world builder?

Is it possible to have a transparant picture of example the World Map that you can build your terrain on in the world builder? That would make it sooooo much easier.
I don't know yet if that will be possible (I kind of doubt it). However, assuming I can figure out how to work file attachments in what the forum assures me is my first post here, you should find attached a zip file containing PNG files of hex grids matching the standard sizes of Civ V maps. I plan on using these as overlays in Photoshop (for which purpose you'll probably need to magic-wand & delete out the white background), to either print out or have open on the secondary monitory as a reference.

Incidentally, I generated these using mkhexgrid, which can be configured to create hex grids of any size. Since some of the Civ V map generator scripts seem to use sizes different than the standards, I suspect we may not be locked into maps of those specific dimensions, so being able to generate other sizes may come in handy, too.


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