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Warhammer Heart of Chaos: Design Discussion

Maybe Malal could be the fifth chaos power represented among the human civs? Give a choice of going Malal or with the other major powers through which temples they build? In Something Rotten in Kislev, Malal iirc and some other chaos gods (minor ones) were used to cure mutations and animate dead in a city on the border. In the Marienburg sourcebook, there is a Witch Hunter who worships Malal to atone for his past Tzeentch worship (he has two extra eyes on his forehead he plucked out and sewed shut iirc).

I'm pretty opposed to adding chaos options to the human factions other than Ind.
Chaos can be adopted by Kurgan, Norsca, Hung, Beastmen, Chaos dwarves and Ind; and *maybe* eventually by dark elves. Thats plenty.
Yes there are sometimes chaos cults and influences in the other factions, but our mod represents their main armylist and units.
Regarding the Mamluks, give them a lower chance to generate slaves then, if you want drop their chance to 5% too. I like the idea of having a few civs who generate the odd slave no matter the civic.

Regarding Malal, the background doesn't support him at the head of a chaos worshipping pantheon which the UBs represent by handing out marks to major power aligned daemons. Malal worshipping humans kill other chaos worshippers because Malal hates the other chaos powers, that is what he stands for. I'll get back to this once I get something more solid written down.

I'm pretty opposed to adding chaos options to the human factions other than Ind.
Chaos can be adopted by Kurgan, Norsca, Hung, Beastmen, Chaos dwarves and Ind; and *maybe* eventually by dark elves. Thats plenty.
Yes there are sometimes chaos cults and influences in the other factions, but our mod represents their main armylist and units.

I wasn't proposing adding more chaos options to all other human civs. By human civs I mean the norse, kurgan and hung. Giving Ind Malal as their main deity and not allowing them to build the regular chaos ubs would make sense lorewise. Funwise who knows, as I mentioned earlier I need to think about this more.
For the Mujahideen, can we use Ghazi or is that being used somewhere else?

I imagine Ghazis as being cheap offensive fanatic units that require the holy war civic; basically an Arabyan equivalent of Flaggelants.

I like the idea of having a few civs who generate the odd slave no matter the civic.

I'm fine with this, we currently have dark elves, chaos dwarves and ogres like this.
But should Araby be one of them? Maybe on just a few units; have the various Mameluk units (but not the others) have a flat 5% or 10% slave capture chance.

Regarding Malal, the background doesn't support him at the head of a chaos worshipping pantheon which the UBs represent by handing out marks to major power aligned daemons
I wasn't sure what you were referring to but now I see; PL didn't have the Mark of Slaanesh, Mark of etc. on the buildings before. I'd tend to agree that they shouldn't be getting those.

I would prefer a single Temple of Malal at Corruption tech, and use the 4 chaos god techs for some Ind demon units, rather than for more buildings.

I wasn't proposing adding more chaos options to all other human civs. By human civs I mean the norse, kurgan and hung. Giving Ind Malal as their main deity and not allowing them to build the regular chaos ubs would make sense lorewise.

Well, I also oppose giving Kurgan/Norsca/Hung access to Malal stuff.

Basically see K/N/H as using one set of chaos buildings and demons, and then Ind using different buildings and units but on the same techs. And Chaos dwarves again had different buildings and units (though their units were just renames of the standard units).
I imagine Ghazis as being cheap offensive fanatic units that require the holy war civic; basically an Arabyan equivalent of Flaggelants.

True. In all truth I think Ghazi and Mujahideen are two different words for the same thing, holy warriors (Ghazi I guess is turkish, Mujahideen is arabic according to wikipedia). What about Matruds? In Arabic that basically means Outcast Scumbag, so what about Matrud Raiders? Or Tribal Raiders? There is nothing to stop us from having mounted models (art wise) for the recon unit we are discussing, makes more sense anyhow. I imagine arabyan recon types to be like the dark elf scouts, hardbitten (probably axebitten too!), dangerous raiders.

I'm fine with this, we currently have dark elves, chaos dwarves and ogres like this.
But should Araby be one of them? Maybe on just a few units; have the various Mameluk units (but not the others) have a flat 5% or 10% slave capture chance.

Yeah restricting it to certain units is more reasonable than giving it out as a racial promotion.

