Turnchat Monday January 26th 23:00 RMT/CET = 22:00 GMT = 17:00 EST (5pm).

Rik Meleet

Top predator
Retired Moderator
Apr 11, 2003
Nijmegen Netherlands
Ok, were still in part A in the exploration phase. Here is the latest map in the exploration.

The arrows are the general direction on where the warriors go, the enclosed area is what I call the free movement area so that the DP can easely move around blocked paths and other hazards.

The Warrior by the barbs, Attack the barbarian warrior and then proceed west. Rest and heal if nessicery.

Please contact me if the plans are alright or needs adjusting
We have no settlers and the earliest one will be produced looks like turn 9 of the next chat, if it goes that far. A settlement location will be posted here if current disagreement on the best location can be resolved prior to the instructions deadline. If not, it would be a good idea to stop, or send the settler and escort generally East along the road to Vo Mimbe -- they'll only get a maximum of 3 squares travel anyway in the one remaining turn.

Within the confines of the instructions by the military minister, exploration of the mountains to the NW and NE of the capitol is a priority to determine if they contain any iron deposits.

On each growth of any town population 3 or over, look at citizen happieness as soon as possible after growth. If the number of unhappy citizens will exceed the happy citizens, hire an entertainer before the town has a chance to riot. This should prevent any lost production turns.
I apoligize for the situation I worked myself into here. The one-hour rule is tough, and due to school, I won't be back in time before the TC to post instructions.


Should the Senate specifically approve my request for 27g, please contact Babylon and exchange this 27g for their worker.

Should my request be denied, or should the Senate not act at all, please trade Iron Working to Babylon in exchange for Mysticism, 35g, and their worker.

Everything is detailed in this thread.

~Minister Octavian X
Province Capitale d'Berry

Deux Rivières: Spearman(3)-Settler[5]-Spearman[4]-Temple[12]*

*Temple is placeholder until queue can be discussed next turn.
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