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What's the deal with Call to Power?


Aug 30, 2002
Pasadena, Texas USA -6 GMT
It looks like Call to Power was kind of disowned at this website in the past couple of months. What's the story?
Did Sid Meirer lose the rights for awhile then got them back and made Civ III?
Is Call to Power now not really considered part of the Civ family?
CFC has never really had any proper CtP coverage, but it got shifted into a SubForum following the reshuffle.

Basically Sid's former company sold the rights to Activision, who made C:CtP, and then Sid took the name back so he could make Civ3. C:CtP isn't truly a civ game, and thus CFC hasn't ever covered it.

Luckily, Apolyton does, and very well, so its all ok. :D
Even though everyone knows the vast superiority of the CtP series over Civ III ;)
The CTP series is truely a civ game, a game that comes with a lot of new features and ideas, in comparision to that Civ3 is only a cheap sequel, but I have to admit that it sells well, but with that level of simplicity you can't do too much wrong.

And speaking about CFC yes it never covered CTP so it isn't a truely civ site :D, doesn't matter and the forum is not very Mozilla friendly either. So visit Apolyton if it is not down. :(

9 hours 35mins:cry: :goodjob:
Well...I like Call to Power myself, but I wouldn't say that I like it SO much better than Civ 3 that Civ 3 is "only a cheap sequel". Civ 3 is still a good game, it's just that CTP is more my style. (My username here at the forums came from my best Civ game ever, which was a Call to Power one--"Scheherezade the Civ Lord!" ;) That's the ONLY time I've ever gotten a title that sounds so cool at the end of the game. Because normally I'm not very _good_ at these games. :p)

See, I know about the legal dealie...sort of...but to me, I never really thought of Call to Power as being "just some side-thing". To me, it _is_ part of the Civilisation series. Sure, it's got some differences in the rules and so forth, but _so do all the OTHER games in the series, to each other_. Civ 2 has tweaked rules and ways things work and AI and graphics as compared to Civ 1. Civ 3 has all the above things tweaked a bit as compared to the other two. So...sure, CTP is different from the others, but I never thought it was SO different that it didn't even _count_ as part of the same series! I thought it was just the same old ordinary amount of difference...if that made any sense at all.

The main reason I like Call to Power and think it's really cool? Simple. I can say it in five words:


If _only_ the other Civ games would go on into the year _3000_, and have future techs that actually DO things, instead of just adding to your score...! Then they'd be _perfect_ and we wouldn't even need Call to Power (although I still think it's a great game). That's like, the main flaw of the original Civ games...they end just as things are starting to get interesting. Yes, there's Alpha Centauri, which you can think of as a _timeline_ sequel, if you want (because at the end of the original Civ 1 they were trying to get to...guess where! to colonise a new planet. ;)) but it's not quite the same, Alpha Centauri is like, colder and more complex and strange, what with all the ways you can customise your units and that...what I want is a _Civ_ game that doesn't stop right when things are starting to get futuristic.

And THAT would be Call to Power.

Call to Power has future techs that actually _mean_ something! You can make actual futuristic cities, improvements, wonders, units...and _see_ them in front of your eyes, and USE them, in practical ways that actually affect game-play! It's wonderful. For me, a science-fiction lover, it's like the one, main, missing piece of the Civilisation puzzle has FINALLY been found and put in. It's not just the cities in space (I tend to call them "space stations") and the underwater cities...I like EVERYthing about the futuristic era. Including the awesome-cool Wonders such as that chip that makes you completely immune to all disease and that satellite thingie that INSTANTLY takes out everybody's nukes, everywhere. BWAHAHA. ;)

Anyway...it's a _shame_ that Call to Power is considered to be the "weak little red-headed step-sister" or whatever of the series...because it's really a great game. It's original, it's fun, it's got _gorgeous_ graphics (and those movies! Wow! Especially the intro one) and it's got the one era the other Civ games are missing: The FUTURE!

Too bad it seems to "not count" around here... :(

Originally posted by Scheherezade Anyway...it's a _shame_ that Call to Power is considered to be the "weak little red-headed step-sister" or whatever of the series...because it's really a great game. It's original, it's fun, it's got _gorgeous_ graphics (and those movies! Wow! Especially the intro one) and it's got the one era the other Civ games are missing: The FUTURE!

Actual in my opinion Civ3 is Sid's own little cheap clon of Civ2 :D;), again no real new ideas how to deal with improveving the terrain, to move the task from settlers to workers in not the solution in the end I have again to move around hundrets of units, that wa also the reason why I never tought Alpha Centauri.

Originally posted by Scheherezade
Too bad it seems to "not count" around here... :(


Well it counts on http://apolyton.net.
I have to give respect to Scheherezade. I 120% percent agree with what he (I hope) said. The non-combat units make games very interesting, actually I find it funny, In CTP (call to power) I can enslave cities/lost warriors, engage in bio/nanoterrorism, I can make my civilization become capitalist scumbags by having corporate franchises in poor countries (kinda like today), build space/sea colonies, take my civ. towards the exciting frontiers of the space age......... and then I play CivIII and I can't do any of that?!!!

