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Units - New animation for Assassins by NeOmega

computerdude113, below are the listed stats I gave my gundam unit. hopefully if i figure out whats wrong with him, i can fix the others. here they are. i know this is stupid but i made him invincible and godlike in a way cuz i jus wanna have fun.

health- 1000
attack strength- 1000
bombard strength- 1000
defense stregth- 1000
bombard range- 8
rate of fire- 10
operational range- 8
zone of control
shield cost- 0
pop cost- 0
trans. capacity- 0
no prerequisite
no icon
no upgraded to
no hp bonus
civilopedia entry: PRTO_GUNDAM

Unit abilities:
all terrain as roads
infinite bombard range
detect invisible
lethal land bombardment
lethal sea bombardment

available only to america

AI strategies:

all the standard orders

special actions:

That's all. I know it looks corny but i wanted him to be the best unit. please tell me how to fix this so he doesnt die everytime he's attacked and he can fly over water and not only land
oh yeah, one more thing. for some reason, the lava giant i downloaded from apolyton can attack more than once but no other unit can do this but the army. how can i give this ability to other units?
Many units can do this, and it's by checking the 'Blitz' flag.
Ok, computerdude113, thanx alot for your help. I've realized and learned a bit from you and other ppl. I have another question though. If I cannot make a unit like a Gundam fly over water, what about making him amphibious? Yeah there's a problem there too. I made my Gundam a land unit, and then I selected the 'Amphibious' flag. But when I save the game, then load the scneario and play it, he stays on land when I tell him to go in the water! PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE help me with this! I'm a lil frustrated here! As long as there is a way to get a unit to go on land and water without dying when attacked, I'll keep looking. But I need help!
From what I remember (haven't actually played Civ in a LONG time :p ) amphibious only means that it can attack a city/unit from a boat to land, like the Marine I believe. It doesn't mean that it can walk around on water. However that is something that would be great for firiax to put in for a WWII scenerio, DUCK units
The best simulation to make a gundam unit, (as I have in my mod) is to give it all terrain as roads, and paradrop range equaling three times it's movement. It will not be able to attack ships however.... unless you give it artillery attack.

Teh ai would use it correctly.... except for the artillery attack.
The airdrop ability. Click it then give it an operational range of 3 times your movement range. Then it can fly over small areas of water.
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