Possible coup in Turkey

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One theory I heard was that some medium-rank offcer(s?) staged the whole thing, giving false orders to the soldiers in their command chain, banking on the rest of the army to support the coup once it was set in motion (which obviously didn't happen).

Coups are generally staged by middle-ranking officers, especially colonels: Low-ranking officers have too little resources at their disposal and high-ranking officers rarely benefit politics from coups and - being aware of this - rarely engage in coups. The earlier Turkish coups, the Nasserist coup in Egypt in the 1950s and plenty of other coups have been staged by colonels.
Be careful of anything coming from anybody, believe only if you see with your own eyes and then only half believe.
Remembering what a turkish poster has written in this forum years ago... I wonder where the true sympathies of other states lie. And if Erdogan is not being herded into a trap.
My first thought was wow, right on Turkey. But now it looks like the coup was not successful. Maybe too early to tell. I hope they get rid of the tyrant but it's a difficult task.
My first thought was wow, right on Turkey. But now it looks like the coup was not successful. Maybe too early to tell. I hope they get rid of the tyrant but it's a difficult task.

I'm looking at the coup with some sort of perhaps inappropriate fascination. On the other hand, I doubt a secular nationalist would be significant improvement over Erdogan. It's lamentable Erdogan increased the power of Islam in Turkey, though he did leave minorities like Armenians and Kurds alone, relatively speaking. The Army may be more secular, though it has an abysmal record regarding minorities.

Given that Obama has chosen to side for Erdogan, and Erdogan's history with the EU, the army might move Turkey in a Pro-Russian direction. Or the army will organise fake elections Al-Sisi style, to entice the US support.

All of that would not matter if the coup has failed. It's yet too early to tell.
I was thinking about the 1960 Turkish coup, where the military executed the incumbent PM, but still allowed similar political party to enter election and won later on in 1963.

BTW, the military cannot move towards Pro-Russian stance, Turkey is in NATO and its number one reason is resisting Russia.
Yeah, I was also thinking my interest in this seems inappropriate. And while I strongly dislike Erdogan and feel he's been helping to create disastrous situations in the Middle East, he is the elected president. Good thing I have no obligation to take sides on this.
I'm looking at the coup with some sort of perhaps inappropriate fascination. On the other hand, I doubt a secular nationalist would be significant improvement over Erdogan. It's lamentable Erdogan increased the power of Islam in Turkey, though he did leave minorities like Armenians and Kurds alone, relatively speaking. The Army may be more secular, though it has an abysmal record regarding minorities.

Given that Obama has chosen to side for Erdogan, and Erdogan's history with the EU, the army might move Turkey in a Pro-Russian direction. Or the army will organise fake elections Al-Sisi style, to entice the US support.

All of that would not matter if the coup has failed. It's yet too early to tell.

Initially he was better for minorities but the situation in the southeast is as bad as it was in the 90s. Diyarbakir has been laid waste with the historic Sur district in ruins. Nusaybin is blocked completely with some reports of phosphoric gas being used. The situation on Cizre and Şırnak is really bad. Erdoğan refused to negotiate with the PKK. It's possible if there is a new government it won't be any better but Erdoğan had not been good for Kurds.
Wow, and I just finished Crescent and Star at lunch.
BTW, the military cannot move towards Pro-Russian stance, Turkey is in NATO and its number one reason is resisting Russia.

NATO membership does not prevent one from making overtures toward Russia. Germany, Bulgaria and Greece have done so. Turkey would have even more options given its proximity to Russia. Russo-Turkish relations are far more complicated now that neither do actually have contested territorial claims between each other, both support unrecognised unilaterial secessionist states such as Abkhazia and Turkish Northern Cyprus.

CNN Turkey is now clear of soldiers.

Erdogan has landed and shown himself, doubt he would do that if he thought his life was in danger or the military could get to him.


Pro-Erdogan protestors occupied the airport just before Erdogan landed there.
Pro-Erdogan protestors occupied the airport just before Erdogan landed there.

And apparently just up and left. CNNs guy at the airport says no soldiers, no police, only a handful of the usual airport security type folk who seem to be not taking sides either way, and occasionally a crowd of half hearted supporters of one side or the other sort of wanders through and moves on. When directly asked who is in control of the airport his answer was "nobody."

