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The Steam Achievement Story series - #1 - Songhai, Cruel World


No, I didn't. All random opponents. Good luck, I guess.
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Did you choose egypt as opponent intentionally? Songhai 3*gold when pillaging cities and egypt burial tomb 2*gold when city with burial tomb is captured. So it should give 6*gold,right? Maybe I wait till egypt gets burial tombs :lol:

It would be nice if it worked that way. Let us know, I've not tried it.

I tried Songhai + Landschnekt thinking the 3x and 2x would combine but sadly they don't.
It would be nice if it worked that way. Let us know, I've not tried it.

I tried Songhai + Landschnekt thinking the 3x and 2x would combine but sadly they don't.

Isnt landschenkt bonus for pillaging improvements not from capturing cities?

Edit: How do I know if I get 3*gold or 6*gold when capturing city? I have no idea what the base gold from capturing cities is :D Probably bigger when city is bigger but that's about everything I suspect.

Darn, forgot about that. Just capped him and now I'm not sure if I got it. Also would have been best candidate for the 9 farms, but I had a bunch of Xbows. Was teching the cavalry.
I think you should be able to tell. Normally it's not more than a few hundred gold. If you get a load, then it means the multipliers are stacking. I'm not sure exactly, so sorry I can't answer definitively.
Unfortunately egypt didnt have burial tombs before I annihilated him.

Found this from other page. Not sure if it's accurate:

When you conquer a City, there is a percent chance for each Building to be destroyed in the process. Gold gained is based on the Civ's current Gold on hand and the size of the City
Wait Landsknechts get double? (According to the guide) this could be really lucrative.
I had to give this game up. I'm not sure what is happening but it doesn't actually feel easy at all. It actually feels a LOT more difficult than Deity. Something must be seriously wrong. I've done much the same as I normally would with an H-C-A game, but my progress is soooo slow.

- I have no cash. Yes, I know the AI don't have much money on Emperor, so I didn't concentrate on trades. I made use of the UA and hunted all the barb camps and took a load of small cities and razed them so I could earn a load of money, but I still can't stay above more than a few GPT.

- I have no culture. I have pyramid mosques and yet my culture is appalling.

- My tech rate is piss poor. It's like T225 and I've not yet hit renaissance. I'm not even the leading civ on my continent.

- I have so many unimproved tiles. I have a bunch of workers and they're working flat out, but can't get around to all the spots. Nor can they build roads in any kind of good time.

I think this will be the last time I personally play on Epic, and maybe even the last time I play Emperor. I will probably post an Immortal map next.
Huge map makes tech much slower especially on water maps. I'm almost controlling my continent...Havent capped venice yet though. Might be my last game on epic speed if i even finish this one. Post next map on quick speed?
Yes, I think that's a great idea :)
Getting the 9 farms in one turn...might have reloaded 3 times b/c I need to learn how to count/Zone of Control

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Hi - Long time lurker here. I pop my head up on occasion. Decided to give this a go. I've never played Epic speed or a Huge map before. Probably never again. My poor mac chugged through turns at an alarmingly slow rate from around turn 350 onwards. I had to turn on strategic view for the last 100 or so turns.

Anyway - 18hrs+, 642 turns later...

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I won a science victory. I can't believe it. The AI is stupid because Pacal should have won Science victory decades ago. They had 20k gold and were 9 techs ahead of me at one point. They started the Apollo program many turns before I had even researched it. I had gone so far in the game that I just wanted to see how it ended. I never gave myself a shot until I started popping out a few great scientists near the end with faith and GPP and noticing Pacal slowing down with his spaceship parts.

I loved the first half of the game though. Normally when I play I don't really think about diplomacy with the AI. I was careful this time. I made sure not to piss anyone off. I denounced others when there was a clear majority of denouncements. I really took care of diplomacy and I think that's what won me this game. I was able to make other Civs declare war on each other to control everyones soldier count and hopefully take their minds off a science win for me to come from behind and take victory. The AI is still dumb though.