I wasn't sure what you were referring to but now I see; PL didn't have the Mark of Slaanesh, Mark of etc. on the buildings before. I'd tend to agree that they shouldn't be getting those.
I would prefer a single Temple of Malal at Corruption tech, and use the 4 chaos god techs for some Ind demon units, rather than for more buildings.

Yeah that sounds good. I do like the UB temples names though. Maybe we could use them as schools for training arcane units or something.

Well, I also oppose giving Kurgan/Norsca/Hung access to Malal stuff.

Basically see K/N/H as using one set of chaos buildings and demons, and then Ind using different buildings and units but on the same techs. And Chaos dwarves again had different buildings and units (though their units were just renames of the standard units).

Yeah this is what I was imagining exactly!

=IIRC, Ki-Rin are basically unicorns with tassels. Kinda lame, and not very japanese, no?
If you do go this way, there are lots of factions that get a weaker (~strength 12) unit with a national limit of 3, rather than a single dragon.

True,they apparently are smaller than dragons, so having multiple could make more sense. Another japanese monster I saw in wikipedia was some sort of giant black cloud monster that could be interesting. We could go with Godzilla style monsters, they had those in D&D, not sure about warhammer though. The pictures I have found so far of Ki-rin run the gamut from my little pony to the half dragon unicorn described in wikipedia.
The pictures I have found so far of Ki-rin run the gamut from my little pony to the half dragon unicorn described in wikipedia.

I'm leaning a lot more towards the Half Dragon unicorn. We have Unicorns in the WE army already. Besides, WE unicorns are warlike, satisfying the Princess rule. My little pony...violates Princess rule 100%.
i made all the changes suggested above. go check them out.

also how are these for Malal Demon replacements:

Rakshasas (Replaces Nurgle demons, animate corpses, tricks people into accepting immortality at the cost of dying and selling their immortal soul to Malal, where they become shades, forced to stay against their will & on false promises)

Vetala (replaces Khorne demons, a kind of a vampire. they drain blood from living things and clean up spilt blood. as opposed to bloodletters who take pleasure in spilling blood.)

Virabhadra (Replaces Tzeentch demons, patron of occult practices. Immune to magic and causes magic opposed to him to fail.)

Yakshas (Replaces Slaanesh demons, representes wealth, greed.)

so we have:
Yakshas (Replaces Daemonettes) same stats, Enemy cities within 3 squares get -2 gold and -1 influence, friendly cities get +2 gold and +1 influence
Vetala (replaces Bloodletters) same stats, -1 strength, has Vampire Promotion
Rakshasas (Replaces plaguebearers) same stats, death and unholy instead of poison strength, ressurects defeated enemies as 'Trapped Souls'
Trapped Souls (cannot be built) 1 +3 unholy strength, Ethereal promotion. can be consumed by demons to heal them.
Virabhadra (Replaces screamers) same stats, immune to Magic, Aura of Miscast promotion

and then the UBs are:
Shrine of Change: (Requires Temple of Malal) causes Virabhadra to be spawned in the city, provides +beakers and +GPP priests.
Shrine of Filth: (Requires Temple of Malal) causes Rakshasas to be spawned in the city, provides +health and enemies killed by units in this city are reborn as 'Trapped Souls'.
Shrine of Blood: (Requires Temple of Malal) causes Vetala to be spawned in the city, provides +Mil Prod and unit EXP
Shrine of Greed: (Requires Temple of Malal) causes Yakshas to be spawned in the city, provides +happy and +gold.
I like it PL. Regarding the Araby Flamethrowers, maybe those could be a siege unit instead of the handgunner? That would make Flamethrowers vulnerable to cavalry which I think makes sense. In Medieval Total War 2 the flamer units are great but cumbersome, easily flanked if they have no support. Instead lets have Arabyan Jezzalis (though historically Arabs hated gunpowder troops and executed them summarily), instead of Ind Riflemen, how about Ind Jezzailis? That would link them culturally.

My god, the british have been victimized many times by riflemen. Jezzails are an Afghan weapon, a large calibre rifle that allowed them to snipe the enemy from great heights. Muzzle loaded rifles were harder to clean and maintain than muskets which is why the british did not use them in their armies for the longest time. Rifled long guns and pistols were considered hunting weapons...good for hunting britishers (dammit).

