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  1. E

    What tech obsoletes my Preatorians?

    Medic perhaps. I'm not sure. It's been a while and I don't have the list at the moment. Edit: Also, gunship pilot isn't normally trainned at local stables :D
  2. E

    What tech obsoletes my Preatorians?

    I believe you can't build riflemen at them moment. It looks like if you don't have all tech needed to build all possible upgrade path of a unit, then you can still build it. That's why I believe Galileo don't have rifling yet. I wonder if resource also have such effect, thus by temporary...
  3. E

    The Emperor Masters' Challenge 3 (on Warlords)

    Ouch, I forgot that part, being too focused on the city's state.:D
  4. E

    The Emperor Masters' Challenge 3 (on Warlords)

    If you rush to size 2, by 8th turn you'll accumulate 22 food and 10 hammer in warrior. Then it'll take another 12 turn to build worker. By 25th turn you'll have the corn irrigated, size 2 city, 15 food and 20 hammer. Make it 26th in case for emergency reason you need to rush the warrior or want...
  5. E

    Land requirement to build Space Elevator...

    If a civ don't yet have the technology to build it (not even any theory), then it would also didn't know the exact requirement to build it. But if you want to know where the equator is before learning calendar, then you should examine the orientation of the resource bubble. In the third picture...
  6. E

    A Very good Unit--trebuchet

    Colateral damage is 'given' to some other unit on the same tile with the unit that actually defending the tile from the attacker. IIRC from vanilla sdk, it's based only on base strength and barage percentage of the attacker (and may be some defender's variable). Thus catapult with higher base...
  7. E

    question on Cease fire, forest grow and astronomy

    A forest will grow into a tile only if (iirc based on sdk): It's a valid terrain (can't expect forest in a desert), not occupied by unit and not improved. Road may exist but it reduce the chance to grow forest, unless the xml is modified. And there's at least one unimproved forest tile in...
  8. E

    Banks and Printing Press

    It depends on your ecomonic slider required to maintain your empire's economy. If it require 60% commerce turned into gold to have a balanced budget, then by building bank in your cities (assuming they don't already have market/grocer), you will still have a balanced budget at 40% gold slider...
  9. E

    daks guide to extra wealth

    Yes, if you also own the shrines of those 4 religions. More if there's building like bank in the same city of the shrine.
  10. E

    Forts in Warlords

    Still, you'll just need some CG promoted unit to defend it. In previous version, a mixed army is required (multiple units with different native bonus against specific unit class). Perhaps it'll be better if fortress can act as mine field for the invader. Not that they'll get damage, but they...
  11. E

    Things about warlords

    1.61's Civ4BuildingInfos.xml : <BuildingInfo> <BuildingClass>BUILDINGCLASS_GREAT_LIGHTHOUSE</BuildingClass> <bWater>1</bWater> <bRiver>0</bRiver> </BuildingInfo> <BuildingInfo> <BuildingClass>BUILDINGCLASS_STATUE_OF_LIBERTY</BuildingClass> <bWater>0</bWater> <bRiver>0</bRiver>...
  12. E

    Lumber mills

    The chance that forest will grow in an unimproved tile is based also on the amount of unimproved forest on it's side (see CvPlot::doFeature() in 1.61 sdk). Lumbermill is an improvement.
  13. E

    Rounding of commerce with Warlords

    Does civic cost also work in fraction now? I remember that an organized could have 0+0+0+0+0 across it civic cost, when if the same empire is managed by normal leader will have 1+1+1+1+1. It's minor, but helps the early days of an organized leader.
  14. E

    When to use slavery?

    Right. As an early combat capable land unit that can have sentry promotion (extended visibility), it's a great fog buster.
  15. E

    pre-warlords discussion: best use of generals?

    Some of my warlord won't see combat. I'll give the warlord's 20 xp to a horse unit and give it commando promotion. The unit will repeatedly pillage and retreat to a mountain where a guerilla promoted friend is waiting providing cover. Keep doing it until gunship available and then do it more :D
  16. E

    Benefits of First Strike

    I don't think that a CKN taking defensive pose could deliver its collateral damage like you said. But if you plan to take out axemen outside the city, crossbow is a natural predator of axemen due to its bonus against melee. CKN is even deadlier with its collateral.
  17. E

    Benefits of First Strike

    Even if the next patch/expansion does it (first strike round before colateral), if the other unit in the tile has higher strength (like mace or charging HA) then the drill4 CKN will step aside to let that other unit to defend against the siege unit, making the CKN eligible to recieve colateral...
  18. E

    Caste System help

    When I'm spiritual and need to immediately expand the border of a new city (to retrieve bonus resource on outer ring or block passage through a choke point), I swap to CS for awhile, hire artist in the city, and swap back.
  19. E

    Combat Explained....

    The combat resolution code is in CvUnit::updateCombat, in case some one find it more interesting to review it than playing the game ;)
  20. E

    When to use workshops, windmills, or lumbermills?

    The first time windmill is discovered, imho a financial civ should build them on all hill by the river (unless you need to mine the special resouce in it). That's because if compared with a farmed plain, a windmilled grasshill produce 2 more commerce (+1 from the windmill, +1 from financial). If...
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