Brazil and Pacal were fighting for a culture win but their base culture was too much to outdo each other.

Egypt and I had beef in the first half of the game. They continually backstabbed me. They took one of my cities early and I was able to defend about 3-4 additional attacks. The next time they declared war on me - and I provoked it by stealing some land with a great general - I was going to wipe them out. I had the army and I'd defended so often it weakened their military. So I went in and took about 5/8 of their cities. Liberated a CS and probably took one more city than I should have as the last one got me a 'major' warmongering label but it didn't seem to affect anyone diplomacy wise (how come?). All the other cities were 'minor'. Was it because I liberated the CS? Or because Egypt declared war on ME and not vice verca? Or because they KEPT on declaring war on me?

I offered peace after that and turtled for a long time. I recuperated and built up all the cities I'd just taken over. I still hadn't found half the city states or explored the other continent yet. The world congress was established and I met everyone. I should have taken note of the scores and it wasn't until I started exploring the other island did I realise that Pacal had a huge lead and was 9 techs ahead and thought... I can't win this. My Mac was struggling in the last 200 or so turns so I wasn't up for a war. I used diplomacy to try and get people to war with Pacal but I didn't have enough loot to do so. Even though everyone had denounced him and I was friendly with everyone. Brazil was an issue for a while but I managed to get Poland to go on multiple battles for me to protect me from a Brazil attack.

So I turtled. Minor micromanagement. Not tile to tile but shifting between production/wealth/science striving and hoping for a science victory. I thought for sure I would get done by Pacal in the last turn. We both had one last spaceship part left to build. But I got there first! Relief!

Really enjoyed the game overall. Big learning experience and I now have patience to play a really long game. I usually don't enjoy war but the last few games I've played I've really embraced it. The continuous defending of Egypt and eventual takeover was a lot of fun.

Oh I did the pillage 9 farms achievement during my counter-attack on Egypt :) Very happy with that. Unfortunately everyone bar Brazil (who eventually turned) went Order so I had to follow suit to do with my diplomacy plan and to stay happy. I also didn't capture an overseas city.

I'd like to attach the save to get your thoughts but it exceeds 2mb unfortunately. Any ideas?

EDIT: Also I was never going to finish ANY Ideology tree. My culture too was extremely poor. I had full Liberty, Honor, Rationalism and Wagon Trains from Commerce. Only unlocked 3 Ideology tenets. (4 if you count the one I lost when I changed Ideologies).



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Hi Joedoe! Congrats on your victory. I think the rest of us gave up on it. My Mac had the same problems you described. I'll have to rethink Epic-Huge in future, probably more like Quick-Large or something. Since you are the first winner of this game, would you like to nominate a civ and/or theme for the next game? :)
Thanks consentient :) I got very lucky... I still have a lot to learn in this game.

Not sure on theme. Maybe Washington with the aim of getting the Flying Fortress achievement (Bomb an enemy city with a B-17 - Washington's UU) on a large, earth-like map :p That's just based on my missing achievements though. I always play random standard/small games or games I find on civfanatics to learn and play alongside others, like this one! :)
OK sounds good. Washington/Earth/Quick/Large should be fun.
If America is going to be next civ we play on this steam achievement story you must hand select two opponents:Egypt and Germany

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Have your American Archaeologist extract an Artifact from Egypt with a German Archaeologist within 2 tiles.

This is probably very very very hard to get put but them there :D has anyone actually gotten this in normal game? :D

Edit: What difficulty is next map? Deity + quick+ large might make it very very difficult. I dont mind :D I want to lose sometimes. However earth map is usually easier than pangaea or continents because it has more luxuries scattered around places
It will almost certainly be Immortal, and yes, I will include Egypt and Germany :)

Idea: If you capture the German Archaeologist, then take him into Egyptian lands, get them (Germ and Egypt) into a war, then DoW Egypt yourself, with your own Archaeologist close to completing his dig, it could just work, right? No way you can rely on the German being there of his own choice :D
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