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Why I hate enemy caravels

I don't mind the caravels nearly as much as the barbarian destroyers. Those tend to sidle up to my coastal cities and "blockade" my precious food resources, forcing me to buy a battleship to rid myself of the unwanted menace. My city defenses will usually repel a caravel, but destroyers are much more difficult to deal with. It also strains credibility to have a bunch of pelt-wearing camp-dwellers building destroyers in the first place. Maybe they're not really building them at all. They're sneaking into Bismark's harbors under cover of darkness and stealing them....yea....that' has to be it.....
The attached image begs to differ.

Nobody would complain if the Trireme model was replaced with a speedboat w/pirates model or the Caravel model was replaced with commandos in pontoon boats, so from a mechanical standpoint there's no problem. It's just a realism argument, and I don't see changes to core gameplay as being necessary to solve it.

Great, now every time I get attacked by an old boat in the modern era I'm going to hear Cartman singing "Somolian Pirates We".
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