What leader would you like to play in future GOTMs?

baboonfan said:
That's exactly what takes all the fun out of playing the game. ;) The point should be to come up with these tactics yourself, but I can see nobody does...
Hi Baboonfan,

I would say that if that is your desire you can chose not to read the forums. It is a choice you can easely make for yourself. But you can't force other people to do the same if they don't want to. For myself, reading about other people's game is one of the main point of having the GOTM. I can understand that you enjoy the thrill of making discoveries for yourself. But there is not much point to play the GOTM then, or writing in the forums. To make a Civ comparison, it would be like being sole civilization on an island.

Also I would like to point out that reading a great strategy from another player is not the same as being able to play it well, as I definitely learn each time I make a mistake in my games.

Anyways, I understand your point and it is a valid choice, but one that I feel you can only make for yourself.

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