Why can't I ally with India?


Feb 12, 2002
New York, NY
I'm playing a game right now with France under v1.16f (I don't want to download the patch yet) and I can't seem to form a military alliance with India against any other civ.

I fought a war against India and had a peace treaty for 20 turns. Then we agreed on another peace treaty. Well, it's been over 100 turns and I still can't bring up the military alliance list so I can enlist India to fight against China.

I have established embassies in every civ and I was able to enlist Egypt to fight against China after concluding peace with it, too.

Is this a bug or what?

Also, if anyone knows the details on negotiating peace treaties, please let me know. There seems to be a difference between peace treaties after a war (seems like a cease-fire or truce) and normal peace treaties.
Try giving them an incentive.. how bout a technology that they dont have, lump sum of money or per turn money... i have always managed to make a civ wage war against another unless they have their own interest, for example, see if they have trades going on with China, or maybe they have another sort of diplomatic tie up with China... if i was playing India, i'd wage war on 'em ;-)


The military alliance not showing up in the diplomacy screen means that you need to establish an embassy. You say you already did - did they move their capitol? Try re-establishing one... If that doesn't work, I'll be of no help to you. :(
By golly you got it! The Indian capital at Delhi was conquered by the Germans, so it may have been destroyed. The Indians re-captured it, but I forgot about that. But wait, I still can't bring up the "establish embassy" option. BUG ALERT!
Originally posted by siredgar
By golly you got it! The Indian capital at Delhi was conquered by the Germans, so it may have been destroyed. The Indians re-captured it, but I forgot about that. But wait, I still can't bring up the "establish embassy" option. BUG ALERT!

stupid question: do you have a capital???????

I have a reason for asking: with 1.16 you can play without capital. Now I`ve never been able to get rid of my capital lat in the game, and from what you write it looks like you already have several cities, but I`d be interested to know if it`s possible :)
i reckon the attitude of the Indians is still something like furious or annoyed. As long as that´s the case, they will not fight a war for you...
Hey, guys, I finally figured out what happened thanks to all of your help and suggestions.

The Germans occupied the Indian capital of Delhi and must have destroyed my embassy there. In the meantime, my capital was moved from Paris to Brussels for some reason. I don't remember ever building a palace there at all. It may have been some bug. Anyhow, the Indians now have their capital in Karachi and I was able to drop down the "conduct espionage" option from Brussels to establish an embassy there.

By the way, I know the capital is marked by a star, but what is the pentagon shap thing? Is that for intelligence agency? What other symbols are there?

Thanks again for all your great insight! Problem solved.
The PEntagon sign appears near the city where you build your
"Intelligence Agency" (the small wonder). That allows you to conduct ESPIONNAGE missions in different civs. Double Click on the sign to conduct your missions.

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