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Napoleonic Wars

Does the big main file make the game playable ?
If not, can you update your links.

Did you get the main DL to work, because everything you need should be in there. My guess is those links were deleted after the main folder was updated.
Hey Guardian this looks very interesting. Do u have any Screen shots?

Sorry, I haven't had time to play an actual game. I know NUCFLASH has been play testing. Maybe he could post some. I did post some screen shots of the advisor screens and some map screens and the city screen but no actual game shots. Maybe I could put some together and post them.

I'm still working on the civilopedia and trying to fix some other ???? concepts that I am working on. The merchant unit that I included will actually have a purpose eventually. I am toying with an idea of what I actually want that unit to do but haven't fully developed it yet. I was thinking of maybe using it for a specialised worker to produce colonise for resourses needed to build the treasue producing improvements and removing that capability from regular workers and having the merchant auto spawn from an improvement in the homeland only.
Are these going to be included in the update?

Also a couple problems:

Some of the units battle animations are off in that they face in the wrong directions during battle.

Are there any city improvements that offer production bonuses?

Is there anything that can be done about the long wait in between turns? (Or is this a consequence of having such a big map?)

The major problem I've been having is the incredibly slow production, growth and research rates. Research time usually takes the full 50 max. turns to complete even with science spending on 100%. Most cities can't grow past 6 or 7 pop, due to few initial terrain improvements and the inability of workers to automate properly (sorry for beating a dead horse, but seriously, they won't automate and I haven't seen the AI build a single one yet). This also means that production rates are quite low; most cities are only able to muster 4-9 shields a turn putting a simple line infantry in the range of 30+ turns away.
Are these going to be included in the update?

Also a couple problems:

Some of the units battle animations are off in that they face in the wrong directions during battle.

Are there any city improvements that offer production bonuses?

Is there anything that can be done about the long wait in between turns? (Or is this a consequence of having such a big map?)

The major problem I've been having is the incredibly slow production, growth and research rates. Research time usually takes the full 50 max. turns to complete even with science spending on 100%. Most cities can't grow past 6 or 7 pop, due to few initial terrain improvements and the inability of workers to automate properly (sorry for beating a dead horse, but seriously, they won't automate and I haven't seen the AI build a single one yet). This also means that production rates are quite low; most cities are only able to muster 4-9 shields a turn putting a simple line infantry in the range of 30+ turns away.

I think I have the rotate before attack and ranged attack flags marked for all units. Are there specific units that are causing the problem?

There are some production bonus improvements. There will be more. But production is one of the main reasons why treasure production is so important. to the game. This is meant to be an epic game. Unit costs are going to be high. By producing treasure overseas and returning it to the home capital players can purchase improvements and units increasing their power. "Money is power". Creating treasure, transporting it and STOPPING your opponents from getting treasure is going to be an important strategic consideration. Blockades become more meaningful.

As you know NUCFLASH, and as others will learn, taking on the ZULU will be an expensive proposition, gold (treasure) will be important. Russia will have vast resourses but that will be far from the capital. The Zulu have no treasure but do have many warriors, even if they are weak.

The americans start the game with no standing army (militia only no regular army units), Jefferson was a strict constitutionalist. But they are not at war with anyone(except the barbary pirates) and belong to no coalitions. And don't have a lot of cash ( they just bought louisiana for 15 million). They need to look westward.

Napoleon has the best troops, lots of money and needs to move fast because. . . . The russians are coming.

My plan is to try and make the game historically accurate, within reason, and give the player the opportunity to explore some "what ifs". I also want the game to be challenging yet enjoyable.

I think I can correct the problem with the AI not producing workers and I will see what I can do about the automation problem. There is still a lot to do, and for the most part I am working alone, and even though I am working on this 16 - 18 hours everyday, it is slow going as I have never done a complete scenario before, and lack some skills in certain areas, especially graphics. (I could really use some help). I also spend a lot time just figuring out, how can I do this or that.

Feedback and play testing is important and I what to thank you NUCFLASH for providing that. You've been a great help in that area and I hope you keep it up.

If there are any other problems or suggestions please let me know.
OK here's what I found. The automate option for the arab and iroquois worker was not checked. I fixed that. European/American worker was checked. I also I checked the build often box for the woker unit. here is the new Biq file with those corrections. Let me know if that fixes the worker automate problem.
On the Barbary Pirates... I find that Jefferson pulls in nearly everybody in his war against the pirates, and the Arabs, being the closest civ, always overrun Tripoli.

The v1.03 biq has an error in it: "text\PediaIcons.txt": ICON_BLDG_Naval_Academy; it won't even get to the civ selection screen. Although I poked around the editor for v1.03 and am pretty sure the issue with the worker has been fixed. I also like the look of the Persian position. :goodjob: I was also going to suggest giving the Dutch some Caribbean colonies but I see you've read my mind. :scan: But now it occurs to me that the Danish also had some holdings in the Virgin Islands at this time.

I've noticed that there are several buildings that spawn units, for instance CostalFortress (it may be another coastal improvement) spawns a British Man O War. There is also a building in Paris that spawns a generic Man-of-War and a building in Lyon that spawns a French Hussar (which has proved to be quite helpful:D).

