What determines public opinion?


Jan 16, 2006
Norway. You'll never leave
Not sure I completely understand what decides ideology influence from other other civs. Is it tourism?

It's the influence gained by tourism. "Exotic" means one influence point as far as I know, "familiar" two and so on. That's why culture is much more important now if you aren't going to adapt the ideology of the civilizations with the highest amount of tourism - more culture means less influence through tourism.
This is a generally simple but complex issue not least because there is a lot of miss understanding out there and that is because the system is not outwardly obvious and there is an important distinction between influence and pressure.

As simple as possible...
Civ A has influence over Civ B based on the total tourism accumulated throughout the whole game to that point by Civ A... and the total culture accumulated throughout the whole game to that point by Civ B.

So in that sense tourism can be seen as attack and culture as defense which is actually true in terms of a culture victory.

At certain ratio points influence will change, from memory under 10% a civ is unknown, at 10% a civ becomes exotic and at 30% it becomes familiar.
So if we say for simplicity that (civ) B has accumulated 100 culture...if (civ) A has accumulated 1-9 tourism then A will have no influence (unknown) over B as the ratio will be under 10%. If they have accumulated 10-29 they will be exotic and at 30+ they become familiar.
In more mathematical terms exotic could be translated to say that A has 0 influence points at unknown, 1 influence point at exotic and 2 influence points at familiar.

The complicated bit and general misunderstanding from what i have seen is people think because they are getting influenced they are automatically getting pressured and therefore receiving unhappiness because they are being influenced. In part this could be because to win a culture victory you simple need influence over a civ but to cause unhappiness you need pressure.

Pressure is calculated based on the influence that both civs exert on each other with a cancelling effect.
So just because A has 1 influence on B does not automatically mean they have 1 pressure and therefore are causing 1 point of unhappiness on B.

So if you flip the above around to find out what influence B has on A you can work out the pressure.
The influence A has on B, minus the influence B has on A determines the pressure A has on B.

In simple terms if A is exotic (1 influence point) to B... but B is also exotic (1 influence point) to A neither are pressuring the other as in both cases it is 1 minus 1 which is zero.
If A is familiar (2 influence) to B... but B is only exotic (1 influence point) to A... then A is exerting 1 pressure point on B...2 minus 1 equals 1 while B isn't exerting any pressure on A...1 minus 2 equals minus 1 and there isn't a minus factor so it is zero.

A lot of people seem to simplify it to culture is defense and tourism is attack where as it is really the case that culture is defense and tourism is used to attack and counter attack.

If your still having trouble then it is basically the same system as is used for religious pressure which people seem to grasp more easily as it is basically your pressure minus there pressure where as ideological pressure is
Their tourism - your culture = their influence
Your tourism - their culture = your influence
Their influence - your influence = the amount of pressure you receive and therefore weather you get unhappiness or not.

Then to add to the confusion.....you can get pressured from multiple civs of the same ideology which can be cumulative (as far as i understand) and pressured by multiple ideologies.

In really simple terms if you don't want to get unhappiness from other ideologies you need to stay at the same influence level or higher than other civs with differing ideologies.
If you are getting pressured and therefore unhappiness you can either boost your culture to decrease the ratio of their tourism to your culture and/or increase your tourism to increase your influence on them to cancel out their influence on you.

Or go to war and stop them producing culture and/or tourism :)

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