To raze or to capture...that is the question.


Nov 9, 2002
So I know that in general it is a good idea to raze enemy cities that are not holy cities or cities with an important resource you want, or with a wonder you want to control.

That being said, it is obvious if it is a holy city or if it has important resources in it's radius or not...and maybe it is right under my nose and I don't see it, but how do you check to see if an enemy city has wonders you would want to control...?
Zoom in and have a look, or take a look at the Stats and look under the top 5 cities. If its not listed have a look on the right hand side, tells you who built what.

And raizing holy cities is great, especially if the AI pipped you to the last foundable religion and it pisses you off.. heathen swine! It amazes me how another continent gets a late religion then 100 years later its world spread percentage is like 40-50! Grrr
I always keep the city unless it is in a terrible tundra location or I can't afford it because it is too early in the game.
speeking of which, why the hell cant we have airbases, they where in CIV 2 for crying out loud!
So I know that in general it is a good idea to raze enemy cities that are not holy cities or cities with an important resource you want, or with a wonder you want to control.

That being said, it is obvious if it is a holy city or if it has important resources in it's radius or not...and maybe it is right under my nose and I don't see it, but how do you check to see if an enemy city has wonders you would want to control...?

Its all depends. If I have a strong enough military, I will capture it and try to hold it. If I know I will not have enough units to continue my advancement, I will raze it. A real valuable city, I will try to make sure I have enough units to hold it. In the end, I love to raze and advance, destroying city after city until my enemy civ is down to its knees begging. :lol: Alot of times if it is a powerful civ, and I know they will take it back in a few turns, I will raze it also.
The problem with razing is that the AI will usually get a settler in there as soon as it can. You're back to square one.

Might as well just hold it and build gold if you can.
The problem with razing is that the AI will usually get a settler in there as soon as it can. You're back to square one.

Not true. The newly settled city doesn't have the culture of the original so you're not exactly at square one.

I often raze the cities around my newly captured prizes to trim the cultural pressure.
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