When starting a new game...

Doc Skillz

Sep 10, 2013
Taipei, Taiwan
Do you choose a civ you prefer to use or a completely random civ? I've been setting up my game lately on Emperor difficulty with random civs on Pangaea maps. Though I must say there are some civs I favor over others.
Almost always choose. I dont go for early wars much so if I randomly get a warlike leader Ill be restarting anyway. Any of the civs that get other types of bonuses Ill play tho
Depends on my mood. Sometimes I pick an OP civ and roll a map, other times I choose a weak civ for the added challenge. I generally choose the civ to match my intended VC though. Sometimes I roll a random civ and just play by ear and chose a VC during the game. I seldom choose a random map though.
True enough. I do like taking random civ's but I do not like random maps. I prefer Pangaea maps over continents...as continents changes the pace of the game. Some civ's are definitely better suited toward continents or islands rather than Pangaea...but I will take it.

So far my preferences are for the Shoshone, Poland, Arabia and Zulu. :)
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