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Snakes & Foxes 3: The ****oo's Nest (Game Thread)

{ OOC: My apologies, the update will be a bit late, no more than two hours for sure. I take full blame... }
{ OOC: Ok, just a litte more than what I originally expected. Thank you for your patience. }
Morning, Day 13

Since this was, after all, the thirteenth morning, you, the not so humble reader, may be expecting something grand from Perpentach. "A day filled with such symbolism!" you might be thinking. "Clearly an interesting development will arise in the arena." If you were thinking along those lines, well, you’re wrong. Although triskaidekaphobia definitely existed, it only existed because in a large enough population, you’re bound to have somebody scared of specific numbers.

The Divided Soul slid onto the stage. He didn’t look that divided, especially since his body looked completely nondescript. It was the kind of nondescript that stood out because it was eerily too average; you half suspected that he had 2.4 children and drove 1.3 cars. If you paid attention though, you caught a glimpse into his icy, inhuman stare, the one thing that ironically assured you of his humanity. He glared at everyone in perfect silence.

Next, the Engineer walked on. He wore a dashing little hat that functionally did almost nil, since it was made out of very fashionable but not very protective soft leather. He had an entire belt’s worth of gizmos and gadgets, and probably had way more inside the toolbox he lugged around. It was a primitive version of the monsters of steel we have today; it was crafted out of simple wood and didn’t even feature any art on it. Nonetheless, it was quite utilitarian.

The Soul let out a scream, far quieter than any scream heard yet. The sound was raspy, like a man who had been trapped in a desert for three days, during which the only thing he had to drink was a bottle of windshield fluid, and he was so desperate that he drank some anyway and now he’s about to die of dehydration or poisoning, whatever is going to kill him first. Reality was violently ripped apart and then hastily stitched back together.

They were placed in a desolate landscape. An ill wind whistled and whirled. Even though the sun was out, it was still dark. It bears mentioning that the sun was a strange purple color and that the sky was black. Gnarled trees dotted the landscape.

The Engineer obviously hadn’t heard of the adage, "Haste makes waste," because he quickly began throwing a great many things into the ground, forming a haphazard circle around him. When he was finished, it was evident that there were a great many more things inside the Bag of Holding. But for now, he was satisfied. Odd metal objects littered the floor.

The Divided Soul eyed all this almost lazily as he sent his soul ahead. Due to the aid of some magic, even normal people could see the little ripples the soul made as it drifted through reality. The Engineer, however, was not this lucky, and to him it looked like his opponent was trying to get some birds to land on him. He unhooked a little blue grenade from his belt and lobbed it at the still body of his adversary.

Just as the grenade reached its target, the body disappeared, having teleported directly to the soul. The grenade exploded upon contact with the ground, causing it to freeze over and trapping a poor lizard who had poor judgment.

His soul had managed to find its way inside the Engineer’s fortifications, and so it was there that his body materialized, behind the Engineer. He smoothly withdrew a knife from his belt and stabbed. The knife stuck deep into the Engineer, all the way down to the hilt. Luckily for the Engineer, his instincts kicked in and caused his foot to lash out in, well, a kick that fortuitously connected with the Divided Soul’s knee. He grimaced and staggered back, tripping a proximity mine. Shrapnel exploded everywhere but mostly decided to ruin the Divided Soul’s day. His soul fled his body even as the wounds were beginning to regenerate. The soul circled the little area inside the circle of protection the Engineer had drawn for himself while his body moved in an antiparallel direction, albeit more slowly and in a less coordinated manner. One more hit, thought the Divided Soul, withdrawing his other knife.

Unfortunately, the Engineer had other plans. Withdrawing two grenades with two hands, he rolled both of them in opposite directions, correctly guessing that the body and the soul would stand diametrically apart before they initiated the attack. The grenade that hit the body exploded with a shock, zapping it with many, many electrons. The soul was agile enough to neatly dodge the fireball that came spewing out and laid an icy grip on the Engineer. The Engineer swung wildly, displacing the soul. The body teleported in suddenly, but too soon - the soul had stumbled onto a snare, and the body warped in just in time to be clamped by the trap. He sent his soul out again, starting to look visibly fatigued, as the Engineer pulled out a miniature ballista that looked rather like a crossbow toy. It fired, scoring a solid hit on the body, right in the chest.

