Windows 10 updated and suddenly DX12 does not work anymore.


Mar 4, 2010
So this particular problem is not exclusive to CiV, I have been having issues with Windows and games for months when windows updated.

What happens specifically now is that DX12 mode is not working on Civ, I get the error "No compatible graphics device found"... but it works fine in Dx11 for now.

This is not the gpu (a 1070) or anything like that, it was working fine before windows updated a week ago, but I think the issue is somehow related to Directx that's not working properly.

Other games (Namely, Stellaris, etc) give errors in failing to initialize Direct3D or 'finding a compatible graphics device'

I already reinstalled Direcx (With the installerso f many games, even downloaded directx), the redistributables too, the graphics drivers, I even attempted a manual uninstall of DirecX (Deleting some files then reinstall) but I still get those errors, and VI with DX12 is the most recent one.

I mainly want to avoid having to do a clean reinstall of windows because of the time it would take me so I don't know what else I can try , any ideas?


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Yep, several times.
"Yep", clean install, or "yep", reinstall?

By clean install I mean completely deleting all traces of the Nvidia software - drivers & packages like with Guru3d's DDU utility and then downloading the most recent drivers directly from Nvidia's site and installing them manually. I had to do that when I finally updated my Windows version from 1511 a year or so ago. Which version are you running now - 1809?

If a clean install doesn't work you might also try verifying the integrity of your Civ VI game files through Steam, manually checking for Windows updates in Update & Security, check to make sure you don't have any errors under Device Manager, or try running a test/benchmark with 3rd party software - something like UserBenchmark or Heaven Benchmark to see how well your GPU is performing.

I guess a last resort if everything else fails & Google search turns up nothing would be, as you state, a clean Windows install.
I have found optimizing the game in GeForce Experience also helps. GeForce supports both Civ VI and Stellaris.
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