Not an electronic artist so I don't know if we'd be able to steal flamethrower models from Medieval Total War?

edit: to represent the superior range of jezzails maybe we could increase their ranged bombardment str?
I found the old list of techs =)

I dont know if any of theese are removed from the game, but ive added a quote suggestion to some of those that doesent have one. They have their name in blue so you know wich ones it is.

Spoiler :

Advanced Engineering
Q: "Keep yer fancy spells, Elf. I haven't the time. Can yer magic carve through mountains? Can it raise a fortress? Ah didn't think so." - Gotri Stonebeard, Dwarven Engineer

P: Every race of the Warhammer world has devised it's own unique brand of technology. The Empire's greatest minds have hatched numerous war machines, from the awe-inspiring Steam Tank to the devastating Volleygun. Most of the other human empires do not have the resources or the desire to reproduce such marvels, but practices such as armor and weapon smithing, and the forging of new, stronger alloys have benefited from advances in technology. The devious race of Skaven rat-men have harnessed the perverse power of warpstone to create bizzare weapons of wicked cunning. their clan Skyre has produced the Doom Wheel, poison gas throwing Globadiers, and the massive rifles known as Jezzails. The technology of the Orcs, if it can be called such, is a hapless mashup of random parts, which, against all common sense, serves them well on the battlefield. The Elves have created graceful war machines, both wicked and pure, to battle their foes. But the race most well known for their engineering are the Dwarves. Dwarven architecture and craftsmanship is second to none. While most races sail the oceans in wooden ships, the Dwarves use steam-powered ironclads. Their cannons and gunpowder weapons are known for their quality and reliability. They have even conquered the skies with Gyrocopters and Airships.

