Final Fixes Reborn

Is "Ashes of Erebus" more stable than the latest version of RifE? I'm currently having issues running regular RifE on Windows 7 32-bit. (Read about it here, if you want.)
I was referring to the process of changing which mana promotions an arcane unit gets upon each upgrade from adept through archmage. Of course metamagic by itself isn't exploitative, but in using it to get the 82 xp School Mastery, I think it certainly is.

Basically, it feels wrong to me to change many or all of the mana types in an empire just to click 'upgrade' on one unit, then change them back again without some kind of consequence other than 'micromanagement hassle'. Both that, and the AI doesn't know how to do it, so it's another intrinsic advantage to the human player(s).
well, again I disagree. there is not only micro-management hassle : you might depend on those enchantement happies or life's health for your cities. changing all nodes might make you have revolts in your big cities, your 6 law node will not give 18-30%maintenance reduction, leading to huge gold reduction, your 6 mind will not give you 18-30% more research ....etc
and you need to have 4-6 (or even more) arcane units stationned into your empire instead of helping the troops.

that the AI doesn't know how to do it is not really an exploit. otherwise, vitalizing a flood plain into a flooded-grassland would be an exploit :D
Haven't been able to contact my friend unfortunately, so we haven't tried both clearing our caches. Here's the save though, it should crash in a few turns (don't worry, nothing happens). Sometimes an error message appears saying something was wrong with a temporary file that doesn't exist, sometimes it'll just say that it has crashed. I'm playing as the Cualli.

Edit: We tried clearing our caches- still no avail.


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Great mod. I played a long game, Large Erebus Continent, and only encountered a single bug (which was non-critical) and had no performance issues (despite having a cheap, older computer). Oh, and the AI did a decent job too! :goodjob:

I played R58 (straight from the SVN) and the bug was that the Mobile Fortress of the Mechanos was not actually mobile. It does have a Movement stat of 1 but I could not actually move it :cry:

Also I can confirm the religion bias problem. Religions get funded by the wrong civs. I think you should simply hardcode which civs/leaders go for which religion. Elves getting Runes, Dwarves getting Fellowship, Sheim not going for Ashen etc. just makes no sense at all if you ask me.
Glad I'm not the only one with that religion bug.

I don't think that'd be hard to fix at all. Going to the basics and weighting what techs they go for AT LEAST could fix it. There's probably more solid methods as well beyond XML
I played R58 (straight from the SVN) and the bug was that the Mobile Fortress of the Mechanos was not actually mobile. It does have a Movement stat of 1 but I could not actually move it :cry:

If I remember correctly the mechanos mobile fortress can only move on railroad

Also I can confirm the religion bias problem. Religions get funded by the wrong civs. I think you should simply hardcode which civs/leaders go for which religion. Elves getting Runes, Dwarves getting Fellowship, Sheim not going for Ashen etc. just makes no sense at all if you ask me.

I don't know how much it affect the IA but civilization can have a favorite religion and from what I saw in my games, Ljosalfar go for fellowship of the leaves and kazhad go for runes of kilmorph most of the time so it seem fine the way it currently work
Right now I am playing a game where the Sheaim and the Doviello have adopted Empyrean following their glorious messiah Van Gossam :wallbash:

That also means that there are no more evil civs in my game (converting to Empyrean made them both good) and it looks like I can look forward to permanent overcouncil world peace.

Did I mention that the Sheaim leader was Os-Gabella? Os-Gabella converting to Empyrean.. makes no sense at all.

This was no freak accident by the way. Van Gossam is a tech powerhouse if he doesn't get a bad start, and thus he researched his religion long before anyone else had one. And as soon as Empyrean spreads to one city, the AI - any AI who can - will adopt it, lore be damned. It really ruins the immersion for me.

Also notice the gameplay problem of everyone becoming good/having the same religion. This problem is as old as Fall from Heaven but it can be fixed. Master of Mana got that problem under control for example.

I mean, it's up to the devs, but I would like to repeat that I think lore should limit religion choice, at least for the AI.
If you're comfortable with editing the leader info, you can change how heavily each religion is liked/disliked by AI. Search in the filepath:
C:\...\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Ashes of Erebus\Assets\XML\Civilizations\LeaderHeadInfos.xml

