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Napoleonic Wars

@Guardian, with regards to El Justo's naval setup in AoI: Battle ships have high A/D and HP but slow movement; Destroyers have high movement, low A/D and HP but can bombard with a high rate of fire; Cruisers have medium A/D and HPs and are faster than Battleships. In this way Destroyers can beat a Battleship, Cruisers protect Battleships from Destroyers and Battleships can dispatch Cruisers.

Basically its like Rock, Paper, Scissors with each beating one and losing to the other. What I was suggesting was a setup that would give Cuirassiers and advantage over Hussars, Hussars over Dragoons, Dragoons over Cuirassiers and so on. Just an idea. I'm really not sure how to accurately represent the differences between the cavalry types (and infantry for that matter) in game though.

Oh, and could you post an updated Beta sometime (if its not too much trouble) so the testers can stay current with any changes or additions?

AHHHH I get your meaning now. During this period the SOLT was the queen of the seas. Ships were rated according to the number of guns they carried. However, there were two other factors that were equally important, command and seamanship. The british navy was unequalled in any of the three categories. Nelson won at trafalgar not because he had more ships or guns, in fact he was heavily out .gunned and was outnumbered. He won with superior tactics and seamanship. British gunners were also notoriously accurate. However we can not reflect these qualities in the game. The only way we can reflect this is to make the british ships faster and more powerful, but not so fast and powerful that they can not be defeated.

As for the infantry and other land based units. Napoleons armies were far superior to any other units they faced on the continent. Having said that, however, there were notable exception. The mere mention of the word cossacks, sent waves of terror through the hurts of even the most seasoned veterans. There was an exception even to that. The poles hated the russians fiercely and throughout the russian campaign, Napoleons Polish Lancers never lost a single engagement, even to the cossacks. Again strategy and tactics played an important role. But the are intangibles that we can not immitate in the game. Leadership, morale, and supply are difficult factors to reflect.

I have been contemplating this problem myself for quite some time. How to reflect the combat capabilities of individual units accurately and still keep the game balanced and playable. I'm working on it. :))

I've been working now for about 16 hours a day on this for the past month. I've made quite a few changes and additions since the last posted update. I've added Persia, fixed the transport on the warships (they can only carry marines now) and added several buildings and changed some cities. Your right though, it's time to post another update. I'll try to get that done by this weekend.

In the mean time here are a couple of goodies.

View attachment 227883

Unit Table
View attachment 227884
Thanks for the goodies.

I looked around the editor and found the problem I was having with the workers. The 'Terraform' flag under AI Strategies has been unchecked and grayed out. Without this checked the AI will not build workers to improve their terrain nor will they automate for the human player.
Thanks for the goodies.

I looked around the editor and found the problem I was having with the workers. The 'Terraform' flag under AI Strategies has been unchecked and grayed out. Without this checked the AI will not build workers to improve their terrain nor will they automate for the human player.

Go back into the editor and check build railroads under worker/engineer actions. Then check the teraform box. That will fix the problem.
Go back into the editor and check build railroads under worker/engineer actions. Then check the teraform box. That will fix the problem.

That works for the Engineer unit but not the Worker unit. :cry:
I've seen this before...the game will only recognize one unit as a worker even though others may have worker abilities. I think there's a way around it but I'm not sure. :confused:

And I also encountered my first error crash of the Scenario. It read as follows:

Error Reading File

Missing Entry in “Scenarios\Napoleonic Wars V1.02\text\PediaIcons.txt”:

Sorry, I didn't make note of the turn. I was probably 30~40 turns in as the Brits.

Btw, is it possible to sail beneath Africa, because it looked like the map didn't extend all the way down as it does in S. America.
That works for the Engineer unit but not the Worker unit. :cry:
I've seen this before...the game will only recognize one unit as a worker even though others may have worker abilities. I think there's a way around it but I'm not sure. :confused:

And I also encountered my first error crash of the Scenario. It read as follows:

Error Reading File

Missing Entry in “Scenarios\Napoleonic Wars V1.02\text\PediaIcons.txt”:

Sorry, I didn't make note of the turn. I was probably 30~40 turns in as the Brits.

