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  1. P

    Quo's Combined Tweaks

    I think this mod might not be compatible with the sukitract ui mod I'm using. There are errors with the UI. (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/289070/939149009/UI/Common/Additions/Suk_TechTree_Tooltip Error opening/reading where=, file=C:\Program Files...
  2. P

    Quo's Combined Tweaks

    I got an error with this mod and one with Sukritact's Simple UI. I do not know if combining the mods caused this. DebugHotloadCache: GameDebug initialized! Test: Test.LUA loaded! JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true Mods: Failed to create mods...
  3. P

    Quo's Combined Tweaks

    Dynamic Diplomacy (both versions) with this mod causes the game to crash. I'm using Rise and Fall.
  4. P

    [BTS] Saving Custom Game Rules

    Is there a way to save your custom game settings and civs chosen? (I know options are saved.) For example, I'd like to keep my map settings, amount of civs (34), and the civs (all 34) saved. Is there a mod for any of this? Thanks.
  5. P

    Delnar's AI Cleanup

    Great mod. It would be nice if the AI always protected their settlers. It makes war too easy and tempting.
  6. P

    Mod Request - No more first impressions

    I've heard and believe the AI gives you a negative modifier if you cut them off when they introduce themselves. Unfortunately, with animations disabled the AI is silent. I might learn to mod if someone could point me in the right direction to fix this. Thanks.
  7. P

    1 unit per tile

    Does this mod have this option? I don´t know how to enable this. Thanks.
  8. P

    AI aggressiveness

    This mod makes the AI belligerent, so you'd probably enjoy it. I think AI strategy depends on what kind of victory conditions are enabled, so you could only enable domination victory and a few or no others.
  9. P

    Tech trading exploit

    Whenever tech trading is unlocked, I'm able to get free techs by getting an offer for a resource, then adding techs to the deal. If nobody else has this problem, it's probably a CBP conflict with the triple quick mod. Sorry for posting this here, but it didn't get a response in the bug forum.
  10. P

    Can you make the lua.log file not truncate file paths?

    I configured Civ V to log errors like the Civ wiki shows, but the problem mod's location is truncated and I don't understand how to make it not be truncated. Is there a way to do this? Thanks. The game crashing bug:
  11. P

    Bug Reports - Post Here!

    I got an error where you could keep getting free techs. To do this, I asked what they'd pay for something, added the techs, then accepted the deal. I used the up to date CBP with other mods.
  12. P

    Bug Reports - Post Here!

    I think there's a council of elders exploit. When I captured enemy missionaries and tried to convert one of my cities multiple times, to get religious buildings, I kept getting the science boost because my city wasn't converted.
  13. P

    Difficulty compared to vanilla CIV V

    In one release, the mod showed difficulty equivalents for CBP compared to vanilla CIV V. Is this information still available or no longer applicable? Thanks.
  14. P

    Bug Reports - Post Here!

    My civ (Venice) got we love the king day even though I didn't get the luxury resource (gold). It might have happened because I used a merchant of venice to ally with a city state, but they didn't have gold.
  15. P

    Bug Reports - Post Here!

    When I select the religous wonder that gives science when I enact a policy, I get the bonus immediately without even building the wonder.
  16. P

    MODS compatible with Vox Populi (VP)

    I think wonders that added luxuries, like this one , cause CBP to crash.
  17. P

    Community Patch - How To Install

    Is the 43 civ CBP cancelled? The file is deleted.
  18. P

    Liberty not giving enough culture

    If you complete a building and research a tech in the same turn, you only get the culture boost from one of them.
  19. P

    New Version - July 18th (7-18)

    Does CBP still use the default AI handicap?
  20. P

    New Version - July 15th (7-15 v2)

    Is there still a way to change the CBP handicap, like you could before?
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