Q-"Warpstone powder and crushed silver mixed with garlic oil, kill fast-fast" - From the book of recipe of Rikkit'tik, Eshin clan "Scholar".
P- The classical pursuit of Alchemy involved the process of transmuting metals, particularly that of lead into gold. In the Warhammer World, Alchemy has taken on the added meaning of any sorcery which incorporates transmutation or change. The mages of the Empire struggle to forge new magical alloys with the magical metal Gromril, while the mutative properties of dread Warpstone are harnessed by myriad races, notably the Skaven and the dark powers of Chaos. Even the Dwarven pursuit of gunpowder technology would not be possible without the magical concoctions of certain powerful wizards.
Q: "The stars have moved into their sacred positions brothers! Begin the ceremony! Ygrak tu amat Slaanesh! - Manfred Richenhiem, Cultist
Q-Basicly theyre running around killing each other for that spiky pig-skin... Im not really impressed. - Ankia, High Elf Shieldmaiden explaining BLoodbowl to a fellow Shieldmaiden
Bloodlust of Khorne
Q-"We journey and we fight and we kill. War is our life, Hate is our Passion, the wails of widows ou lulling chorus and the salted earth our marriage bed." - Kurgan "Saga of Kharnat", Liber Chaotica
p -
Q: "Ah did what?? In the town square ye say?" - Gotri Stonebeard, Dwarven Engineer
Q -"There ain't nowt a cannon can do, that a determined Dwarf with a hammer can't achieve." - Durgrim Redmane, Dwarf Hammerer
p -
Ceremonial Burial
Q - Let me be remembered not for how I lived but how I died. - Sir Marten Braiden
P -
Chaos Incersion
Q: "Do not hope. Do not beg. Do not bargain. Put out of your mind all thoughts of escape or reprieve. We will flood your fields with blood, and flies shall darken the sky. Great Tzeentch will descend upon you, and with his thousand mouths, he shall sing the song that ends the world." - Khzar the Corrupter, Chaos Lord
Q-" 1500. We writte down the name of the clans who fell during the time of woes. Dwarves of the clans of the fire swords, hammer-strike and black beards will no longer walk in the mountains. We will never forget them." - From the book of grudgedom of clan Kamerad
P -
Q-Contemplation and prayer is only useful to prepare you for conflict. - Magnus The Pious
P -
Corruption of Chaos
Q -We are not your worst nightmare... we are your every nightmare - Chaos Summoner
P -
Q I can make you a axe that will cut through any armor, but it will cost you your soul, three houndred thousand Karls, a bag of diamonds charged with chaos energy and you also have to gather all the materials yourself. - Forgemaster Melk to a Slayer Lord.
Dwarven Ingenuity Q,P.
Elemental Magic
Q -Men name the four powers Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Such appellations are good for only comman folk, but only wizards ever learn thier true names. We call upon them only in our hour of greatest need, and sometimes at our own peril. - Excerpt from the book Elementalism for Idiots
P -
End of Times
Q -Who is to judge what is right and what is wrong? Great and powerful foes surround us; unknown miscreants gnaw at us from within. We are threatened with total annihilation. In days such as these we can afford no luxury of morality.
Q -"We fight them with our steel, we fight them with our courage, but above all we fight them with our faith in Sigmar!" Magnus The Pious
Gifts of the Plagued One
Q-"As all life is born to die, so all men are born to decay. There can be no succour in this world. As the centuries drag past our cultures will fade as our bodies waste. Father Nurlge is our sovereign and wether it be sooner or later, he will claim all in time." - Liber Chaotica
Gromril Smithing Q,P.
Heavey Armour
Q -"A Dwarf army is like a well-crafted mail shirt; each warrior is an iron-hard link, knitted together by duty, honour and loyalty. And, like a mail shirt, never a blow shall pass them as long as all the links remain strong." Dwarf saying.
Q: "Dis one 'el make ya feel nice an' wonky. Dis ones fer da sniffles. Dis ones right tasty. Oy! give dat back!" - Nog Shazno, Goblin Shaman
High Magic
Q -Wizards never infringe upon the affairs of common folk. It's just that common folk sometimes get entangled in the affairs of wizard's. - High Mage studying at the White Tower.
Insatiable Hunger
Q Imagine one of those fat empire ladies out in the desserts, without any food supplies or hunting skills. - Ankia, High-Elf Shieldmaiden explaining Extreme Hunger to a Wizard Apprentice.
Q -"The pilot, as they call the fool who flies the contraption, must be mad as a halfling to go up there, if'n you asks me. A Dwarf should have his feet on the ground or, more preferably, a hundred feet below it." Durgrim Redmane, Dwarf Hammerer
Q -Even in the Driest desert, a flower sometimes blooms. - an Indic proverb
Lore of Beasts
Q The farmers refused to let us practice on their land. They're probably still angry at us for turning all the cows into rabid cannibals. Wich was not my fault! - Umbert, Wizard Apprentice
Lore of Change
Q-"There is a purpose to all. But to find it we must change. We must change and change until change as Tzeentch is our master, for no being, not god, not mortal, can catch and hold that wich has no form." - Dolgan "Gurkhan saga", Liber Chaotica
Lore of Death
Q -I understand more than you could possibly know. Chaos Sorcerer
Lore of Fire
Q -In moments of true pain, anger, sorrow or dispair, even the sky can burn. - Ascua DeLuz, Estalian Bright mage
Lore of Heavens
Q -Have you ever wondered what is up there? Beyond the Heavens? I have, and i know. - Librarian of the Celestial College.
Lore of Life
Q- Magic can both destroy and heal. When you use it corrctly, it can bind the very essence of life. - Quote from Plaque of the Sun
Lore of Lights
Q- Orcs! No matter how numerous you are, you are no match for me... if youre blind! - Nykra, Empire Archmage
Lore of Metals
Q-Put your trust in iron and stone, for they have always been the Dwarves' best friends. Dwarf proverb
Lore of Shadows
Q- Dont go there! That place is cursed!
Whats supposed to hurt me? the shadows? - A High Elf trying to warn an Empire nobleman, and a Nobleman's last words.

Master of Fire
Q- Youre telling me they BURNT down our wall?! How is that possible?! Its made of stone! - Knako Steelfist, Dwarven Commander
Master of ice
Q-Even things as enourmus, and powerfull, as the oceans, can be inprisoned. - Kislevite Ice Witch
Master of water
Q- There is water everywhere...It... Its coming from below, from above, even from inside ourselves! This cant be real! - Estalian Explorer whilst fleeing from a Lustrian Temple City
Master of earth
Q-Even the biggest city, the sturdiest wall or the most fortified castle, can easily be destroyed, by a earthquake. - Lord Kroak
Master of winds
Q- What do you mean everything will be fine?! I just saw my house fly away! - Bretonnian Peasent during a raid by Arabic pirates.
Mercenary contracts
Q: "I mean, yeah, the gold ain't so great, you gotta live with killing, you never know if your gonna see the next day, and you end up working for some of the most despicable people in the Empire. But, on the other hand...umm...hmm..." - Heinrich Muller, Mercenary

