FfH2 Bug Thread

I don't think anyone has reported this, but workers tend to walk in place while I am selecting the unit. Also the workers continue the farm creation animation even after they are done and already moved to a new tile.
lair exploration made a treasure chest appear. the treasure chest appeared on a goody hut and gifted me the Bowyers tech :D

Treasure chests should not grant you to be able to see the area they are in, decreasing their view range as much as possible would be nice.

btw, getting such expensive techs from a goody hut is pretty weird, even if it was noble difficulty.
With the Illians I was able to build Jav Throwers without building Archer Ranges, Newest patch (h)

Is that intended? If so, what is the point of archer ranges? (10% defense?)
Even if such a change should come to pass do not despair.
War Elephants are no Animal units (they are mounted ones to be precise.).
Easy to picture as well. The rider in the carriage does wear it...

You're right, but I still think the War Elephants are being treated as animal units incorrectly. I've had simple barb Lizardmen kill them and that shouldn't happen unless the Lizardman is getting his 'against animals' bonus.

When they upgrade from an Elephant to the War Elephant I think this advantage should be lost, but I don't think it is happening.

Also, I don't see a problem with the the Stooges using special weapons, but they are considered (I think incorrectly) animal unit again as far as the bonus is considered.
Noticed that rivers are no longer featuring in the combat odds, has this been removed?

I have patch h running BTW

I reported elsewhere that I think there is a problem with crossing a river to attack. I have lost too many units with overwhelming given combat odds (some with 99.9%) for there not to be something wrong.

Also, one thing I don't like is the 'pathfinding' that often takes you across a river to attack (roads are sometimes the culprits here) when you have enough movement points and don't need to. It doesn't seem to matter if you use your mouse or keyboard to move your unit either.

I realize the roads forced movement issue comes from vanilla, but it can often cause your unit to be left high and dry and killed.
[to_xp]Gekko;7588904 said:
lair exploration made a treasure chest appear. the treasure chest appeared on a goody hut and gifted me the Bowyers tech :D

Treasure chests should not grant you to be able to see the area they are in, decreasing their view range as much as possible would be nice.

btw, getting such expensive techs from a goody hut is pretty weird, even if it was noble difficulty.

That must have been a rare late game goody hut that survived. My complaint would be such a hut that gives you a Scout or Warrior in late-game. :crazyeye:

On the placement of Treasure Chests, I think there is a bug with that. I mentioned in a previous post (last version) how I was lucky to get 3 treasure chests and one was placed on top of the other. The other thing is that in my games I use a huge land map which has only small bodies of water and sometimes a small island. Well, every game the treasure chest is placed on the island which is really hard to get to. It's bad enough getting across the map to one, but then you need a unit with special abilities to get to the island as you wouldn't be able to build a city/ship/unit there. So, you need a captured Griffon or a water-walking unit to make his way across the map and scoot across the water to the TC.

One final thing: my last game with .40f, I got a TC on a 3-tile island. I knew it would be tough to get to. I got an event that asked me if I wanted to buy another TC. Guess where it ended up? Yes, on one of the other tiles on the island. Want to bet if I had a chance for a 3rd it ended up on the same island with those other 2?:D

So, what's up with Treasure Chest placement? It doesn't seem very random at all.
Hmm, about scenarios loading on the first turn, I just thought of something: Maybe there was a conflict in the routine that creates the 'auto-save initial'? Maybe trying to create to initial autosaves within the same 'gameturn' could cause a CTD.
I am not sure if it is a bug, but hell terrain makes volcanoes disappear when spread to their square.

Good civs do not appear willing to raze the AV Holy City when they conquer it, dispite having Prophecy of Ragnarok and the AC is very high(more than 70). In addition they use the city for building units, further raising the AC(!!)

Already mentioned, but I want to confirm, that work boat automation does not work any more.
Playing FFH 0.40h scenario the momus I found the following issues:
1.) Units can get Immune to disease and diseased from mutation (this may be related to the already reported issue balance 16)
2.) Units can get both heavy and light from mutation
3.) Units can get both vulnerable to fire and fire resistance
4.) Playing the Lanun I could capture obsidian gates (3 total) - not sure if this is a bug or intended
5.) When using boarding to capture ships, it can happen that the boarding unit ends up in the water and the ship on the square from which the boarding unit attacked.
6.) When using a war tortoise a ship was captured and placed on land where the war tortoise came from
In CvUnitAI::AI_improveBonus bCanImprove is set to false if the unit can move into the plot. Shouldn't that be if (!canMoveInto(pLoopPlot))?

*edit* and the patch h readme says it's patch e...
Combat log not showing anything?

I haven't seen any records in the combat log...whether when attacked or when attacking.
Combat log not showing anything?

I haven't seen any records in the combat log...whether when attacked or when attacking.

It was disabled to improve performance.
Should Privateers be able to pillage fishing boats that have my Man O' War sitting on top of them without causing war? This is happening.
about the grand menagerie: dont know if its supposed to be that way or rather a bug

in multiplayer games, when you are in the same team, wonder usually apply for the whole team. but the grand menagerie applies only for the player who built it. only the player who built it gets the building that you can put animals into cities (sorry i dont know the english word for this building, maybe carnival or fair?). also, the free bard is also only for the person who built the grand menagerie. hope you guys understand what i try to point out. (feedback would be nice, thx in advance)
is Military State civic gonna be fixed in patch I ? pretty please... It is one of my favourite civics, when it actually works as it is supposed to. :D
Played as the Illians

Using Snowfall would remove snow after so many turns from my land even though I had built the temple to give me snow.

Thus I had to try to avoid casting snowfall in my lands or it would remove my snow. Seems like if snow already exists, it should just cause damage and not change the land.
Played as the Illians

Using Snowfall would remove snow after so many turns from my land even though I had built the temple to give me snow.

If you read the first post :p:

Things to do:
. Temp terrains sometimes keep permanent terrain changes form happening (such as building a temple of the hand while the deepening effect is still going on).

It's a known issue.
Played as the Illians

Using Snowfall would remove snow after so many turns from my land even though I had built the temple to give me snow.

Thus I had to try to avoid casting snowfall in my lands or it would remove my snow. Seems like if snow already exists, it should just cause damage and not change the land.

It is a known issue that if you cast Snowfall, THEN build a Temple, you get terrain reversion. But your wording sounds like you had built the temple THEN cast snowfall, did that also cause terrain to revert, or was the wording just a bit flipped?
I also have an issue, i was playing the into the sand scenario as the calabim, and i got told to use Nightwatches to weaken the malakim, those nightwatches do not get the combat odds window in the left bottom side of the corner when moving over an enemy unit.

I dont use nightwatches in my normal game, since i'm a builder oriented person, but i think this issue also happens in the custom game as well.
I got the "Layer collapses" result when exploring a shipwreck.

Also, when one of my horsemen was attacked by a Drown one a one-tile-island, it fled to another one-tile-island a couple of squares away.
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