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Too much civilisations ?

Number and abilities of civs ....

  • There aren't enough civilisations for a "historical based" game !! Add more !

    Votes: 28 50.9%
  • There are too many civs - because some "caracteristic combination" are identicaly - it's a game not

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There aren't enough civs because will be nice a combination of 3 abilities instead of 2 as now !

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • There are too many civs because some existing civs are historically innacurate !!

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • The number are O.K. but please change some civs !!

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • All is perfect !! Just play and see ...

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Dervish
I would like to vote two times - but I can't:)
Second time I would vote for your third question positively.

Probably because I still editing something ...

Anyway I succeded to vot myself - for the third opition too ;) .

Your third question sounds very interesting to me, we discussed it in "how come there are so few civ's in the game?", if you look for it you can find it on this forum Civ3 - civilizations.

If I understand right what you are talking about here is attributes given to each civ, like Expansionist, Militaristic and etc., right? Can we make more than two attributes in such commbination? Three or even four? That would definitely get very heavy on hard drive.
Originally posted by Dervish
Your third question sounds very interesting to me, we discussed it in "how come there are so few civ's in the game?", if you look for it you can find it on this forum Civ3 - civilizations.

If I understand right what you are talking about here is attributes given to each civ, like Expansionist, Militaristic and etc., right? Can we make more than two attributes in such commbination? Three or even four? That would definitely get very heavy on hard drive.

Sorry - I didn't browse all the threads ... :(

Yes - you're right ! And BTW I will add a new abilities - let's call it "Comfort" which will afect the happines of citizen.

But why you belive this will be hard on hard drive ?

May you explain this ?

Well, the game gets too complicated, if we add more attributes, that's just my guess I can be wrong.
Look, if you read this you will understand. I copied it over here from other thread, I don't know whether it is allowed or not.

by Feinda
Essentially, they initially created 15 civs, because that way each combination of the "civ attributes" is represented (where each civ will have 2 attribs), and frankly, I don't really know why they were compelled to round it out to 16 civs (by adding an extra Mil, Rel).

For example (15 civs)

Mil, Sci
Mil, Exp
Mil, Rel
Mil, Com
Mil, Ind
Sci, Exp
Sci, Rel
Sci, Com
Sci, Ind
Exp, Rel
Exp, Com
Exp, Ind
Rel, Com
Rel, Ind
Com, Ind

They then looked thru history to find civs that (relatively) represented those 15 combinations of attributes, and assigned them accordingly (probably with some awareness towards political correctness).


Frankly, I think they should have 30 civs, 2 civs with each representative attribute, and have one have a unique unit that you get earlier, and on the other have a "better" unique unit that you get later.
Originally posted by Dervish
Look, if you read this you will understand. I copied it over here from other thread, I don't know whether it is allowed or not.

Sound O.K. this point of view.
If there will be 3 abilities/skills/social value for each civ there will be necessary 20 civs !!

Sound better for me ... :)
I say to every civ his own.

all more civs give you is more choices and a more flexible game as there can be from 2-16 civs in your game ;)
and the attrubute thing, I think it sound great.
I personally think there should be an option in the editor to add a new civilization just like there is an option to add a new government. Because I like the civilizations that are currently in the game, but there are a couple that I would like to add. Carthaginians, Vikings, etc.
I say, the more civilizations the better. More potential trading partners/allies/people to conquer.

There's nothing that annoys me more than an endgame where all but four or five of the biggest civilizations have been wiped out.
Originally posted by EmperorSnefix
I personally think there should be an option in the editor to add a new civilization just like there is an option to add a new government. Because I like the civilizations that are currently in the game, but there are a couple that I would like to add. Carthaginians, Vikings, etc.

Sounds like a good idea to me! Although I think you should consider switching from one civ to another would be more perfect and ideal during one game, provided you switch, say, if you play Romans, from them (because we know Romans are extinct now) to closely related nation like France, Italy, Spain, Portugal. It is going to be a limited option though.
These additons of civs can come on different window or popup menu, if you reach certain level of development. Since we know that there are no Vikings and Carthaginians at present, they are simply dispersed among their off-spring Norway, Sweden, Denamrk and Arabs, Jews respectively. If we stick closer to History.
i think more civs will be funny.. i don't want to play againist same civs.. if there is 40-50 civs, it will be more funny.. When the game start u see different civs and don't know which civs are in game, ex any 8 of 40 civs. For this, sure most specified properties must be added...
And some civs will be called as minor civs(as imperialism2). They will be weeker (lover development rating, determineted city or unit numbers etc.) That will give the game different strategies..
Maybe it will be difficult but, if there are more unique units (and buildings), game will be better...