Look for the the tag "<ReligionWeightModifier>". (Use ctrl+F; it'll be much easier to find it that way. It might help to download Notepad++ [which is free], if you're going to be doing a lot of editing of LeaderHeads, btw.) There should be a few (both opening and closing) <ReligionWeightModifier> tags like that for each leader. Right now, in regards to Empyrean, Order, and Runes of Kilmorph...Os-Gabella's like/dislike is rated at -40. (Note that a negative weight means dislike and a positive weight means like.) If you never want her to adopt any of those religions, then set it to a really low value, such as -100.
Im having a problem with the 'skins' blinking in and out. Nilhorn Giants go between a giant and a 'large' swordsman. Cyclops flicker between large Mali Skirmishers and Cyclops. Orcs flicker between their non skinned alternates and orc skins. Scouts flicker between vanilla scouts and the skinned alternatives. Tigers and panthers flicker back and forth. Elephants flicker between Elephants and Elephants with Howdahs and riders on them....Game is running fine, but the flickers are disconcerting
Im having a problem with the 'skins' blinking in and out. Nilhorn Giants go between a giant and a 'large' swordsman. Cyclops flicker between large Mali Skirmishers and Cyclops. Orcs flicker between their non skinned alternates and orc skins. Scouts flicker between vanilla scouts and the skinned alternatives. Tigers and panthers flicker back and forth. Elephants flicker between Elephants and Elephants with Howdahs and riders on them....Game is running fine, but the flickers are disconcerting

Wild guesses:

- You installed/loaded the mod incorrectly
- You try to play with an Intel graphic chip (speaking from experience there.. :eek:)
- Your Civ4 graphic options are incompatible (*)

(*) I don't know if this is a problem for Ashes but I vaguely remember Fall From Heaven itself or at least one of its modmods suffered from graphic bugs like that if the Civ4 graphics quality wasn't set to High: Single Unit Graphics, Animations Frozen, No Effects, Low Res Textures all those low quality options should be turned off.
Im having a problem with the 'skins' blinking in and out. Nilhorn Giants go between a giant and a 'large' swordsman. Cyclops flicker between large Mali Skirmishers and Cyclops. Orcs flicker between their non skinned alternates and orc skins. Scouts flicker between vanilla scouts and the skinned alternatives. Tigers and panthers flicker back and forth. Elephants flicker between Elephants and Elephants with Howdahs and riders on them....Game is running fine, but the flickers are disconcerting

Make sure the "Frozen animations" option is disabled.
I play with single unti, low res...Etc. only Animation frozen is related to not having the proper skins
If you're comfortable with editing the leader info, you can change how heavily each religion is liked/disliked by AI. Search in the filepath:
C:\...\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Ashes of Erebus\Assets\XML\Civilizations\LeaderHeadInfos.xml

Look for the the tag "<ReligionWeightModifier>". (Use ctrl+F; it'll be much easier to find it that way. It might help to download Notepad++ [which is free], if you're going to be doing a lot of editing of LeaderHeads, btw.) There should be a few (both opening and closing) <ReligionWeightModifier> tags like that for each leader. Right now, in regards to Empyrean, Order, and Runes of Kilmorph...Os-Gabella's like/dislike is rated at -40. (Note that a negative weight means dislike and a positive weight means like.) If you never want her to adopt any of those religions, then set it to a really low value, such as -100.

That works really well and I made those values more extreme than before in Final Fixes. They need to be made more extreme.

The problem is that that doesn't prevent them from founding a religion they don't like....
I found another possible bug.
In CvUnit.cpp, line 28730:
should probably be
since m_LeashUnit is read in the read function:
The problem is that that doesn't prevent them from founding a religion they don't like....

Indeed, in my current game the tech beast Van Gosam has founded the first, one, and only religion again.. the White Hand. Yes, Van Gosam leading the world into eternal winter. Such stuff shouldn't be possible. The White Hand should only ever be researched/founded by the Illians if you ask me, it is not even a religion in FfH and most modmods because it is so civ specific. If I recall correctly in Master of Mana the White Hand is implemented through civ specific rituals.
The problem is that that doesn't prevent them from founding a religion they don't like....
Of course not. But the alternative is adding Civ-specific restrictions to certain religious techs. And that has a drawbacks, namely that not everyone is going to agree. Obviously, it makes sense for all the evil Civs to found OO, AV, or CoE. BUT what about the neutral civs? Dwarves are a shoe-in for RoK, and elves are probably good for FoL. (Although, Svartalfar are clearly designed to switch to CoE at some point.) But what about...for instance, the Amurites? Or the Sidar? What religion would they choose? That's where choices get more murky.

There's a reason that the original FfH team decided to handle religion by having WeightModifiers.
Hell'o. I have a small problem. My Auric Ulvin seems to lack the defender trait, he only has Charismatic. Is it a bug or a feature ?

EDIT: nvm i managed to fix it by editing XML file.

Thank you for great work with fixes and sorry for my english.
So...I'm trying to implement a custom state name for the Mekara Order in AoE 13.10. I've edited the StateNameInfos.xml and the GameText_StateNameInfos.xml. But the state name isn't showing.

Here's the code:
<StateNameInfo>	<!-- Dominion (Mekara) -->

		<English>%s1_sciv Dominion</English>
		<French>%s1_sciv Dominion</French>
		<German>Dominion der %s1_sciv</German>
		<Italian>%s1_sciv Dominion</Italian>
		<Spanish>%s1_sciv Dominion</Spanish>

What am I missing?

It's worth noting that I was able to get this state name working by just editing the corresponding files with the above code.
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