Similarly, CNN's Turkish affiliate was forced off the air by soldiers who said they represented the coup who escorted everyone out of the building...and apparently then left. Someone from CNN Turk is reporting by phone from across the street and says the building looks deserted. He's not interested in going back in, but it's hard to call it "the coup controls the media."
And apparently just up and left. CNNs guy at the airport says no soldiers, no police, only a handful of the usual airport security type folk who seem to be not taking sides either way, and occasionally a crowd of half hearted supporters of one side or the other sort of wanders through and moves on. When directly asked who is in control of the airport his answer was "nobody."

Similarly, CNN's Turkish affiliate was forced off the air by soldiers who said they represented the coup who escorted everyone out of the building...and apparently then left. Someone from CNN Turk is reporting by phone from across the street and says the building looks deserted. He's not interested in going back in, but it's hard to call it "the coup controls the media."
Just speculating this seems pretty suspicious doesnt it? How was the airport cleared of soldiers? There didnt seem to be any claims of fighting and im sure the coup military would understand the importance of holding on to it.

Idk just feels like something doesnt add up.
Just speculating this seems pretty suspicious doesnt it? How was the airport cleared of soldiers? There didnt seem to be any claims of fighting and im sure the coup military would understand the importance of holding on to it.

Idk just feels like something doesnt add up.

Also just speculating, but it seems like the coup doesn't have the manpower to hold things. They go out and make their presence felt, then move on to the next target. CNN Turk has apparently "recaptured" their building, by the way. Don't know if they are going to risk going on the air but they are now talking to CNN from inside their studio.

Meanwhile, whether they are loyalists or coup supporters no one seems inclined to fire on the crowds, so there are a lot of police and military units that look like they are just stuck in traffic with the armed troops casually talking to people in the crowds that have them surrounded. Still speculation, but it looks like the typical mid level officers that staged the coup aren't getting real support from below...and being denounced from above isn't helping them.
Also just speculating, but it seems like the coup doesn't have the manpower to hold things. They go out and make their presence felt, then move on to the next target. CNN Turk has apparently "recaptured" their building, by the way. Don't know if they are going to risk going on the air but they are now talking to CNN from inside their studio.

Meanwhile, whether they are loyalists or coup supporters no one seems inclined to fire on the crowds, so there are a lot of police and military units that look like they are just stuck in traffic with the armed troops casually talking to people in the crowds that have them surrounded. Still speculation, but it looks like the typical mid level officers that staged the coup aren't getting real support from below...and being denounced from above isn't helping them.
So super speculating here, but if the military coupers asked their own side for the population to also protest rather than stayinf at home would anyone help them?

Nvm: seems like theyve lost.
So super speculating here, but if the military coupers asked their own side for the population to also protest rather than stayinf at home would anyone help them?

Nvm: seems like theyve lost.

Well, they haven't completely lost until someone official rounds up the mid level officers who apparently organized it...and there is really no reason to expect those people to just give up because they are in serious deep dung at this point.
Its frustrating they did this with clearly bad planning because this botched mess is most certainly going to make the sultan wannabe even more powerful
Its frustrating they did this with clearly bad planning because this botched mess is most certainly going to make the sultan wannabe even more powerful
Honestly this was so badly planned i almost believe the people who say it was planned by erdogan. I mean really not turning off the internet? they were clearly able to block the internet momentarilly but then they turned it back on? Why leave the airport alone? They could have just arrested erdogan therw and then. Or just shut off power. There wasnt even a leader for the coup people on television. And then they had jet fighters running around doing sonic booms but then how did erdogan land if there are enemy jet planes nearby?

Idk. Im not really qualified to talk on actual military (better at civ :) ) or perhaps im reading the information wrong but still the lack of planning here seems kinda weird.
Well, maybe it is a false flag agreed with Erdo used as pretext to stage an actual coup against Erdo :mischief:

Well Erdogan is a pretty shady charactor with hes let say pass support for ISIS, consolidation of presidential power, and erosion of democracy. I doubt he would stage a coup, too much risk of this igniting a real coup especially if it dose result in blood shed. The ironic thing is after reading up on Turkey seems to be like the US with one half a westernised almost Greek like country :mischief: while the other side is a deeply conservative religious and backwards looking.
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