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The History of the Earth: 2000 - 3000 AD

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I'm not crazy...
Aug 29, 2003
In the shadows...
Well, it's not really 'history' if you first think about it, but if you think about it for a while, it kinda is. So, pretend that you're a historian in the year 3000 AD. You're making a book or books that describes in detail all the major events since the primitive days of 2000 AD. There's a wide range of things to put in. Wars, scientific breakthroughs, the arts... What would you include?
Well...u'll have to include Iraq, 9/11, SARS, and a lot more...
Why SARS? It had virtually no impact. If you include SARS, you'll have to include every single petty epidemic that had been around since the birth of Christ and before in any historical book.
I guess that in the long run SARS will be a footnote. 9/11 will be, IMHO, though to be only other chapter in the internal struggle for power in the arab countries, where the fundamentalist plays the role of "defenders of the faith" in order to get more power in their own countries.
I also guess that the first centuries of this millenium will be an age of recovering for Chinese Empire...
Chinese "Empire"
1. The war started in 2012 after a series of economical crisis because the economical growth in China and EU cannot be fueled with enough electricity, oil and raw materials ...
Chinas was in the same level or above of Europe for many centuries IMHO. , until maybe XVIII century (some people even speak of XIX century). China appears to be recovering from two bad centuries right now...
Stefan Haertel said:
Why SARS? It had virtually no impact. If you include SARS, you'll have to include every single petty epidemic that had been around since the birth of Christ and before in any historical book.
I agree about SARS, but I doubt that you would have to include every single petty epidemic that had been around since the birth of Christ and before in any historical book...

You would have to include every single petty epidemic that had been around since the beginning of 2000 and on. ;) This is a 'future history' kinda thing, no? :)

I think that it might be a bit crazy during the first few centuries after around now... most likely some wars over natural resources, like fresh water and oil. The National Geographic even had and article titled "The End of Cheap Oil." In the wars ensuing, maybe a nuclear bomb or two (or twenty :satan: ) might go boom. Massive rioting and protesting would go on. The UN could possibly ban nuclear weapons... who knows?

And about China, I'm pretty sure that it would have the ability to become a superpower.

Oh, and later on, maybe some kind of freak major natural disaster.

Crazy earthquake in Japan, causing a mass Japanese exodus. Who knows what that would bring? Mass spread of beneficial ideas? Japanese wanting to claim new land for their own? Spread of Japanese culture worldwide? :hmm: Oh, and the tsunamies! They would reach China, Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawai'i, all the little islands in the Pacific, Canada and the US.

Global warming causes sea levels to rise. Could be beneficial to northern countries like Canada and Russia... with the flooding and warming affecting the northern latitudes. Kinda like flood plains, opening up farming opportunities.

Volcano erupting somewhere in the Pacific, spewing scary amounts of ash and dust in the atmosphere, darkening the sky for months, no, years. It could cause mass extinctions. Dying vegetation. Worldwide deppressions? Hmmm...

I think these would be very interesting things, yes? But, alas, it is time for me to meet my pillow and fall asleep.
I'd imagine it'll only be a few more centuries to perhaps 500 years that history will be centered around Earth before it shifts to space, unless something catastrophic happens.
I agree about SARS, but I doubt that you would have to include every single petty epidemic that had been around since the birth of Christ and before in any historical book...

I agree with you, I was only trying to point out my opinion- if you'd included SARS in a volume about the years 2000-3000, then, if you'd write a book on history before our age (how strange that sounds), you'd have to include every single epidemic in it. Just a matter of relation.

Now, if we're talking about AIDS, that's a whole other thing. I am absolutely sure that the list of total deaths AIDS will have caused once it's extinct will exceed that of the Black Plague by miles.
Stefan Haertel said:
I agree with you, I was only trying to point out my opinion- if you'd included SARS in a volume about the years 2000-3000, then, if you'd write a book on history before our age (how strange that sounds), you'd have to include every single epidemic in it. Just a matter of relation.

Now, if we're talking about AIDS, that's a whole other thing. I am absolutely sure that the list of total deaths AIDS will have caused once it's extinct will exceed that of the Black Plague by miles.

