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TweedleDee or Cthulhu


Feb 27, 2007
Every game that I play I either lose and get TweedleDee or win and get Cthulhu. I don't think I've ever had one where I won and didn't get the highest rank, or lost with enough points to not get the lowest. Perhaps the scores should be adjusted so that you can only get the Cthulhu with a truly exceptional score; say 100,000 or 200,000 or whatever the very best players get. Weak scores of 20,000 or 40,000 like I usually get should rank somewhere in the middle.
In my last game I retired mid-game because I wanted to see the replay before the game was over, and I got Guybrush Threepwood. But I agree that other than that it's been Cthulhu or Tweedledee all the way.

I wonder what rank you'd get if you ended the game with a large empire, but someone else won (by ToM or Altar or something)?
Every game that I play I either lose and get TweedleDee or win and get Cthulhu. I don't think I've ever had one where I won and didn't get the highest rank, or lost with enough points to not get the lowest. Perhaps the scores should be adjusted so that you can only get the Cthulhu with a truly exceptional score; say 100,000 or 200,000 or whatever the very best players get. Weak scores of 20,000 or 40,000 like I usually get should rank somewhere in the middle.
Way back when I made a thread about this exact same subject, and I still agree. If I retire a game out of boredom/dissastifaction with myself comfortably leading, I still end up with a TweedleDee rank, and same goes if I win I get Cthulhu. So far I've had the same issue where I've yet to see a different rank. Considering there's like 20 or so names, it makes the ranking system look pretty pointless. :(

I don't know how scores are made (and I assume it's in built into the Civ4 main game so whether it's moddable is lost on me), but maybe make it so Cthulhu ranking is only for a win on a Diety Victory, so getting that rank truly means something.
I dont really have this problem. My last game was on Immortan difficulty, and I was dominated almost the whole game, but I eventually won a Tower victory. I ended up with a Guybrush Threepwood.
The scoring system's been wacky since Civ 3 - early victories nearly always net far more points than later ones, regardless of type - so a quick contest is your way to Cthulhu but a Cultural victory will probably never get you higher than the middle of the table.
Not that it really matters much.
All of my victories have been Cthulu with modest scores (4-6k usually), and I have had a victory of every type. However I have never taken longer than 450 turns to win (on large maps) when I have won so don't know if that affects things? In Civ my first ever win was ranked as the 2nd bottom name before (space victory with 1 turn to go and the lowest score :D )
Well if you hover the mouse over your score it says how many points you will have if you win on this turn. You get a bonus for finishing early, which goes away slowly and eventually turns into penalty. I guess the factor is 0 at the time of time victory but I never enable that.
The scoring system's been wacky since Civ 3 - early victories nearly always net far more points than later ones, regardless of type - so a quick contest is your way to Cthulhu but a Cultural victory will probably never get you higher than the middle of the table.
Not that it really matters much.

Well , I actually got a Cthulu on my last game, a culture victory on an erebus map, but that is unusual.

Part of the problem is the level used. I know I play FfH about 1 1/2 levels higher than BtS. So, winning on Emperor or Immortal gives a lor or high scores. Or the barbarians overwhelm you.

I haven't tried it, but I am interested in the new ability to move up levels every 50 turns. I do find that if I survive the beginning it is much easier to win big. So, playing on a lower level inthe beginning and higher at the end is very appealing.

Best wishes,

I actually earned Tim the Enchanter from my last game. A cultural victory earned by turtling up as the Kuriotates in a valley with exactly one way in and out, and just enough room for four mega-cities.
That one tile between me and barbarism (read: Hannah) had countless swordsmen (produced every 3 turns), Hemah with Water III and Twincast, Saverous, and eventually, Eurabatres. Nobody was getting through any times soon.
But my cowardly tactics caused my score to take a hit, what with the not having any territory outside my little huddle-hole. And I took longer than I should have due to some poor research planning.
First time I ever got anything other then Tweedle Dee or Cthulhu.
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