Worst Civ in the Game??

Gah, it causes cringes everytime someone dosent include the Iroquois when saying "Worst civs". The special parts of them equal to 0, if not worse. If someone gave me a civ with no uniques, no start bias etc., they would still be better than Iroquois.

UA- Nothing, unless you play on Boreal, (who does?)

UU- Maybe will save you in rare occurences, but WHO CARES about a bit of combat ability in Forests and no Iron. You dont even build Swordsmen that much.

UB- Not better in any way than the workshop, maybe even worse. Most cases, I would take a Worskhop over a Longhouse.

Its basically a generic civ, except slightly worse.

I agree with you but I do find it funny that in the hands of the AI on Deity they seem to do a pretty good job and can be tough to deal with at times compared to some other Civs that people enjoy playing and the AI doesn't do so well with them. Interesting how different the AI handles a Civ compared to a human but that is another topic!
The AI does well as them because they spam super wide (Hiawaitha is more prone to city spam than let's say Babylon or Korea), and Deity AI gets so many bonuses it can found a new city in the middle of the polar ice cap and it will still grow and thus generate science.

See other notorious spammers that are actually really effective in AI hands:

- Shoshone (grabs more land immediately, they can be more annoying)
- America (Grabs land and cities. The Minutemen timing comes so fast you can't rush them with anything other than Classical era units. Minutemen crush face)
- Russia (If she doesn't get rushed she will spam a ton. Post industrial war with her is not the best deal for you)
- Alex (He will spam like a mofo, probably coded because he won't usually conquer city states. If left to his own devices he may or may not rush you with hoplites and companions, buy every CS on the map with his 20,000 gold or wreck you at any point in time with his city spam)
- Genghis (if he doesn't get oblitherated by a strong AI coallition he can and will take over a conetinent eventually, including conquering every CS he can get his hands on)
both of their UU absolutly suck and their UA is far from being great.
it's like playing naked
Why all the Roman hate? They have to be in my top 5, all my best wins on immortal/deity usually come as Rome. +
Yeah, why? I love playing tall rather than wide (Well until the GON45 war machine starts)
Rome is perfect, you can build important buildings faster.
Denmark. I know their ability to disembark and move after can someteims decide the outcome of a battle and be super useful at times, but the no movement cost to pillage for melee units doesn't feel special anymore. Every civ can get this ability by getting mercenary army and upgrading that Landknecht into a lancer who can seriously wreck lands.

They're fun to play, don't get me wrong. It's fun sending an army with berserkers and workers to raid and pillage enemy cities, crippling their economy. And who doesn't love sending in catapults and trebs in from the coast and setting up and firing at the same turn? Delicious. It's just that they have nothing to fall back on when not in war. Denmark and the Iroquois are civs that could use a nudge in the right direction.

Oh well.
I wish America had an ability like
Arsenal of Democracy: 20%:c5production:while at war
Also, I don't mean to :deadhorse: but Sweden looks like a weak civ. I know others may play other ways, but like I'm giving a great person to a CS?
Live from under 20 feet of New England snow its The GreenofKnight Show!

I know this doesn't apply to everyone. But I play with 16 civs/32 states, and Sweden can get really OP. Playing the friend game and having 10/15 declarations of friendship.......
The trick to playing Sweden is simple: you can get more money than most Diplomatically-based Civs, plus it's not that hard to generate Great Writers, Artists and Musicians early on. You'll need at least 2 River Cities.

Besides, the trick is also in playing Diplomatically. Knowing how to get those positive bonuses is really going to be useful. My favorite way is coinjoined wars, so I get it rolling for me.

Sweden is very versatile in what it does, and I think it's my favorite Civ for Cultural Autocracy Victories. Just conquer those Wonders you can't get, secure allies both in city-states and in Civs, and you'll start snowballing any time now.

