[WARLORDS-SDK] 32 Civs in-game

I've uploaded it to the file database. Download link in first post. :)
Dale, does this mod worh if you edit the xml map files to create a massive map with 32 civs or does it only work using WB
Does increasing the civ limit but not using those civs slow down the game? As in, is a 18 civ game with a 32 civ limit much slower than an 18 civ game with a 64 civ limit?

If there's no difference, it would be good if you could release a version with a really large limit (as large as possible, 250 maybe, even more?) and let players choose their own limit based on their hardware/map size.

I think it would be cool to have a 200 civ game, on a normal map. A few "superpowers" and lots of small one city civs. This might seem unrealistic on current hardware, but hardware is only going to improve as time goes on.

Anyway, it would be great if you could release a version with the highest limit you've got to run a map and maybe one turn (disregarding how long that turn takes to process).
Ball Lightning said:
Sticky this thread!

I would like a 200 civ game too, but on a normal map there wouldn't be enough room.

A 200 civ game would work ... if you had a cluster for processing :p BL, the performance difference is significant for an SDK modded game which had 24 instead of 18 players, and the previous posts in this thread mention why that is. 32 just increases the lag time, no to mention rendering the default diplomacy/foreign advisor screen near useless.
I'm wondering if this could be changed to use a GlobalDefine so you could easily change it without re-compiling the whole DLL.
I'll do an update tomorrow morning for 2.08.
I think Nevermind posted DLLs (version 2.08) for 24 civs, 32 civs, and even one for 50 civs a few days ago.
Did nevermind create one for 2.08 or not? If not, I'll do one.
I would be very thankfull if you made an dll Dale because with neverminds you have to load it as a mod.

So if it isn't to hard for you, please. :)
Nigther, just copy the .dll you need from mod\assets folder to your CustomAssets.

But note. Any dll with more MAX_CIV_PLAYERS causes crashes of WBS scenarios made with standard 18civs limit dll.

That's why I would not recommend CustomAssets in this case.
You can get around that crash by filling in the team and player sections in the WBS header up to the civ limit in the dll you use.
Ok, thanks alot for the info guys, it works now!

But is there any way I can get this to work together with a mod? I mean without the mod maker including it in the mod himself.
Well..... depends on the mod. If they've got a dll file, they'll have to add it.

Otherwise, as long as the scenario can handle it, and there's enough leaders/civs in the xml files, should be cool.

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