Btw, is it possible to sail beneath Africa, because it looked like the map didn't extend all the way down as it does in S. America.

Open the Text folder
Open the pediaIcon.txt file in a text editor
Insert the following 2 lines under #Unit Animations (near the bottom of the file)


Save the corrected file by overwriting the old file.
This will correct the error

He He I was wondering when someone would discover that. Yes you can sail to india. However unless you conquer the Zulu or obtain a right of passage from them you can not establish a trade route. This is intentional. That also applies to the Netherlands and british colonies in east africa.
I already declared war on the Zulu. I figured a couple of Lifeguards and the Austrian Landwher (which spawned in London, go figure) would be enough to stomp their puny spearmen. Much to my surprise their ZuluSpearmen start showing up near all my, mostly undefended, African colonies and actually razed one or two before I sued for peace. Really hit home the "strength in numbers" concept.
I already declared war on the Zulu. I figured a couple of Lifeguards and the Austrian Landwher (which spawned in London, go figure) would be enough to stomp their puny spearmen. Much to my surprise their ZuluSpearmen start showing up near all my, mostly undefended, African colonies and actually razed one or two before I sued for peace. Really hit home the "strength in numbers" concept.

I'll check on the Life guard but yup, that's what I am talking about. A very humbling experience I think. LOL
That works for the Engineer unit but not the Worker unit. :cry:
I've seen this before...the game will only recognize one unit as a worker even though others may have worker abilities. I think there's a way around it but I'm not sure. :confused:

And I also encountered my first error crash of the Scenario. It read as follows:

Error Reading File

Missing Entry in “Scenarios\Napoleonic Wars V1.02\text\PediaIcons.txt”:

Sorry, I didn't make note of the turn. I was probably 30~40 turns in as the Brits.

Btw, is it possible to sail beneath Africa, because it looked like the map didn't extend all the way down as it does in S. America.

Here is a suggestion. Go to your main menu select preferences, then select autosave. This will allow you to return to the game one turn before the error so you can continue the game after fixing the error.
May I suggest that all such altered/revised files be placed on the original post? This way we won't have to search all over the thread for updates...

Suggestion noted. However these are not updates, technically speaking but I understand your point.
I just finished creating improvements that spawn treasure that you can transport to your capital. I got the idea from Drake Rlugia's scenario The Great Race. So give any praises you have for this to him. This is great concept to add to the game. I created six improvements so far as sort of a test. If you think this is good let me know and I can include more. These are the treasure producing improvements

Tabacco plantation
Pearl Farm

My plan is to provide each civ at least one source of treasure. Each improvement is tied to a specific resource.

This is included in the next update which will be post by this coming weekend. So check back for the update.
Tea for India.
I apologize if I pester... I'm merely procrastinating doing my homework :lol:
The latest version has been uploaded. The new Biq file is included in the main file.
There is one problem with this version. There is a minor problem with the graphics in the games civilopedia menu with the plantation civilopedia building graphics. I am hoping that someone might be able to find whats wrong and correct it.

The biggest change with this version is that you can now build improvements that will spawn treasure units that you can transport to your capitol city where they will be converted to gold and added to your treasury.

I now have to look at the map so that I can properly distribute the resources so that each civ can take advantage of this. I need to see what affect this is going to have on the game. Again I hope some game testers will provide some feed back on this.

I have added the Persians as suggested, several additional units.

I also added an upgrade for Nelson, Wellington and Napoleon.

In addition to the persian units I have added

Bengal Lancers (british)
British Colonial Foot (British Infantry)
Swiss Guards(Naples)
Imperial Guard Grenadier(French)

If there are any other errors let me know and I will make appropriate fixes.

there is a pb with 2 links of the 1st post :

Here is the correct Biq file ==> invalid link

Fixes==> invalid link

Does the big main file make the game playable ?
If not, can you update your links.

Thanx ;)
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