Rise from Erebus 1.30 Bug Thread

open WB and observe where barb animal/monster is attacked/ attacking civilizied unit(s). So far... according to my own experence, that is the main case of repeatable CTDs. And god knows I have had several CTDs in my current game.

Ooookay. So it turns out that crash was caused by a dwarven scout attacking an elk. :crazyeye: Thanks for the tip.
Can't believe I didn't catch this before.. but crystal plains do not require access to a river to spawn, they only require fresh water.. which means if you build an aqueduct 'before' it turns to glacial (not after) you will get crystal plains there.

Interesting. Will check it out.

And LOL at animals being able to claim forts. "This is bear kingdom! You Hairless stay out!"

Well, the Fort Commander is actually a plant. :lol:

Just wanted to bring this to your attention, Valk, since I get the feeling that you didn't seethat post.

Additionally I got another Python exception for you, can't make a screenshot (Prt Sc doesn't work and I don't have any third party software on my laptop) so it's in plain text:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvSpellInterface", line 119, in canCast

File "string", line 0, in ?

File "CvSpellInterface", line 2971, in ReqRessurection

File "CustomFunctions", line 2047, in getHero

KeyError: "Bannor"

I tried to resurrect Donal Lugh using Life III but now I get this exception every time I try to select my archmage and he doesn't appear to be casting the spell (should take 7 turns).

I had not... Good to know, will try to fix it. It is not something that would ever be used by the AI, though, they evaluate units every turn anyway. It's solely for the Human players.

Trying to figure out that keyerror, it looks correct to me....

I don't remember seeing this listed. Ljosalfar workers can get the Woodsman promotion, which is now useless to them with the Hardy change. I assume it's the same for Svartalfar workers.

As mentioned for the Svartalfar before (IIRC), Ljosalfar workers are also clearing Ancient Forests when building any improvement that would for other civs clear forests.

Can remove access to Woodsman for them.

And it's an issue that we're trying to fix.

Dwelling of The Refugee does not seem to be adding to or creating a spawn counter. The city with the Memorial & dwelling shows 6% the rest, with just the dwelling don't have a counter at all.

Ah, that's an oversight. While the Dwelling adds to the chance correctly (extra 2%), it wasn't actually calling the function. I've fixed it.

I've seen (several times around turn 450) units just march around the ENTIRE map when they attack, instead of attacking. They just walk around, like 100 spaces or so, and then maybe end up back where they started. It's wierd.

Odd. Thought that had been fixed.

I have a crash that repeats itself everytime you press end turn on this save. Too bad... it was a sweet start too. Austins kick ass.

A little background: Fresh 1.3 install, old Rife completely removed, no add-on's.

Attached the save

I'll check it out.

Here's a weird pseudo bug I found.

I (Bannor) had a stack on a Ljosalfar city. It was built adjacent to a Calabim fort. When I attack the Calabim and killed some vamps, the Ljosalfar city lost culture due to the new mechanic.

Other than one crash, all's good.

I'll try to duplicate this one as well.

Run into yet another exception, this time directly after game start. (Multiplayer game)

Figured out where to find my screenshots:

That one is known and fixed.

Several unit types for Austrin have two different 'mount pegasus' abilities. Presumably one is unit-combat specific (since it says 'Only available to arcane/melee/etc units) and changes the unit's icon into that of the unit mounted on a pegasus, while the other (which no limitation stipulated) merely adds the Pegasus promotion to the unit.

Also are mages intended to be able to generate an infinite number of pegasus? The ability is blocked while the pegasus is around, like skeletons, but once the pegasus is merged with a unit they can summon another.

I honestly have no idea. I haven't touched them.

I don't know if this is a bug or intended. Found nothing about it in the changelog.

Elven workers can't build things in forest anymore without cutting it down?

Bug. Same goes for the Lizards.

I'm assuming that I should post bugs with the 'official' module BuildXP here? Though I'm not actually sure it's at fault... My Svartalfar worker, without any XP, will take 32 turns to build a camp on a non-forested tile on Normal speed. Which I don't find 'normal'.

The fact that researching Hunting has no effect whatsoever on how long it'll take doesn't look right either.

Not the build module. Camps take 20 turns base, and then elves have a decrease workrate. Needs to be adjusted a bit.

Techs not increasing speed is a bug... Working on fixing it.

Mazatl (and probably Cualli) clear jungle with many improvemnts, however the jungle can grow back over them. Intended?

nope, bug.

1) Regarding my previous bug report, it's not BuildXP. Without it, Svartalfar workers still start at 32 turns for a Camp on Normal. Still think that's too much, but okay, maybe it's more a balance issue.

2) Traceback (most recent call last):
File "CvEventInterface", line 30, in onEvent
File "CvCustomEventManager", line 136, in handleEvent
File "CvCustomEventManager", line 147, in _handleDefaultEvent
File "CvEventManager", line 1121, in onGameStart
KeyError: 'Diakonos'
ERR: Python function onEvent failed, module CvEventInterface

=> Error during game start

3)Traceback (most recent call last):
File "CvSpellInterface", line 9026, in exploreLairBigBad
File "BasicFunctions", line 115, in addUnitFixed
RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception
ERR: Python function exploreLairBigBad failed, module CvSpellInterface

=> Error during game play

4) I claimed a fort, then the fort commander got killed by a wild spider. Might have been an Archos one, though. Left the fort with no commander and no way to respawn one :-(

First py error is fixed already.