Outrageously true! (I agree :p )

We'll probably be able to eliminate major diseases, or at least increase longevity dramatically, by the late 2800's, though. Might have some troubles with cancer though. Which is more serious anyways? Cancer or AIDS? :hmm:
3000 is too far-away.
Just like someone in the year 1000 could not even in his wildest dreams imagine how the world would be in 2000, we cannot even picture the world in the year 3000.
luiz said:
3000 is too far-away.
Just like someone in the year 1000 could not even in his wildest dreams imagine how the world would be in 2000, we cannot even picture the world in the year 3000.
Ah, yes, it might be, but let's try.
We can start on what we think would happen first maybe 100, 200 years, then based on what we came up with, come up with outcomes and scenarios for the next few centuries, and so on...
It's a crazy idea, but we might just be able to pull it off! :)
Given current trends I think it's possible to posulate several things about the next few centuries:

1) global economic interagtion will continue forming a truely global economy making countries more dependent on each other than ever

2) geven a few centuries third-world nations will have time to work out many of the political problems

3) As an off-shoot of this I wars will continue to become smaller and more marginalized

4) By 2500 the solar system will be fully colonized and the first interstellar colonization mission will have been launched
Manverulin said:

Ah, yes, it might be, but let's try.
We can start on what we think would happen first maybe 100, 200 years, then based on what we came up with, come up with outcomes and scenarios for the next few centuries, and so on...
It's a crazy idea, but we might just be able to pull it off! :)

Ok, let's give it a try.

In the next two centuries, as the undeveloped economies will probably continue to grow faster then the developed ones(on average, of course), the power of a country will be mostly definied by its population. China and India, for obvious reasons, will become two major powers.
The western nations will probably copy the EU experiment and aim to further integration, to counterweight the fact that they are not as populous as the asian titans.
There will probably be something like the EU in the Americas by the beginning of the 22nd Century. And I have no idea where the EU will be. They may collapse due to lack of economic growth. Or they may succeed and even expand through Turkey and Russia.

I can only risk prediction for the next 100 years, and odds are I will be definately wrong. :D
I doubt the Eastern nations of the EU will EVER accept the integration of Russia in the EU.
I also doubt that the solar system will be fully (Or even half) colonised by 3000AD. The solar system is reall very large.
Within the next two hundred years the use of oil in armies of ever increasing size and mechanism will become impossible. Once a new form of power is found there will be a war as the powers struggle to take dominance of it.
In the process the nations of Africa and South America will be totally reorganised, while changes elsewhere will be less profound.
A war will blow up involving Pakistan, India and possibly China.
Russia may fragment to the East.
Armenia and Azerbaijan will fight a series of long, meaningless conflicts that will still be unresolved by 3000.
The Isreali-Palestinian Problem will cause a long bout of deadness in the region.

And very little will happen at all in Greenland
1. Between now and 2030, War on Terrorism drags out, fuel prices start to rise, a civil war erupts in Saudi Arabia, the US and EU intervene on the Saudi royal family's behalf against the Al-Qaeda led insurgency in Saudi Arabia. The cities are avoided, the West just occupies and defends all the oilfields and installations, de facto annexing them. China for first time openly backs the EU and US, their explosively growing economy demands more and more oil too.

2. around 2030-2040, Oil dependency diminishes greatly because of practical (unlimited) hydrogen based energy sources, transport uses hydrogen now, nuclear fusion reactors are replacing the fossil-fuel reactors and nuclear fission reactors. This instantly makes the Middle East strategically unsignificant. The US, EU and China remove their massive military presence in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

3. After 2040, Hydrogen based economy creates wealth for everybody, the gap between the rich and poor is dramatically reduced, hence popular support for Al-Qaeda and other revolutionary fanatic groups evaporates. World population growth also stabilizes and even starts to shrink. The Third World no longer exists as such, it can modernize quickly because of the cheap and abundant hydrogen. Corruption worlwide is at an historic low, democracies at an historic high. With hydrogen powered space-planes, people can travel from Europe to Australia in 3 hours. The costly (energy-wise) water desalination process is now not so costly anymore, give everybody access to clean drinking water, avoiding conflicts about water. Most, if not all local conflicts just wither away.
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