Workers Joining Cities?


Nov 29, 2005
Riverdale, MD
Wouldn't it be nice if you could have workers temporarily join a city when you set them to "sleep" in one? So basically if you hit "F" on a worker who is in a city square, the function would be "Join City" rather than "Sleep."
It was a horrible exploit in Civ3.
Interesting...I have no memory of that in Civ III...granted I didn't play it much as it just wasn't as fun (imo) as Civ II.
It made it far too easy to pile population into a city, which was very exploitable. I think the problem would be even worse in Civ 4 as individual cities are more powerful.
I will say this - In civ III it gave you the ability to transfer population quickly from one city to another, giving the target city a boost in productivity. Of course, it imbalanced the food/population ratio so each turn (or few turns), your population boost died off.

This really isn't much different than the related topic of sending migrants to other countries and affecting their culture and gaining benefit from it yourself. The only difference is here you're just doing it within your own borders.

As for whether or not I support this idea, I suppose the jury's still out.
Seems to me any sort of abuse issues could be offset by a simple cap of one or two workers being allowed to join a given city, or maybe making it so they can only join as half-production specialists or something, still with the cap in place.
Maybe I am missing something here, but I dont see how you could "exploit" this option in CIV3...I mean, you had to lose 1 population to create the worker, so you were essentially giving it back to the city. And if you used captured workers, you added foreign population to your city.

I don't think it would be a good idea in CIV4 since you don't lose population while building workers. So towards the end of the game you could have 2 or 3 cities building workers each turn just to add to another city. It would surely make the game unbalanced.

But if you put a cap on the number of additions maybe it would work.
It was unbalanced because thanks to the way multipliers work a fully built up city of size was more powerful than two partly built up cities of size 10. You could also simply dump five or six extra workers into a city if it was losing a wonder race. I was quite glad to see the back of this in Civ 4.
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