What sort of undead are the Scions?

lol, that sounds fun. Btw, did you see the module I am making? What do you think? I could use input.
Looking at it now.
so youre responsible for turtles knowing when its time to mate and place some eggs?
Nah, you're thinking of Luna. He does all the interesting stuff. I mostly just daydream and think of haiku.
Nah, you're thinking of Luna. He does all the interesting stuff. I mostly just daydream and think of haiku.
seems like an enjoyable life. take care of space junk.

Also, while we are at it, from what I understand from the lore it seems that the Scions can only inhabit things made of flesh. But that leaves so many possibilities.
reminds me of that horror comedy movie (Idle Hands) where that teenagers hand is possessed by the devil.

"I tell thou a story of dark and magic. A story of the brave grigori Dragon Slayer named Antonius, whos hand had been possessed by... the most fierce and dark thing of the world, so horrendous and hideous that it chills my bones thinking of it ... a scion archmage called 'Binky the Magnificant'!"
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