Lets play civ......
More, more, more.......

-Jim D. Morrison
i don't care, more more more!!!!!! i would vote no.1 and no.3 if possible. i know this is for fairness but it's true that some civs possesses much more than 2 civ attributes. for example China could be scientific, commercial, and to a lesser extent, religious too.
Originally posted by EmperorSnefix
I personally think there should be an option in the editor to add a new civilization just like there is an option to add a new government. Because I like the civilizations that are currently in the game, but there are a couple that I would like to add. Carthaginians, Vikings, etc.

You should get the Hacked Civ Editor from the Customization forum. This is the same CivEdit that came with the game, except it has the Add button (as well as Remove) for civilizations, units, techs, buildings, etc.
Originally posted by Dervish

... menu, if you reach certain level of development. Since we know that there are no Vikings and Carthaginians at present, they are simply dispersed among their off-spring...

Yes but imagine and if Celts have made an great civilization... You don't destroy sometimes one or two civilization before modern era?
Me I think It will have to replace America US civilization by America natives born civilization and delete the Iroquois civilization and adding Celts, Arabia, Israel, Spain and Ottomans.
These are the civilizations I know to have had an important impact in history. Celts is an exception but I think It was a possibility of history. If Angles didn't invade the Britain or if the invasion had failed Celts would have had all the tools to make a big civilization. And Celts have an important influence on others nordics europeans civilizations.
Originally posted by Ralendil
[/i]Yes but imagine and if Celts have made an great civilization... [/i]You don't destroy sometimes one or two civilization before modern era?
Me I think It will have to replace America US civilization by America natives born civilization and delete the Iroquois civilization and adding Celts, Arabia, Israel, Spain and Ottomans.
These are the civilizations I know to have had an important impact in history. Celts is an exception but I think It was a possibility of history. If Angles didn't invade the Britain or if the invasion had failed Celts would have had all the tools to make a big civilization. And Celts have an important influence on others nordics europeans civilizations.

The Celts were indeed a great civilization.

Military: At the height of Celtic power they controlled the bulk of continental Europe from Greece through France. The Vedic culture of India is rooted in the Indo-European Celts. They sacked Rome twice and forced might Rome to give them tribute for many years. In the end, the Aran barbarians (a Germanic tribe that was also spawned from Celts) were responsible for the final destruction of Rome as an Imperial power. (Of course, in the mean-time Rome had chased them all the way off the continent).

Culture: Celtic literature, religion and cultural monuments have inspired and impressed other cultures for centuries. The Celtic culture is so strong that their languages are still spoken today and Brittany in France is still a bastion of Celtic heritage despite centuries of French effort to stamp it out.

Science: The Celts had effective ironmongery while Rome was using bronze (very effective, it's why they ruled most of Europe). Can you say Scotland? More inovations have come out of Scotland than any other country in the world, on a per capita base.

Durability: It's also important to note that the Celts didn't lose their final homeland to Germanic agression. The Angles managed to conquer their Saxon and Jute neighbors but never did manage to conquer the Celts. That's why Great Britain is the United Kingdom of England, Scotland and North Ireland. Ireland today is a Celtic country.

I'd say you're right on target including the Celts and that they did indeed create a great civilization. Good luck with your mod! :D
Thanks for this celts history summary.

And my mod is in progress or in test.
I have made the first part and after the test of it I will attack seriously the civilizations adds.

I have added more governements, units and 2 ressources.
And I must test the ressources add before going on.

But I have substituted for long America US civilisation by Native Born americans. I think that USA are a scission part of British empire. But it's a personnal vision. Anyone agree with me?
I think there should be more Native American civs, like the Souix (don't know why they were left out..), Navajo, Incas, Mayas, Olmec, Toltec etc.

Africa also looks bare now (now that Carthage is gone). There needs to be a central African tribe (That one Ethiopian tribe? I know, they're not central, but it's a long shot). Even central Asia is bare. (The Mongols, too, were taken out). There could be some civs where central/southern Russia is, and near the Caspian Sea.

I'd like to see Australia have a civ, and for a challenge, Hawaii, and northern civs (Siberia, Alaska, Northeren Canada, Greenland, etc.).
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