That said, I seem to do extremely well with Tundra-Start Civs.
This thread needs a poll. It would be amusing to see how many people don't think that Venice is the worst civ in the game.
Venice, Babylon

I kinda just hate venice generally. I don't like them stealing CS so I usually conquer them first if they're in my game and I really hate not being able to build in my cities. Babylon is just super boring, and invariably playing for a really boring victory condition as well.
Once you join the Sultan's Army, you'll never go back.

I had a lot of fun with them. I dropped down to Emperor though (since I also wanted to experiment with full Honor). Caught a glimpse of a Dromon, but could not engage, and I never did see a Great Gallass or Nau. But I captured a Carthage Quadreme (sp), a few Turtle ships and English SotL, and a bunch of Sea Beggars.

I am playing an immortal game now. So far, so good.
I had a lot of fun with them. I dropped down to Emperor though (since I also wanted to experiment with full Honor). Caught a glimpse of a Dromon, but could not engage, and I never did see a Great Gallass or Nau. But I captured a Carthage Quadreme (sp), a few Turtle ships and English SotL, and a bunch of Sea Beggars.

I am playing an immortal game now. So far, so good.

Ottomans are one of the few factions I really enjoy to play. They are just epic. Janissaries are great and you can use Sipahis they also don't spend movement to pillage.

And about sea! No one would even guess how epic they are without playing :cool:
They also don't spend movement to pillage.


Sadly, this fine perk seems to be somewhat "not-special" anymore thanks to Landsknecht being able to be bought by everyone if they have Mercenary Army. Granted, those 2 policies could've been better spent in Rationalism. At least they get the helpful +1 sight for later scouting and spotting.
Gah, it causes cringes everytime someone dosent include the Iroquois when saying "Worst civs". The special parts of them equal to 0, if not worse. If someone gave me a civ with no uniques, no start bias etc., they would still be better than Iroquois.

UA- Nothing, unless you play on Boreal, (who does?)

UU- Maybe will save you in rare occurences, but WHO CARES about a bit of combat ability in Forests and no Iron. You dont even build Swordsmen that much.

UB- Not better in any way than the workshop, maybe even worse. Most cases, I would take a Worskhop over a Longhouse.

Its basically a generic civ, except slightly worse.

I actually disagree with this reasoning. While I admit the Iroquois are low tier, these aren't actually good reasons as to why they are low tier (except maybe the UB).

For starters, the UA is hardly nothing. Although it requires a lucky start (an actual reason why they're low tier), on the times you are lucky actually helps in matters concerning gold. The caravan's ability of treating forests as roads is actually better than the Arabian UA given a long stretch of jungle/forest tiles at a time when roads aren't common place yet. Also, the fact that you can save so much gold from establishing city connections gives them an edge that rivals even Portugal's UA at least until Railroads. And let's be honest, Boreal/Arboreal maps aren't the only map types that spawn large forested areas.

The UU accentuates their UA a bit by giving it a better defensive ability. That is, it sort of removes the ranged units' weakness in jungles/forests at least until gatling guns and artillery are researched. Since unless the forests are also quite hilly, it will be difficult to defend with archers in a forested area. Plus the fact that Mohawk Warriors have extra promotion and require no iron, they can and will defend heavily forested areas better than an army of archers would.

That said, they still need improvement compared to better civs out there, but as I said, your reasons aren't good enough as to why they're low tier.
The Celts are arguably the most powerful civ in the game.

I agree, and extremely versatile.

A almost automatic Pantheon in the first 5 turns of the game...Yeah, that sucks (Sarcasm)

My least favorite to play
Enrico Dandalo
Maria Theresa
Gajah Mada
America I really don't like playing as. The B17 (I think it is called) sure it doesn't need oil but it just is that there is no real bonus for any victory type (maybe domination but there is no real bonus)

And China get a bonus.
Babylon is solid for all conditions.

Seriously, a Nebby capital on a mountain with great population, and a science natural wonder is pretty much the best early game capital you could possess.

You are using Japan wrong if you are including them....
Save you ruins early game and then pop them with a swordsman,....now you have a Samurai on Turn 30ish and never have to build a work boat the rest of the game.
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