Second I'm not sure what's going on.

On the Fort... I'll add a way for a new fort commander to be created. Will likely require a sacrifice of a unit.

I've played three or four games so far and I think I've seen Orthus once maybe? I have used the Play Now! option and it's actually been since that that I've seen Orthus pop. Is he not a guarantee anymore?

So you've seen him spawn after running a play now game? That would mean that you had an invisible saved option that disabled him. Which comes from switching mods... Should always run a quick play now game (just let it load the map) when switching mods, to prevent that. ;)

I played Civ with 3 others on LAN and there was always an OOS when one of us Casted his City ( former World ) Spell.
The Khazad Spell did create Hills for his Caster, the others couldnt see them.
The OOS accoured with Jotnar and Mazatle ( City / World ) Spells too.
So i think all of them make an OOS.

Is building Steamworks Worldwonder with the Great engineer open for everyone intended ?

City Spells oos; Okay, we'll try to fix it.

Nope, and already fixed.

I'm getting this when I end my turn after loading any saved game:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvGameInterface", line 146 in canTrain

File "CvGameUtils", line 1012 in canTrain

Name Error: global name "Civ" is not defined

Then the game freezes.It happened with every saved game so far, regardless of which civ I was using.:sad:

Ah, playing a one city challenge game? Got it fixed.

When do the Sidar gain the ability to mist their cities?

KotE, like Grey Fox said.

Was playing as mazatl and some of my wyverns and coatlann randomly switched to lizardman racial, and even when I used worldbuilder to change them back to dragon, they switched again next turn

Also as frozen, their starting settler and worker start w/ demon instead of ice demon, and their worldspell isn't a city action

Weird... Racials shouldn't switch like that.

I'll check the frozen.
The tooltip for the "Hire the enchanter to join our army" option of the enchanter event says that the unit the event happens to gets enchantment I, even though the newly-created adept is the one that actually gets it.

Also, seems like Mazatl workers start clearing jungle with improvements after sanitation.
Also, seems like Mazatl workers start clearing jungle with improvements after sanitation.

Eeek! When I quit tonight I was busy researching Sanitation!

While we're on the Mazatl, it looks like Priests of Kalshekk found Temples to Kilmorph, not Kalshekk. This lets cities have two Temples. I imagine the same is true for Oghma.
As D'tesh, I got a couple promoted Chosen from lairs, which was neat and presumably fixed. On their way back across the map, I came across a goblin fort and beat up the defenders. I was then able to claim the fort and use the fort commander to explore the lair. He was gone the following turn, so I claimed the fort again and got a new one which functioned normally.
The tooltip for the "Hire the enchanter to join our army" option of the enchanter event says that the unit the event happens to gets enchantment I, even though the newly-created adept is the one that actually gets it.

Also, seems like Mazatl workers start clearing jungle with improvements after sanitation.

Will check the tooltip.

And that confirms it: It's an issue with LinkedBuilds. Same thing with the forest for the Elves, it just comes earlier. Good, that means it should be possible to fix easily. :lol:

Eeek! When I quit tonight I was busy researching Sanitation!

While we're on the Mazatl, it looks like Priests of Kalshekk found Temples to Kilmorph, not Kalshekk. This lets cities have two Temples. I imagine the same is true for Oghma.

Known. The spell searches for the unitclass, not unit, so I either have to specifically block it for the mazatl, or move the effect into python and have it look for UB's of the buildings; That's the likely choice. ;)

As D'tesh, I got a couple promoted Chosen from lairs, which was neat and presumably fixed. On their way back across the map, I came across a goblin fort and beat up the defenders. I was then able to claim the fort and use the fort commander to explore the lair. He was gone the following turn, so I claimed the fort again and got a new one which functioned normally.


I was able to pop a lair with my hawk :p

That needs to be fixed.
Had an issue with Spirit Guide. Picked it up from a lair on my 250xp Cualli Hero'd Ranger, named Curare, who eventually got ganked by a multitude of vampires. Spirit Guide said it transferred, but it didn't; no unit I owned gained the promotion or any experience. I reloaded a few times and once the combat ended differently and he survived a few turns before dying again; this time I tracked the Spirit Guide icon to my nearest city (not my nearest units) and confirmed that none of them picked up the promotion despite the icon pointing at it.

Curare had like a billion promotions (he'd picked up Hero, Adventurer, Courage, and then Lion Blood early; Lion Blood can stack on Courage if you get Courage first, although I have no idea if there's any cumulative effect) from traps to desert gear to all the 'Bloods minus elephant, and my first thought was some kind of overload from very high level, like a two-digit year clock trying to roll up to 2000 and resetting instead.