P: In the Warhammer world, human civilization is not only threatened by Orcs, Chaos, Skaven, and other monstrosities, but also by the everyday political maneuvering of the nobility. Squabbles over territory, succession, and resources frequently flare up into full fledged conflict. While most nobles are able to raise token militias from their local peasantry, they are ill-equipped and prone to low morale. Mercenaries make up the bulk of fighting forces. There are always plenty of opportunities for conflict in the Warhammer world, so any man who has seen at least some combat has the opportunity so earn some gold, if not much. These desperate men come from all corners of the world, and it is not uncommon to see Tileans fighting Kislevites in an Estalian border war!
Q Its a strange thing, really. When a empire Noble has a child with a person, and the child doesent turn out as the noble wanted it to, they send it to a Monastry, wich is mainly a pile of boring architechture and strickt rules. - Ankia, High-Elf Shieldmaiden exlplaining monastries to a travelling companion.
Monster Breeding
Q-"Karond kar is the city of our beast masters. In it's stables, creatures are breed and hardened under the whip of their masters to serve our deeds." - Furion of Clar Karond
Monster Taming
Q -"Even if i have burnt cities to the ground and you have tracked my race to their very lairs, i suspect there is a mutual admiration between us. I have watched the blazons of your kings and i suspect that, when we will be no more, you will miss us." - Tinairath, Emperor Dragon
Nature Lore
Q-Why are you saying i shouldnt eat theese barries? They look fine to me. - Empire Noble, Last Words
Q -For those who seek perfection there can be no rest on either side of the grave.
Q: "I've heard all the arguments for and and against. Most soldiers will tell you a sword and shield is the most trustworthy thing you can have on a battlefield. For me, its a pretty simple choice. When it comes down to it, I'm perfectly happy killing you ten feet away instead of two." - Heinrich Muller, Mercenary
Q- Bow now, novice, and kneel before the might of the gods. From now on, you belong to them. Body, Soul and Blood. - The Ceremony of Oaths
Q -All magic is evil... except prayers to Sigmar otherwise everything is evil -Sigmarite Templar
Q I protect this place, and so will i do until the old ones claim my soul. I stand stalwart, waiting for the demons. I stand stubborn, waiting for the inevetable. - Chakax, The Eternity Warden
Rune smithing
Q -"Add a pommel made from gold of Azgal and metal of Azul.
Mark the pommel with the sign of Grimnir.
Accomplish the nomination rite with beer on the altar of Valaya.
Killing a troll in the night will make the rune shine.
For a thousand years." - Extract from a dwarven runic forge ritual.
P -
Q: "Forget Steam Tanks. Forget massive fortresses, huge armies, and powerful magic. As far as I'm concerned the greatest achievement of the Empire is the fact that i can walk down the streets of Altdorf without having to smell human waste." - Felix Jaeger, Adventurer
Slanesh's Pleasures
Q-"Slaanesh created you an angel of delight.
You are perfect in your ways,
From the days that you were chosen
All wrong doing was found in you.
You are filled with lawlessness,
And you sin. " - Norse "Saga of Azazel", Liber Chaotica.
Q- Stee-rups? I dont need no bleedin' Stee-rups! Not'ing gon knock Blagtoof Gormuncha off dis boar! - Last Words of Orcish Boar Rider, Blagtoof Gormuncha.
The End of Time
Q- "...And the armies of the world stood where they had watched and their weapons dropped from their hands as all courage fled their bodies. And the gods, the dead, the living and daemons did turn upon another with such savagery that the slaughter only last until the sun was hid behind the moutain, before they all of them were destroyed..." - "The last days", Liber Chaotica
Q- So... basicly they are trying to ride horses whilst trying to throw each other off their mounts with pointy sticks? And were supposed to be impressed? - Ankia, High Elf Shieldmaiden to a Bretonnian Tournament Director

Q: "Hmm, thats strange...the tracks seem to turn around and head back towards us right here...Karl? Where'd you go? Oh...How are you, Mr. Troll? I'll just be going now... - Heinrich Muller, Mercenary

