Two of One Civ?


Sep 16, 2007
I just finished playing through my first game of BTS (updated as of 15 Sep 07) and I am very sad. It is flacky (i.e. it crashes often)! I have never seen it this bad before (and I've played every Civ game since Civ 2 MPG on the PC). But my post is not about the crashes.....

I was playing, had the whole world map and thus knew where everyone was. Out of no where Catherine has a vassal.... PETER!! There were two Russian civs on the board. Is this a bug, a new "feature", or something I had never come across in Civ4 vanilla or Warlords?

Since when did the borg become a civ?
it's annoying since when someone demands you stop trading with "the vile russions" the poorly-designed interface makes you dig to see which one they mean. but, this is in the change list as fixed in the upcoming patch, yay!
"Colonies no longer can be the same civ as an existing one"
This was a colony: Catherine spun off some cities as a vassal state, Peter's Russia as opposed to Catherine's Russia. Besides that interface bug, I actually liked it (the fact they are the same country).
This was a colony: Catherine spun off some cities as a vassal state, Peter's Russia as opposed to Catherine's Russia. Besides that interface bug, I actually liked it (the fact they are the same country).
Same here, I do rather like the colony feature, though it would be nice maybe if other countries formed instead (aka from Russia maybe a different European civ forms or something).
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