It was kind of depressing, 'cause I needed a level 6 Shadow Priest or Assassin for Miz and that city had two of each. :p
Another one, same game: I had researched Military Strategy, but was not using Conquest (nor had I ever). Attacking a Calabim city would blank their entire culture except the city square for 1 turn before it reverted; Conquest indicates that it does this a special effect. Is the text for Conquest outdated and Military Strategy grants culture-war-combat directly, or is there an issue here?
Had an issue with Spirit Guide. Picked it up from a lair on my 250xp Cualli Hero'd Ranger, named Curare, who eventually got ganked by a multitude of vampires. Spirit Guide said it transferred, but it didn't; no unit I owned gained the promotion or any experience. I reloaded a few times and once the combat ended differently and he survived a few turns before dying again; this time I tracked the Spirit Guide icon to my nearest city (not my nearest units) and confirmed that none of them picked up the promotion despite the icon pointing at it.

Curare had like a billion promotions (he'd picked up Hero, Adventurer, Courage, and then Lion Blood early; Lion Blood can stack on Courage if you get Courage first, although I have no idea if there's any cumulative effect) from traps to desert gear to all the 'Bloods minus elephant, and my first thought was some kind of overload from very high level, like a two-digit year clock trying to roll up to 2000 and resetting instead.

It was kind of depressing, 'cause I needed a level 6 Shadow Priest or Assassin for Miz and that city had two of each. :p

Just to make sure... Did any of your units get xp? IIRC, Spirit Guide doesn't pass on promotions. Just a portion off the dead unit's xp.

Another one, same game: I had researched Military Strategy, but was not using Conquest (nor had I ever). Attacking a Calabim city would blank their entire culture except the city square for 1 turn before it reverted; Conquest indicates that it does this a special effect. Is the text for Conquest outdated and Military Strategy grants culture-war-combat directly, or is there an issue here?

They both allow it. Conquest comes at Warfare, and allows it early. Military Strategy grants it without the need of a civic.
I was playing as the Mazatl and was following RoK. I had built Bambur, the Mines of Galdur and switched to Arete. I then researched Religious Law (on the way to Theology) and decided I'd rather have Chalid and Priests of Omorr. For some reason though, I was unable to switch religions (and yes, I founded it). Any thoughts?
Two more python exceptions, the first from Hyborem entering creation (I assume "Pythin argument types in CyPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(CyPlayer) did not match C++ signature: getCivilizationDescription(class CyPlayer {lvalue}, int)" is computer language for "The compact has been broken." :lol:) and the second from Worldbreak being cast (bug was reported, but I'm not sure if the exception was posted yet). Both are from multiplayer games.


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err, KeyErrors sometime occurs when there's error in module and/or when someone edits python files data while game is running ... it's caused by MPL ... :mischief: ... still figuring out how to fix that ...
Haste is not wearing off in some cases. Had a stag casting haste on itself and two hunters, the stack was able to move hasted for several rounds without aquiring the fatigued promotion. After the stag and the hunters split, the hunters lost the hasted promotion and got fatigued. It seems that as long as the caster and recipient of a spell remain on the same tile, spell effects are not wearing off.

Saw two demonic supply wagons wandering around aimlessly, are those supposed to exist?

just made a conquest victory in 220 turns with Austrin (Deidra, thanks for keeping the pic!) with no timeout, crash etc. - first one!!! Seem to be a very stable civ. Played on a small map, immortal and no terraforming civs, animals enabled (is fun with austrin) against calabim, bannor, khazad and clan of ember. Congrats:king:

Only bug i noticed (if it's not intended): when my austrin fort commander was killed and I reconquered the fort it was not possible to build a fort commander again.



P.S.: When I'm complainig it's not because I want to piss you guys off... I always said that I honor your "free" work very much. But I'm critizising when I don't like it - though I agree that it is a bit bugging... I try to minimize it and you modders try to take it as "constructive critizism" :goodjob:
4 more exceptions, the 1st one popping up every time I end my turn with the Calabim, the 2nd one appearing sporadically and the 3rd I got while playing the Infernals, same with the 4th one which seems to be caused by lair exploration. Switching civ to the Infernals causes an OOS in multiplayer.

The 5th Screenshot is not really a bug, but it's kinda hard to imagine my Hyborem getting lynched by the angry villagers of Foxford. Also, could he get the werewolf promotion? Was too afraid of him getting eaten to try :crazyeye:

EDIT: fuchsia icons at Breeding Pit and Demonic Citizens.


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Haste is not wearing off in some cases. Had a stag casting haste on itself and two hunters, the stack was able to move hasted for several rounds without aquiring the fatigued promotion. After the stag and the hunters split, the hunters lost the hasted promotion and got fatigued. It seems that as long as the caster and recipient of a spell remain on the same tile, spell effects are not wearing off.

Working as intended, as long as an haste-capable caster is present in the stack, haste will not degrade to fatigue (probably you have to set Haste on auto-cast in this version, I still wasn't able to start a serious Rife game since 1.3, I'll probably simply wait for the patch to come).

Lots of spell can be set in auto-cast, either at the beginning or at the end of your turn :) (shift+click and CTRL+click, IIRC)
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