[Vanilla] Weird "glitches" when ending first turn


Feb 14, 2019
Hello! I have a strange problem occuring to me when trying to play Civ6 vanilla, no mods. Whenever I try to end turn, these weird coloured glitches starts to flash over the screen, and everything gets dark. It is hard to explain, but it looks like pixels flying around. I've added two screenshots. This makes the game literally unplayable. Everything works, I can move units and build buildings, end the turn etc., but I can't see what I am doing. I've tried to reinstall, deleting all the files, but the issue is still occuring. I had CQGI installed, but not any more, and it should not affect the game. I don't know what to do! Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: The game worked when I bought it a year or so ago, and I've played a couple of campaigns in 2018. I first experienced the problem in december.

Skjermbilde (3).png Skjermbilde (4).png
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