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Time required for workers

I do not quite understand what you mean, but....
Terrain types that the worker is on makes a huge difference. For example, laying a road on grassland is much faster than on hills or mountains.
Certain Civs have an Industrious attribute (such as America, China, etc.) that makes workers complete projects much faster.

If I misunderstood, forgive me.
Also i've noticed captured workers, work slower then homemade ones.
I don't know what your problem is. Why it's as clear as mud!

The basic time 1 worker takes to do a job is determined by: Terrain Type, Nationality (i.e. Industrious or not), Government type (I think Democracy is the fastest), and the discovery of Replaceable Parts (which speeds the worker up).

You can use more than one worker to hurry an improvement. For instance under one government type (Monarchy?) it takes three turns for one worker to build a road on grassland. Two workers take 1/2 as long ROUNDED UP to the nearest whole number = 1 1/2 rounded up to 2 turns. Three workers take 1/3 as long = 1 turn.

If you don't know how long a task will take, then send 1 of your workers to that square. If you place the mouse pointer over the screen icon for the task you want, then it will tell you how many turns it will take.

Everything clear so far? Good! Moving right along. :crazyeyes

Now, Captured Foreign Workers will only work as fast as their own Nationality and (if I recall) that civ's Government type allows (I don't know how that would work if you have destroyed that worker's civilization).

For instance, if you are France (Industrious) with Democracy and have discovered Replaceable Parts then 1 worker can build a road in 1 turn.

If you have captured a worker from the Russians (Not Industrious) and they are under Despotism, then it will take the Russian worker longer to build the road. It only gets super confusing when you have a stack of French workers with Russian, American and Zulu workers. This is even more confusing since the last patch because that captured Russian worker will now show up as a Worker (French) in some cases.

Anyway, its only critical when moving into an unimproved square. I try to send the minimum number needed to build a road in one turn.

Otherwise I ignore all this other stuff and just keep sending workers until the job is done. ;)

Now aren't you glad you asked? :D
Thanks. Maybe I should've specified myself better, but I think I got the answer I wanted. I didn't realise the stuff about the nationalities.
David, you were ALMOST right, right until you started to do that whole nationality thing. Nationality does count, but only in two ways. First, foreign nationals take twice as long to do the same tasks as domestic workers. Secondly, if you're playing as an Industrious civ (Persia, Egypt, America, France, China), then ALL workers complete their tasks twice as quickly. A good benchmark as to how fast your workers work is by timing how long it takes one to clean up flatland pollution or clear a jungle square (IIRC, it's the same number of worker-turns). Under Democracy, Industriousness, and Replacable parts, it only requires 2 workers (or one worker for two turns) to clean up a spot of pollution that isn't on a hill or a mountain or to clear a square of jungle. And double that number for every trait you take away (Domestic, Democracy, Replacable parts, Industrious).
Originally posted by Carbon_Copy
David, you were ALMOST right, right until you started to do that whole nationality thing.

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm not sure where I came up with that nonsense, but I am heartily glad that I can forget it!
Originally posted by Carbon_Copy
And double that number for every trait you take away (Domestic, Democracy, Replacable parts, Industrious).

A small correction: Democracy gives only 50% bonus, not 100%. In Anarchy the workers work 2 times slower.

I think that the base 'domestic worker capability' is 2, so base 'captured worker capability' is 1. Under Democracy, it should be 3 and 1.5 respectively but in fact for non-industrious civs without Replaceable Parts it is truncated to 1 (so captured workers are 3 times slower than the domestic ones). In Anarchy they work with the same speed (0.5 is changed to 1). For Industrious civs or civs with the knowledge of Replaceable Parts the proportions are always normal.


Slawomir Stachniewicz.
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