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War Elephants Need a Boost

my question though ... is has anyone captured an elephant with a SCOUT ... XD


I threw two other scouts at it first, but scouts 2 and 3 both had the capture promotion, so it was all good. that Elephant was my primary city defense against barbs until HBR - then he turned into a Combat III wrecking machine against my neighbors.
In one of my games I got a couple war elephants early and converted them right after I got horseback riding. I then proceeded to send them into the neighboring Shiem territory to wreak havoc. Since they are hidden nationality that can pillage I effectively slaughtered his economy and took him out of the game while I dealt with the Malakim on the western front. Also, since the AI doesn't do massive troop buildups when they aren't at war I was free and clear to continue my slaughter over his lands because he had nothing that could touch my highly promoted war elephants.
I LOVE my war elephants. I was fortunate enough to have 3 wandering on my home continent in this, my first game of FFH. My favorite trick was to drop them off next to a coastal city of a civ I was getting ready to war against. The AI was panicked by the sudden appearance of these giant barbarian units and actually emptied all 5 units from their city, trying (and failing) to kill them. Next turn, I declare war and walk in unopposed with an amphib landing by a couple archers. Took the well fortified city intact and got a forward landing base with little trouble at all!

If you used ivory as a trigger for the event, wouldnt there be a conflict with dragon bones? They are technically an ivory sources, but they shouldnt produce elephants. Anyway, the elephants should be left alone, but maybe they could be "diversified" to give a little variety; but otherwise theyre awesome as is.
Personally, I'd rather see some "war-animal-" upgrades for stuff like griffons, sea turtles, sea serpents, etc...
I put way more effort into capturing griffons than elephants anyway.
The event I suggested only triggers on camps, and a camp cannot be built on the dragon bones...so it shouldn't be a problem.
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