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A&E is dead.

I don't know if anyone has the answer, but why don't people use A&E for topics that are obviously suited to it? There's a new thread about the trailer for the new season of Game of Thrones in OT, for example.

I don't much care, personally. I don't have a dog in this fight. It just seems odd.
It is unnecessary to prohibit this conversation in site feedback.

It is also unnecessary to close a less active forum that still has a small dedicated following. It would take a LOT of convincing about how things will be oh so much better before I would seriously consider doing that. A little bit of carping about low traffic does not even cross the maybe I should think about it threshold.

For something like A&E I agree, but for game specific subs like Total War and Spore (LOL) they really don't need their own subforums anymore (and haven't in years) and are pretty much dead with maybe a post a month. They also take up a huge amount of space on your screen when viewing AoG and it is incredibly annoying and has been for years.

Bumping relevant thread.
Maybe it's enough to just not move threads between OT and A&E whatever the topic is.

That's what we do.

A&E is there for people who want to use it. For those who don't, you can post on those topics in OT if you prefer. This way everyone is as happy as can be reasonably expected. There's no need to close down A&E because for those who don't want to use it, it makes no difference to what they can do elsewhere.

It is also unnecessary to keep bringing up this conversation when the poster knows it's going to seriously rile up the very people who would be most negatively affected if the admins were to accede to the poster's request.

In short, it's just plain rude to keep acting like A&E is this Urgent Problem That Needs To Go Away when the people who use this forum know otherwise, and evidently the admins don't consider it an Urgent Problem either. That's why I asked if there could be a stop to these threads that accomplish nothing except to start an argument and get some of us angry with whoever posts the thread (and those who support the OP).

We can hardly say that no-one's allowed to suggest the removal of A&E, as if A&E has some kind of specific constitutional protection. But we have a policy on A&E that seems to work now, so that's what we'll say. If anyone can make a good case for why that policy doesn't work, and why an alternative would be better, we'll listen. Nothing is to be ruled out of court. But I see no such case being made here.
I never understood why "what movies have you seen" or "what musicare you listening too" are kept in OT, while "what classical music are you listening too" (for instance) is A&E. But I'll go with Plotinus' explanation.
That being said, I'll go and listen to some more classical music, so I can add more posts in A&E :)
We can hardly say that no-one's allowed to suggest the removal of A&E, as if A&E has some kind of specific constitutional protection. But we have a policy on A&E that seems to work now, so that's what we'll say. If anyone can make a good case for why that policy doesn't work, and why an alternative would be better, we'll listen. Nothing is to be ruled out of court. But I see no such case being made here.
Plotinus, I hope you can understand why I consider it rude that certain people keep bringing up this issue. It happens far more frequently than issues concerning other specific non-OT forums, and since the admins have said repeatedly over the years that there are no plans to eliminate or merge A&E with anything else, all these periodic "Merge A&E/eliminate A&E" threads accomplish is to start an argument, cause anger, and stress people out. To borrow Lefty's word, they are unnecessary. You know yourself that there are far fewer moderating issues in A&E than there used to be, and the discussion rarely gets to the point of needing a "calm down" message, let alone a warning or infraction.

To everyone else: Once a forum is created, it's up to the members to use it. It's absurd to expect that somehow there will always be something there to entertain you; if there isn't, the obvious choices are either to find more interesting areas of the forum or start a discussion you do find entertaining. You get out of a forum what you put into it. If you contribute discussion or pictures or artwork or videos or writing in the form of stories/poems to the A&E threads, that's wonderful. I daresay that those who do these things get much more out of A&E than the people who never bother and just complain that the rest of us haven't entertained them and therefore the forum is useless and should be merged into OT. There are topics and activities that thrive in A&E that would die in OT, buried under a mass of serial threads and political/religious arguments. Those of us who take part in these topics and activities are, as I said before, happy and grateful that there is finally an area of the forum where we're not in anyone's way and where we can find our threads without hunting through hundreds of unrelated ones. We're not causing trouble, and it's unfair to keep dredging this issue up as though it's a problem.

As for the "I don't post in A&E because nobody ever goes there" complaint... as I said, you get out of it what you put into it. Want more traffic in A&E? Then contribute more content. Let people know you've started a thread there, or posted an interesting video or picture or whatever else.

