africa!

Currently I'm experimenting with settling my first settler in s-africa, just below the gold. With four units (drill crosbows) you can close all routes to the city from maurading impis, and get GG from the battles against them when they suiciede on your crosbows. Growth and production is better then in Australia.
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