• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

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  1. D

    [NFP] March Update Video Discussion

    What a joke! Zombies, absolutely pathetic way to end the season pass. I feel ripped off, with this instead of real CIV content.
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    Pirates Scenario Discussion

    What a complete waste of time and money that could have been invested in improving the core game.
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    [NFP] Is Civ 6 "Too White"?

    Can we not keep racist topics like this off the forum? It very depressing to read the crap.
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    [NFP] Kublai Khan Discussion Thread

    Not every leader needs to be tailored to a very specific playstyle and victory condition. I’m fine with another balanced and adaptable leader, as we have had plenty of specialists recently.
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    What Do We Think of Religion in Civ VI?

    I’d like to see much more passive religious spread if you invest in the right infrastructure and great works and much less reliance on units. As per the previous post, religious victory feels far too similar to domination. it should be something you build towards, not spam units.
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    September Update Thread

    I wish these patches weren’t announced until they are nearly ready. I inevitably become reluctant to start a new game.
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    [GS] Do Governors need a rework?

    The generic non-entities representing governors spoil the immersion more than anything else in the game for me. Give us proper governor names for each civ.
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    You can just block Rock Bands with your units.

    One unit per tile should be scrapped for all non-military units.
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    [GS] Does the queue system annoy anyone else with how it's implemented?

    Yet a again far too many clicks than nescesarry. Why on earth have the UI designer not been sacked?
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    How are bararian spawn times in Gathering Storm for you

    I just had a game where absolutely no barbarians have spawned. King standard continents
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    damn these new maps!

    Less mountains? are you a flat earther?
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    damn these new maps!

    The new maps are fantastic.
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    [GS] Mali Discussion Thread

    Lots of potential to run a commercial projects and specialist based economy. I always loved Mali as a civ and this looks so much fun.
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    [R&F] The Next Expansion will re-work the Government Plaza and Governors, right?

    Found this concept art on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/7tbbz6/idea_and_concept_art_for_a_civilization_unique/
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    [R&F] The Next Expansion will re-work the Government Plaza and Governors, right?

    I wish we had different advisor names and portraits for each Civ. They are so immersion breaking.
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    [GS] Will Maori be the worst Civ whatsoever?

    Who cares if the ?????? don't like this civ? Really looking forward trying these mechanics out. Offensive language removed, please keep this conversation civil. leif
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    Pre-GS To-Do List

    I’m finally getting round to complete each of the scenarios
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    Still no news of the SDK after 3 months: I'm taking a break

    Totally understand. No world builder is a disgrace. I have been waiting to produce a Greatest Earth Map tailored to CIV6 and sick of it.
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    Sci Fi show uses Civilization for one of its stories?

    It does not matter what you think.
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