It teleported out a third time and stood menacingly in front of the Engineer. The Divided Soul slashed with his knife, scratching the Engineer, who still had the common sense when dodging back to leap neatly over the tripwire. The Divided Soul unfortunately was not as perceptive and his chase triggered another explosion. After the smoke cleared, the Divided Soul’s body was as punctured as Swiss Cheese, but miraculously, he was still standing. The Engineer for his part had received a nice shrapnel blow to his eye, and his remaining upright despite that and the knife still sticking out of his back showed his dedication to live as well.

It was time. The Engineer crossed his arms and opened them. An arc of little spherical balls came flying towards the Divided Soul and exploded, making little firecracker sounds. Smoke engulfed their location as the Engineer was seen unhooking another batch of grenades and charging in. An explosion was seen somewhere inside the smoke, and flying out was the Divided Soul’s body, which landed on the ground with a sickening squelch, eyes closed but still breathing. The Engineer leapt gingerly out of the partly-demolished circle of gadgets he had made earlier and chucked a grenade down at his opponent. Suddenly, the spectre of a man opened his eyes, rolled so that he could see the Engineer and teleported just a few feet up so that he was upright. The explosion rocked the two, who were grappling, and sent them flying back towards the circle, where the Engineer’s head landed squarely onto a mine. The resulting shrapnel pierced straight through the head into the Divided Soul, who toppled backwards off of his decapitated enemy.

Spoiler :
The Engineer was Innocent!

The Engineer was worth 426 gold. One third, 142 gold, will be given as spoils to the Divided Soul. The remainder is split among the three survivors of The Golden Scarecrows, 94 gold each.

Gold and points won and lost from betting:
Spoiler :
Final odds for Divided Soul to win: 0.96:1

The following contestants have won gold and points from betting:
Beastmaster +38 gold, +138 points
Eidolon +48 gold, +148 points
Pirate +48 gold, +148 points
Lizardman +0 gold, +100 points
Brujah +24 gold, +124 points

The following contestants have won points from voting the Frost Speaker into battle:
1st voter: Beastmaster, +200 points
2nd voter: Runekeeper, +100 points

The following contestants have lost gold from betting:
Paladin -50 gold
Arquebusier -1 gold
Dragonslayer -10 gold
Luonnotar -50 gold
Shaman -50 gold

It took a while to clean up all the shrapnel and gore once reality was restored. When the metal detectors had all done their jobs, the pompous official hurried in to assume his normal pose, parchment in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will have the pleasure of observing two barbaric champions do battle, when the Shaman again enters the arena of his choice, this time to take on the Beastmaster!"

Evening fight: Beastmaster vs Shaman, Shaman gets arena choice.

It is now day.
All contenstants, vote for combatants for the next morning's fight.
People with day abilities, send me PMs.
Combatants, send your battle ideas to LightFang!

Betting is open for Beastmaster vs Shaman. Place your bets in BOLD dark orange.
brujah versus paladin I say!
{ OOC: All data should be up to date now, if anything is amiss then let me know. Sorry again for the delay. }
Overlord Speaker an' Courtesan, an' curse th' Marks fer stealin' me top choice again.
50 gold on the Beastmaster.
I agree that the Divided Soul should fight again...how about against the Illusionist? That does indeed promise a good show...
Just because I don't vote people in very often doesn't mean I am not following the game and trying to help. Would you prefer someone who has no idea who the marks are vote at random like most of you do and thus help slaughter off all the remaining innocents? I have bet when I had money or felt I had an idea who might win. Beyond that what does participation entail? The great irony of all of this is that I may have been helpful identifying marks using my special ability but as no one except Renata has even spoken to me it has gone unused rather frequently.
Yer not dead yet, Divided Soul, cheer yerself. Now how's about ye come talk t' me in private, me lad. There's still a question ye 'aven't answered.
I light of all the events, I'll place 10 gold on the Shaman.

And vote The Satyr against the Paladin.
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