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WillJ's avatar challenge!

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Originally posted by WillJ
Wow, Lyonesse, those look great!

I like the fourth one the best (the one with the lighting effects). A few things, though... Could you make the letters a bit bigger and a bit fancier (nothing real showy, just make them have serifs or something, and straight rather than rounded). And also maybe make the shield a bit bigger compared to the swords? I'd also prefer a transparent background, as long as the pic still looks decent (the transparent one that you've already uploaded looks fine, especially if the blades are made more visible).

If you could do all that, it'd be perfect! :goodjob: (I'd actually be able to make the modifications myself, if not for the fact that Explorer wants to save all files as .bmp, and when converting them they lose quality. :mad: )

okies, I think I covered everything LOL let me know what you think

please note that I have checked all these files for "file size" and all are now under the 4k limit
Originally posted by CivGeneral
@Lyonesse - Looks good :), is it possible to have the persion in my Avatar (Mara Jade) in as the background of the shield with the stars on the foreground :).

don't know how succesful we'll be adding a picture to the shield. I tried your current avatar and couldn't get it to look good. So I used a different picture of mara jade, still undecided how I feel about this one.....

hmmmm maybe just the shield?

please note that I have checked all these files for "file size" and all are now under the 4k limit
Originally posted by archer_007
Can you make me one, possibly based off my current one and dont do a shield? :D

If I remember correctly you had your current one made for a couple different graphics. Do you still have those? Would give me some ideas anyway.
Originally posted by Lyonesse

don't know how succesful we'll be adding a picture to the shield. I tried your current avatar and couldn't get it to look good. So I used a different picture of mara jade, still undecided how I feel about this one.....

Looks good, thanks :)
Originally posted by Lyonesse
okies, I think I covered everything LOL let me know what you think
Thanks, but turns out I was able to make some of the modifications myself:

Would it be possible for you make the shield bigger in comparison to the swords and make the background transparent?
Originally posted by Lyonesse

If I remember correctly you had your current one made for a couple different graphics. Do you still have those? Would give me some ideas anyway.

The third page of this section (Computer Talk) has a thread called Image and an Avatar. The images are in the thread that were proposed replacements. This was my original avatar:


  • dove-olive avatar.jpg
    dove-olive avatar.jpg
    1.5 KB · Views: 319
Originally posted by CivGeneral

Looks good, thanks :)

How about something without a shield?

please note that I have checked all these files for "file size" and all are now under the 4k limit
Originally posted by WillJ
Thanks, but turns out I was able to make some of the modifications myself:

Would it be possible for you make the shield bigger in comparison to the swords and make the background transparent?

getting closer? LOL

Originally posted by archer_007

The third page of this section (Computer Talk) has a thread called Image and an Avatar. The images are in the thread that were proposed replacements. This was my original avatar:

ummm okay, can I take the "liberty" of finding a new dove and rose, or would you rather I stay with these?
Originally posted by Lyonesse
getting closer? LOL

Yes, getting closer, but not quite. :D (Remember, this is "WillJ's avatar challenge;" it must be challenging! ;))

Is it possible to use the same shield and swords as in the pic that I made/modified, just make the shield bigger? I like the lighting better in the pic I modified, compared to the large-shield-versions. (Alternatively, you could modify the shield in the pic you just made to make the lighting look more like the one in my pic.)
Originally posted by WillJ
Yes, getting closer, but not quite. :D (Remember, this is "WillJ's avatar challenge;" it must be challenging! ;))

Is it possible to use the same shield and swords as in the pic that I made/modified, just make the shield bigger? I like the lighting better in the pic I modified, compared to the large-shield-versions. (Alternatively, you could modify the shield in the pic you just made to make the lighting look more like the one in my pic.)

Okay.....YES! Congrats! You succeeded in making it a challenge. LOL I'm hoping this was the same shield I used on the other one <crossing fingers> (not sure I saved just the shield, which would have made it A LOT easier to adjust to the swords <sigh>)

it is also challenging to go from this... to this

hmmmm, still "playing" with it

please note that I have checked all these files for "file size" and all are now under the 4k limit
Originally posted by Lyonesse
Okay.....YES! Congrats! You succeeded in making it a challenge. LOL I'm hoping this was the same shield I used on the other one <crossing fingers> (not sure I saved just the shield, which would have made it A LOT easier to adjust to the swords <sigh>)

it is also challenging to go from this... to this

hmmmm, still "playing" with it
Looks great (the transparent one), but unfortunately those are the wrong swords... :crazyeye: Don't worry, though, I can change them myself.

I want the swords in this picture:

Actually, I want the tops of the swords in the transparent pic, but the bottom of the swords in this pic. :D (Again, though, I can do it; I'll post again if I need your help--unless you feel like doing work for me for the enjoyment of it :D, and for now I'm going to bed.)
Originally posted by WillJ
Looks great (the transparent one), but unfortunately those are the wrong swords... :crazyeye: Don't worry, though, I can change them myself.

I want the swords in this picture:

Actually, I want the tops of the swords in the transparent pic, but the bottom of the swords in this pic. :D (Again, though, I can do it; I'll post again if I need your help--unless you feel like doing work for me for the enjoyment of it :D, and for now I'm going to bed.)

LMAO Actually those are the same swords just sized differently LOL As of right now I'm seeing spots :crazyeye: so I'm going to take "break" from graphics for a bit. Let me know if you beat me to the last "details" :jump:
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
Wow, lyonesse ! Can I have an avatar? (based on the curent one)

still working on it :) Hope I get something you like. I can take off the "lettering" if you want :goodjob:

please note that I have checked all these files for "file size" and all are now under the 4k limit
Originally posted by archer_007

The third page of this section (Computer Talk) has a thread called Image and an Avatar. The images are in the thread that were proposed replacements. This was my original avatar:

went ahead and started "playing"....is this okay or did you want me to stick to you "originals"?

please note that I have checked all these files for "file size" and all are now under the 4k limit
Originally posted by Lyonesse
LMAO Actually those are the same swords just sized differently LOL
Really? I guess that's what I get for demanding a larger shield. ;)

Now that I think about it, the transparent one looks great as it is. So you know what that means...

YOU HAVE WON THE COMPETITION! (not that there was much of one)


I wasn't expecting anyone to give me exactly what I wanted. Thanks a million for your help. :) By the way, I'm assuming you're a guy and not a gal (so that what I say in my sig makes sense)?
If you have some spare time, I would be indepted to you if you made me one...since I have none :D

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, allows you to design as you may, so long as it reflects the image of my name.


Also, what program is it you are using?
Originally posted by WillJ
I wasn't expecting anyone to give me exactly what I wanted. Thanks a million for your help. :) By the way, I'm assuming you're a guy and not a gal (so that what I say in my sig makes sense)?

Glad we finally got something you are happy with! And you are more than welcome for the help (I love graphics :) )

A guy? with the username Lyonesse? ooooooooo ;) (nope I'm a gal :goodjob: ) But thanks for the "credit" in your signature!
Originally posted by sourboy
If you have some spare time, I would be indepted to you if you made me one...since I have none :D

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, allows you to design as you may, so long as it reflects the image of my name.


Also, what program is it you are using?

hmmmm, I will accept it, but are you sure you want to give me full reign on the design? "Sourboy" could be soooooo many things LOL Any ideas on what you would like? (any ideas at all would help :) )

I will get to it ASAP, I have to take my son to the dr. to get his arm x-rayed :sad: But I will get to it as soon as I can (in the meantime...throw out some ideas :goodjob: )
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