Q -Every road will lead you to a thousand byways. The easiest path is often not the best. A Tilean Trader
True Dhar Q,P.
Q- He got his power through force, He will loose his power through rebellion. - Nang, Cathayan Sage
Q -You'z not killin' dat General, he'z mine. I want 'is 'ead for me pointy stick!"
"Why you'z want his 'ead Boss?"
"Cuz I'd look stewpid wif 'is foot on me pointy stick, ya gretchin-fondler!- Ork Warlord Gorgutz in conversation with one of his Nobz
Q-No man can hope to lead others until he first masters himself. - Mendellas Darken Orden, Kislev General
Warrior Code
Q -A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt. Empire Swordsmaster during training
P -
Winds of Magic
Q-The winds of magic is our salvation. But soon they will be our doom. - Kai Huan to Ankia during her travels in Tehe-Oatl
Words of salvation
Q-We are the protectors of justice. We are the keepers of order. We are the fear of all heretics. We are the priests of sigmar. - Emil, High Priest of Sigmar
Nice. Maybe we should move this to a new thread though? I especially like the Lore of Beasts tech quote. Lol.
Good post Dragonson,

however i think many of these are not grim enough (of course no offense to you or anyone else, thanks for bringing them to the fore)

Insatiable Hunger,

"See how the slims flee our forces, I hate it when our hunters bring back stringy meat. Why are we here again?"

Ahrimar, Ogre Overlord of the Great Maw.

"Please Sigmar, spare us from the wrath of the Norscans."
-graffiti found in the ruins of Kell

Bloodlust of Khorne
"For Khorne, praise Khorne! Skulls for the Skull Lord! Bring Skulls or die so that you may fight forever in the field of bones before the Throne of Skulls! Blood for the Blood Lord!"
-Anonymous Khornate

Lore of Death
"Remember, your soul has no destination, no purpose. I give you purpose, I give you life once more!"

Corruption of Chaos
"You strove to build up your inferiors and how did they repay you? With scorn and persecution...there are others more worthy. They love you, they value your ambition. Join them and prosper. Join them and become exalted above your peers."
-the dreams of a madman.

"Before us are arrayed the gibbering masses of oblivion, men. Your families, your people, your Emperor demands you fight until your weapon slides from your bloodied, cold grasp. There will be no mercy shown to your kinfolk if you fail. Show no mercy in return!"
-Grand Theoginist Volkmar on the eve of the battle of Altdorf.

imho shield maidens are mentioned far too many times in these quotes. Who are they to know the true misery of Warhammer?
Excellent. Though if I may suggest again. NEW thread. I like the Insatiable Hunger quote, deadliver. Grim & ironic. :goodjob:
Excellent. Though if I may suggest again. NEW thread. I like the Insatiable Hunger quote, deadliver. Grim & ironic. :goodjob:

Hey rlaf I spent 15 minutes or more coming up with my post, so cut me some slack or i'll lightsaber you a new one! Where is my lightsaber btw?
I stole it, remember? You kept trying to hack me and were yelling, "WHERE'S MY ORANGE JULIUS?!!" I finally managed to snatch your lightsaber when I brought you your alcohol. Long of the short is this apprentice thing...it's gets abusive when you need Orange Juliuses.
I stole it, remember? You kept trying to hack me and were yelling, "WHERE'S MY ORANGE JULIUS?!!" I finally managed to snatch your lightsaber when I brought you your alcohol. Long of the short is this apprentice thing...it's gets abusive when you need Orange Juliuses.

You bastard. If you strike me down..i'll end up working in a 711, more 711ish than you can ever imagine! Do you want that? Every 711 you go to, denying you service...carding your gfs? I think not. Ripping up her fake ID in front of you...how embarrassing would that be!

Thats right yo.

edit: insanity loves company :)
Well, damn. I guess I'd better let you live then. It'd really suck if my GFs couldn't get booze for me. :p

Edit: I better go to bed before I make more anecdotes I'm gonna regret later...(I can't believe I'm saying this sh*t. Dammit.)
Well, damn. I guess I'd better let you live then. It'd really suck if my GFs couldn't get booze for me. :p

Edit: I better go to bed before I make more anecdotes I'm gonna regret later...(I can't believe I'm saying this sh*t. Dammit.)

Seriously, what do you think about the Jezailli thang?
i like it, though i dont think Ind should get them too?

The design has Ind Rifleman, why not call them Jezallis (Ind Jezallis). Rifleman are the province of the Empire (god knows why). Ind sounds a lot better than Indish btw. The Ind, Ind swordsman, the chaos cursed Ind have attacked us. Let us destroy all Ind cities. Indish is goofy, no offense.
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