VVV and HoF-V improvement suggestions


Jag är Viking!½
GOTM Staff
Jun 21, 2007
Stockholm's B.F.C.
(1) VVV: Its not clear what each of the categories require you to do. I'd like to see that on each tab. I assume its stated somewhere in the forum, but since I only veiw the last few weeks its not in an obvious place there, either. I kinda know what each section requires from the HoF-IV quattromasters, but it would be good to see the info displayed on the tabbed pages, imo. Either that or a link to where the info is found.

(2) HoF-V G&K displays: I don't seem to be able to display by the G&K leaders or by G&K map types in the table veiwer or the HoF itself. Maybe I'm just lazy/stupid. Or else its something to consider for future updates.

I think its great work that was done putting this together, and I hope you accept these suggestions in the spirit of helpfulness that they are intended.:)
(2) HoF-V G&K displays: I don't seem to be able to display by the G&K leaders or by G&K map types in the table veiwer or the HoF itself. Maybe I'm just lazy/stupid. Or else its something to consider for future updates.

you have to switch to "gods & kings" and submit the page, and then the leaders show up in the drop downs. they don't update dynamically based on selection
you have to switch to "gods & kings" and submit the page, and then the leaders show up in the drop downs. they don't update dynamically based on selection

Ha, you are right. I am both lazy and stupid. I thought I tried that but by changing something else it had defaulted back to Vanilla when I did. Now I know how to do it right. Thanks!
(1) VVV: Its not clear what each of the categories require you to do. I'd like to see that on each tab. I assume its stated somewhere in the forum, but since I only veiw the last few weeks its not in an obvious place there, either. I kinda know what each section requires from the HoF-IV quattromasters, but it would be good to see the info displayed on the tabbed pages, imo. Either that or a link to where the info is found.

If you go to each tab you will see the following text:

"inferno" : Players completing 8 of 8 Difficulties
"Machiavelli" : Players completing 5 of 5 Conditions
and so on.
I hope this is what you mean :)
If you go to each tab you will see the following text:

"inferno" : Players completing 8 of 8 Difficulties
"Machiavelli" : Players completing 5 of 5 Conditions
and so on.
I hope this is what you mean :)

Under Inferno I think it should state somewhere that you must submit a game at each difficulty level. Further, it should say how many games in each category will count towards your VVV score, what percent of the score that is, and then there should be a key to tell us what the + and - symbols mean. Same for each section. I think I can figure out everything except the number of games of each type that count, and the + and - symbols. I'm sure I could find my answers somewhere if I wasn't lazy. But I'm guessing that without this info, newcomers might be scared off by the complexity that makes it look like a closed competition for insiders only.

Just a thought.
Far as I can tell, all games count. Total score is just the sum of your medals, so the score is identical across each & every leg.

I thought it was + meant you've completed that type of game without getting a medal, and - meant you hadn't completed it. But in the G&K section, Tempi Trophy, Pujolsfan is listed as completing 4/4, with a - for epic speed. Might be a bug, might be the + & - mean something completely different.

Hmm, think it might be that + means you have a game that is the only one in its category, and therefore first but without a medal, whereas - is used both to indicate you haven't completed it, and that you have completed it while being too low in the rankings for a medal. Which is sort of silly.
When clicking on VVV, it would be nice if the default selection was for G&K+DLC.

When viewing the Civ4 HOF, the Elite Quatromaster defaults to all expansions and Vanilla+Warlords is selectable. It would be similar for Civ5 HOF to display G&K+DLC for the VVV default and have Vanilla+Mongolia be selectable.
When clicking on VVV, it would be nice if the default selection was for G&K+DLC.

When viewing the Civ4 HOF, the Elite Quatromaster defaults to all expansions and Vanilla+Warlords is selectable. It would be similar for Civ5 HOF to display G&K+DLC for the VVV default and have Vanilla+Mongolia be selectable.

I second that. That would be my preference, since I don't play vanilla anymore. But not worth a huge effort.
When clicking on VVV, it would be nice if the default selection was for G&K+DLC.

When viewing the Civ4 HOF, the Elite Quatromaster defaults to all expansions and Vanilla+Warlords is selectable. It would be similar for Civ5 HOF to display G&K+DLC for the VVV default and have Vanilla+Mongolia be selectable.

Yes, just giving it time for there to be enough G&K content on the different pages. Then we'll change the default everywhere.
I like how the VVV scales for difficulty, but it would also be nice if it would scale for map size. Getting a medal on a table requires at least 6 games (for gold) to be submitted with similar settings. As it is now, there is no incentive to play on larger maps and as such many of the games are played on Duel sized maps. In my opinion, a win on a Huge map is more impressive than a win on a Duel map and deserves to be reflected in the score. It is much more difficult and time consuming to achieve a win as the map size increases. With this in mind I would like to put forward one possible way to change the VVV to promote playing larger map sizes.

Make Standard size and Emperor difficulty equal to 1 and scale from there.


1.4 Huge
1.2 Large
1.0 Standard
0.8 Small
0.6 Tiny
0.4 Duel


1.2 Deity
1.1 Immortal
1.0 Emperor
0.9 King
0.8 Prince
0.7 Warlord
0.6 Chieftain
0.5 Settler

Both multipliers would be applied to any game. Some exapmles:


Gold 1.8 (9*0.5*0.4)
Silver 1.2 (6*0.5*0.4)
Bronze 0.6 (3*0.5*0.4)


Gold 5.76 (9*0.8*0.8)
Silver 3.84 (6*0.8*0.8)
Bronze 1.92 (3*0.8*0.8)


Gold 15.12 (9*1.2*1.4)
Silver 10.08 (6*1.2*1.4)
Bronze 5.04 (3*1.2*1.4)
Don't agree with that, at least not as big a difference as you suggest. Then you'd just need to play some large and difficult maps to get a lot of points. Am not to experienced with G&K, but it seems logical that a smaal easy games needs a completely different strategy then a large diffecult game. Unfortunatly the bast way's to win an non domination game is more or less the same for all VC's. In CivIII starts were more different.
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