I'll share briefly a genuine experience, which I have never experienced in any other Civ game. I purposefully created global warming and made the earth very into a desert world (food shortages) and then I build a space elevator(love the concept) and started to build a space empire above… and I was ready to take over the world. Except I built a supercomputer governor that had too much power (lol, love technocracy) that backstabbed me by declaring independent from me and made half my space colonies rebel. Unlike CivIII where rebels join the other civ, this one created its own civilization! And because half my power was split to them, getting it all back ment for an extremely interesting and blood cival war in space, for the dominance of the world…. Best game EVER….

I think, if their gonna’ make Civ4, they better take some ideas from the CTP series, because no way in my books do I think CivIII is better then CTP! CTP is the bigger brother, lol! Long live the technocracy!

Heh...thanks for the support, Bart, but I'm a girl. ;)
Actually, Scheherezade is a _female_ character of legend--I don't remember the whole deal, but long ago, so the story goes, there was this Sultan who believed that all women were evil. He resolved to marry a different woman every night and have her put to death the following morning. But the beautiful Scheherezade told him a wonderful story every night, so wonderful that he decided not to kill her that morning, so that he could hear another one, and kept doing this for 1,001 nights. Finally he let her off the hook entirely and stopped wanting to kill her at all.
If you've ever heard of the "1,001 Arabian Nights Stories", that's supposedly where they come from. You know. Aladdin And His Magic Lamp. Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. The Voyages of Sinbad. Etc. Those ones. Supposedly Scheherezade was the original storyteller, though of course she probably never existed and the stories go back much further than that, though _how_ far nobody is quite certain.

More importantly to OUR discussion, though, Scheherezade is _also_ the default name of the female Persian leader in Civilisation: Call to Power. Try starting a new game, choose to play as the Persians, and then choose to be female. You'll see the name. :) (Some of the default character names in that game are _not_ real people from history, but are mythological characters instead. Another good example would be both of the Welsh leaders names--neither Arawn nor Rhiannon were real people! They're from ancient Celtic myths.)

Why choose such an unwieldy/hard to spell name? Well, ya see, my very best Civ game ever was one time when I was playing as the Persians (and left the default leader name alone). I ended up as Scheherezade the Civ-Lord. Best title I ever got. So, that's why I chose to use that name here. It's Civ-related, it's from _my_ favourite game in the series, and, since it's from my best game, I'm likely to be able to remember it for future log-ins. (shrug)

Anyway, Scheherezade is a _female_ character. :p
But seriously, I'm not mad. I've been mistaken for a guy on the 'net several times before...usually only when I'm using an androgynous or outright male character's name, though. ;)

However, what's _really_ important is that we both recognise the fact that Call to Power rules. :)

Opps sorry about that one. Scheherezade has an interesting history which - after reading it - I am shocked at my own ignorance and I hope you arn't offended by it.

I was also wandering, why don't they have the Polish civili, in there? They have certain ones that don't even exist(Zulu...wiped out by British) while the polish Civ is still existent... but not in CTP. With me being polish, I was somewhat offended... but I quickly forget once I played it. lol

I actually had another interesting game today, I built a bunch of space colonies in a line along the world and connected then... and once it was done, it looked like a "space ring" around the earth. The funny part was my goverment was 'Fascism' and I had a space ring...... I actually recreated Robert A. Heinlien's civilizations from one of his books: "Starship Troopers". (good thing too, cuz almost all my citys got flooded from pollution!!!) Anyway, with little stuff you, such as what I mentioned, I still don't understand why people don't consider CTP better then CivIII.
Oh, I'm certainly not offended. :p People mistake each other's gender all the _time_ on the 'net, it's no big deal. (shrug)

That's interesting about the ring of space stations...I never did that, but I _did_ set out to make at least five space stations, can't possibly be less, JUST so I could name the last one "Babylon 5". :p (And the others were Babylon Station, then Babylons 2-4 respectively, of course. ;)) I also wanted one named Deep Space Nine, but since we're _not_ in deep space, these things orbiting right around the home planet after all, I named it "Terok Nor" instead.

Yes, I'm a nerd.



As for the Polish civilisation, hmm. Yeah, it's interesting that they have some that are fairly obscure there, but forget others that _aren't_ that obscure. Which is why I like to use the "name the tribe yourself" feature on Civ 2, but whenever _I_ do that, I almost never name it after a REAL civ that wasn't included. I usually take full advantage of it and name my tribe after some famous fantasy or sci-fi race from my favourite TV series or books, and name myself after a famous powerful character from same series--usually a bad guy. ;) It's just my way...

Don't worry, I too am a nerd ;) . Playing the bad guy is always fun! I usually name my cities: Technopolis, Cybertopia, Bartopia, Metropolis, and Scientist Camp (LOL).
Anyone got any good names for oceanic or outer space cities? I once played as the Romans and got around to the beginning of the city list again before I started on sea colonies, so I came up with names such as Merburacum, Thalassicum, Neptunopolis, Antideluvium etc. Who wants to try adapting the Polish city names for an aquatic empire?
Anyone got any good names for oceanic or outer space cities?

Usually if I'm evil, I make them somehow *glorify* me, lol( Bartopia). But majority of the time I make them sci-fi such as:
  • Neo Tokyo
  • NERV
  • Fountains Of Paradise
  • Neo Washington (LOL, just kidding)
  • Wisky Outpost
  • Space Energy Frontier
  • Technopolis
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