The existence of a forum like A&E is something that some of us have wanted for a long time. I've been on other gaming forums where their media forums have been thriving for many years, even though there is a lot of scrolling down to get there. The key to this is that media discussions are not allowed in the general discussion areas - if you want to discuss movies, books, TV, writing, etc., you have a dedicated area in which to do it. The members know this and use it accordingly. I honestly don't understand why there has been so much resistance to this on CFC. It's not like A&E is as far from OT as, say, OT is from the Civ forums.

I never understood why "what movies have you seen" or "what musicare you listening too" are kept in OT, while "what classical music are you listening too" (for instance) is A&E. But I'll go with Plotinus' explanation.
That being said, I'll go and listen to some more classical music, so I can add more posts in A&E :)
Well if we aren't going to merge it with OT, then more thread need to get moved to A&E, which simply isn't happening. We need to have either more threads moved to A&E or the merger between the two, since right now we are getting thread pop up at OT that should be in A&E, but don't get moved. Currently OT is acting as A&E because that is where most threads start up and never move.
Well if we aren't going to merge it with OT, then more thread need to get moved to A&E, which simply isn't happening. We need to have either more threads moved to A&E or the merger between the two, since right now we are getting thread pop up at OT that should be in A&E, but don't get moved. Currently OT is acting as A&E because that is where most threads start up and never move.

The ruling the mods had about a year ago was that people were free to decide which subforum they would prefer to have their artsy thread be in. Honestly I'm quite happy with the arrangement as it currently exists.
So I take it that you are no longer pushing for a merge, Owen? I saw a lot of anti-merge sentiment in the NES/IOT threads from you, that could also be applied to this situation.
So I take it that you are no longer pushing for a merge, Owen? I saw a lot of anti-merge sentiment in the NES/IOT threads from you, that could also be applied to this situation.

Yes. Much like with NES/IOT I don't see how a merger would represent an improvement over the status quo.
The IOT/NES is different from A&E, especially as A&E is a debate section on what it title says while IOT/NES are styles of forum gaming which would not have been harmed in a merge but rather have benefited. Different cases, different considerations. Scenarios are not cookie cut notions; the solution for A may not be the best for B. Any rate I sense that a vote on A&E would have a overwhelming majority set for the preservation of A&E, where the IOT/NES merge was a case had NESers set near the 50-50 margin for yes and no. Different cases, different passions as it were.

As for the debate: even if A&E was dead I would not want to give it the dishonor of being made part of OT. I have my position on OT. Any rate A&E appears to be set to stay as it is. Along with the DYOS the sub-forum has its other services to the site.
Seriously, merging it back in with OT would do it no harm considering there's currently 4 threads that have been posted in within the past 2 week in the entire subforum. Clearly, not enough people use it to justify its existence.

One month later, literally one new thread posted in A&E in that time. 69 posts in total if you exclude DYOS, +35 if you include it.

She's dead, put her out of her misery.
The IOT/NES is different from A&E, especially as A&E is a debate section on what it title says while IOT/NES are styles of forum gaming which would not have been harmed in a merge but rather have benefited. Different cases, different considerations. Scenarios are not cookie cut notions; the solution for A may not be the best for B. Any rate I sense that a vote on A&E would have a overwhelming majority set for the preservation of A&E, where the IOT/NES merge was a case had NESers set near the 50-50 margin for yes and no. Different cases, different passions as it were.

As for the debate: even if A&E was dead I would not want to give it the dishonor of being made part of OT. I have my position on OT. Any rate A&E appears to be set to stay as it is. Along with the DYOS the sub-forum has its other services to the site.
Wow, tell us what you really think! :lol:

I stayed neutral in the NES/IOT vote. I don't know enough about those forums to have an informed opinion, so I confined my comments to the way the vote was conducted, and did not vote.

As for those who sneer at A&E because of DYOS... please just give it a rest. These folks have been made to feel tolerated at best in other places on this site. A&E and they are a perfect fit for each other, as are other topics that would just get buried in all the oh-so-important serial threads in OT.

You want another new thread? Fine, it's about time for the latest one on NaNoWriMo (next event is coming up in April). What better way to celebrate my 10th anniversary on this forum than by starting a new thread about writing? It'll be up tomorrow. (March 3).
DYOS is a good contribution to the site, especially Thor's work. It is a fun exercise for those who make and a enjoyable read for those who read.

