To make a mod using Microsoft Access


May 16, 2012
Hi. I'm new here.

I am working on a large scale mod but its too much to handle! Therefore I wrote the whole code up in a Access database for easier reading. I know Microsoft Access uses sql, so how do I convert to sqlite?
Not sure what you mean by writing it in MS Access.

Did you use LUA or VBA to write the code? Why did you not use the ModBuddy tools that came with the SDK as this allows you to write, edit and publish your mod?

If all you have done is write queries then it may be a simple case of cut paste into a SQL text file, but you need to use ModBuddy to bring it all together.
I created a table in my database looking like this:

Spoiler :

As you can see, by right clicking it on the viewpanel, you can export it to a XML file. Just wondering if I can do the same way to sqlite.

Btw, witch version of sqlite is Civ working with?
That's a nice find. Might be an easy way to organize and format content for a mod.

However, the title of the thread is very confusing. It sounds like you think Microsoft Access might be able to build a Civ5 mod. I'm pretty sure it won't.
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