Recent content by The Fishman

  1. The Fishman

    Have you been stung by a jellyfish?

    No, I haven't, but I used to like to play with dead jellyfish when I was a kid. :crazyeye: I live in England so we don't have many stinging jellyfish, and these ones were missing their tenticles.
  2. The Fishman

    You are king of a small sized island, what weapon systems do you use to defend it?

    Buy some nukes and use them to detonate the volcano in the event of an invasion. Use guerilla warfare and the cover of the volcanic ash to pick off the enemy as they flee from the island. Planes can't fly through that stuff easily and satellites would have trouble getting images. Even infra-red...
  3. The Fishman

    If you were a country, what country would you be?

    North Korea, I'm on my own all the time!
  4. The Fishman

    Annex asks...Best City Skyline?

    I bet A Clockwork Orange doesn't have a pathetic mini Grand Canyon: :crazyeye:
  5. The Fishman

    What do you think of Japan?

    Ranges from useful or innovative to plain weird. Both plain weird and annoying. My brother watches it though! :rolleyes: I don't know much about Japanese culture, to be honest, other than stereotypical classical stuff Samurai and paintings and houses made of paper that everybody knows about...
  6. The Fishman

    Annex asks...Best City Skyline?

    Nottingham! :P
  7. The Fishman

    Worst decisions you ever made

    I posted in this thread... :D EDIT: that wheeled spearman must have been a really bad descision for somebody!
  8. The Fishman

    Turf War

    Site feedback?
  9. The Fishman

    Favourite political ideology

    Imperialism FTW!
  10. The Fishman

    Drawing a little... again!

    Not really drawn, but CGed: And just to appease imageshack:
  11. The Fishman

    Political Cartoons XI: Post-Election 2008 (Whew!)

    Australian bushfires. The fireman's helmet (and I presume the head as well!) are shaped like Australia.
  12. The Fishman

    Offer intrepretation of people's dreams, armchair psychitraists of the world unite!!

    Most of my dreams are bizzare and meaningless. For example blowing zombie cows with a shotgun in space, or the one where the Kaiser invaded Nottingham and started a new WW1 with jet planes and stuff. There was an interesting one that looked a bit like civ. I looked at Greece, and saw that it...
  13. The Fishman

    Who has the moral right to Alsace?

    Perhaps a state for Scientologists would be a good idea to have there? :lol:
  14. The Fishman

    Moives You Don't Remember

    Rome: Total War has them, but that's not a movie...
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