For new threads I would be looking forward to the eventual talk on Harper Lee's new book that will be emerging.
One month later, literally one new thread posted in A&E in that time. 69 posts in total if you exclude DYOS, +35 if you include it.

She's dead, put her out of her misery.


If you don't want to post or go into A&E you now no longer have to. However if you do want a lower-traffic forum where you don't have to worry about your thread sinking to the bottom, or if you want to discuss something with a specific community you have the means to. Again, I just don't see a good reason why a merger of the two needs to happen.

The being forced into A&E has always been my hangup. And now that that doesn't happen I don't have a problem.

The IOT/NES is different from A&E, especially as A&E is a debate section on what it title says while IOT/NES are styles of forum gaming which would not have been harmed in a merge but rather have benefited. Different cases, different considerations. Scenarios are not cookie cut notions; the solution for A may not be the best for B. Any rate I sense that a vote on A&E would have a overwhelming majority set for the preservation of A&E, where the IOT/NES merge was a case had NESers set near the 50-50 margin for yes and no. Different cases, different passions as it were.

Reading comprehension is a useful skill to have. You'll notice that my comparison of the two situations began and ended with the observation that in both cases I personally didn't see a good reason why a merger would represent an improvement over the status quo. It had nothing to do with the content or baggage associated with the respective subforums.
The ruling the mods had about a year ago was that people were free to decide which subforum they would prefer to have their artsy thread be in. Honestly I'm quite happy with the arrangement as it currently exists.

That really defeats the purpose if you can post A&E style threads in OT, then A&E is then not needed. We need to go one way or another, either make sure we put the relevant threads there or merge it. As it sit now A&E is irrelevant and has limited use and limited usefulness. If the forum is to stay open then we should be more ctive in putting threads that belong there and making the forum relevant again and thus increase traffic. I do know that no forum will get as used as OT in the Colosseum, but A&E could be bigger if we force more traffic to the forum.
That really defeats the purpose if you can post A&E style threads in OT, then A&E is then not needed. We need to go one way or another, either make sure we put the relevant threads there or merge it. As it sit now A&E is irrelevant and has limited use and limited usefulness. If the forum is to stay open then we should be more ctive in putting threads that belong there and making the forum relevant again and thus increase traffic. I do know that no forum will get as used as OT in the Colosseum, but A&E could be bigger if we force more traffic to the forum.
There are some activities in A&E that would be unsuitable for OT. Do you realize how absurd it would be to put DYOS into OT? The Doctor Who thread is huge, much longer than any other OT thread I've ever seen that wasn't a serial thread. If it had been in OT, it would either have died from nobody being able to find it, or we'd have a lot of smaller threads for the same reason. This way, if I have something to say about Doctor Who, I know exactly where to find the discussion and add my post. Same with Star Trek, Star Wars, and other media-related stuff.

I do agree that it's ridiculous that threads that should be in A&E are allowed just anywhere. That makes as much sense to me as allowing a thread on Star Trek in the Civ forums. Is there a Leonard Nimoy tribute thread in the Science forum? I have no idea, but am reasonably sure that even though Spock was a scientist, a thread about an actor isn't appropriate there.

There are other sites that have dedicated arts/media forums that are separate from their 'off-topic'/general talk forums. And they thrive, because the members there know where to find them, and use them. The staff on those sites are diligent in making sure that threads get posted in the appropriate areas of the site.

I'm going to post a new thread tomorrow. How about I just throw a dart at a printout of the main forum index page, see where it lands, and post it there? Why don't we all do that? Everything would be a mess, but at least we wouldn't need to tire our fingers out with scrolling the very brief distance between two Colosseum subforums!

For those who complain that it's a lot of scrolling, you realize that you can collapse the areas of the board you don't read, right? That means zipping right to the places where you do participate.
I concur with Valka D'Ur's remarks.

Reading comprehension is a useful skill to have. You'll notice that my comparison of the two situations began and ended with the observation that in both cases I personally didn't see a good reason why a merger would represent an improvement over the status quo. It had nothing to do with the content or baggage associated with the respective subforums.

You said the following:

Yes. Much like with NES/IOT I don't see how a merger would represent an improvement over the status quo.

I was making out how the cases not similar, especially in regards to natures. I was attempting to avoid two different scenarios for being regarded as cookie cutter.

Still: I must give issue with the bold ad hominem as ad hominems are not a form of valid debating tactics. Presume your "opposition" is unable to read: it will only weaken your prestige.
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