As for animation discrepancies, ships don't rotate when they bombard (I haven't witnessed any ship-to-ship fighting...yet). But land unit battles are kind of strange. Sometimes the animations work flawlessly, other times not so much. An example: my French Carabinier attacks a Ottoman Sipahi in the tile immediately to its left(East). The Carabinier starts shooting to the North East and the Sipahi attacks to the South East. Similar events happened when, as the Brits, my Lifeguard attacked a Zulu Warrior. However, it should be noted that in two separate battles between the same two types of units the same animation glitch may not occur both times. Weird, right?
On the Barbary Pirates... I find that Jefferson pulls in nearly everybody in his war against the pirates, and the Arabs, being the closest civ, always overrun Tripoli.

The v1.03 biq has an error in it: "text\PediaIcons.txt": ICON_BLDG_Naval_Academy; it won't even get to the civ selection screen. Although I poked around the editor for v1.03 and am pretty sure the issue with the worker has been fixed. I also like the look of the Persian position. :goodjob: I was also going to suggest giving the Dutch some Caribbean colonies but I see you've read my mind. :scan: But now it occurs to me that the Danish also had some holdings in the Virgin Islands at this time.

I've noticed that there are several buildings that spawn units, for instance CostalFortress (it may be another coastal improvement) spawns a British Man O War. There is also a building in Paris that spawns a generic Man-of-War and a building in Lyon that spawns a French Hussar (which has proved to be quite helpful:D).

As for animation discrepancies, ships don't rotate when they bombard (I haven't witnessed any ship-to-ship fighting...yet). But land unit battles are kind of strange. Sometimes the animations work flawlessly, other times not so much. An example: my French Carabinier attacks a Ottoman Sipahi in the tile immediately to its left(East). The Carabinier starts shooting to the North East and the Sipahi attacks to the South East. Similar events happened when, as the Brits, my Lifeguard attacked a Zulu Warrior. However, it should be noted that in two separate battles between the same two types of units the same animation glitch may not occur both times. Weird, right?

I can't find an error with the Naval Academy and my is working and loading ok. I'll repost the Biq. Download it and try again

Do you mean the CoastalFort or Coastal Fortress. The Coastal fort is suppose to spawn a coastal Battery every 24 turns. The coastalfortess spawns nothing.

The building in paris is the Military academy which is suppose to spawn a leader. There is also a building in paris called the merchantsguild which spawns a merchant unit. Perhaps you can not have more than one building that spawns in a city. I will move the guild and see if that corrects the problem.

The building in Lyon is a winery. that building spawns a treasure unit. Its not suppose to be there. I will correct that. I will have to create another building to spawn the treasure.

As for the ships and infantry I will check them all again. But I think I have them all flagged for Rotate before attack and ranged attack.

after I check all of these I will repost the BIQ.
Here is the new BIQ try this and let me know if it works. View attachment 228196

BTW I checked all 160 units they all now have rotate before attack. Most have ranged attack also checked. If the rotation problem persists let me know.

London has 3 builds that spawn units.
#1 is a leader - British Academy
#2 is Heavy Frigate - Naval Academy
#3 is a coastal battery - Coastal Fort

As i said I checked the Pediaicon txt file again and can't see any error. tell me if that problem still persists.
The War College in Lyon is spawning the French Hussar.

The building in Paris spawning the Man O War is the Military Academy. In the editor the Man O War is listed directly underneath the Leader. I'm guessing this is the source of the confusion, i.e. a simple "mis-click". It appears the same thing happened with the CoastalFort.
The War College in Lyon is spawning the French Hussar.

The building in Paris spawning the Man O War is the Military Academy. In the editor the Man O War is listed directly underneath the Leader. I'm guessing this is the source of the confusion, i.e. a simple "mis-click". It appears the same thing happened with the CoastalFort.

That is odd because in my editor everything shows correct.

are you still getting the pediaicon error? Is the game loading ok now.
I created the swiss mercenary and st. Peters basilica as an improvement to spawn the swiss mercenary. To test this, I set the production rate for 1 mercenary per turn. By turn 32 I was beginning to wonder if it was working ( I was playing as the French) as no mercenaries had shown themselves on the map. The next thing I knew about 40 mercenaries showed on my border near zurich. And I was contact by Naples and asked If I wanted to trade 270 Gold for mutual protection pact. Do you think I said NO?

View attachment Zurich.zip

I forgot to change the production rate. It was still set at 1 per turn. I will correct that.
For the land battles, you shouldn't have rotate before attack checked. It is only for ships, as they need to rotate for the cannons to hit the other ship. :D For land units, don't check it. Then they will work properly. :)

OFFTOPIC After posting this I noticed that I should hurry to catch the bus. Then, after I had waited a few minutes at the bus stop I began to wonder where the bus could be. "It should have been here 3-4 minutes ago", I thought. "It's 07:55 already! Wait a minute...07:55!?! The bus comes at 08:55! I'm an hour ahead of the time!" You can guess I feel a bit embarrased now. :blush:
are you still getting the pediaicon error? Is the game loading ok now.

Yeah, it should be working now. It just crossed my mind that I might need to DL the main file again:rolleyes:

Anyway, some screen shots: they're packed in an .rar so just download and extract.
And for a brief description:
1. French Guyana
2. The Ottomans had captured Genova, but by utilizing my Napoleon unit I was able to make a swift counterattack.
3. The Parisian Navy
4. A game I started as Saxony...
5. British Grenadiers in Spanish service.

These shots were taken in v1.02.
Also, I switched the default terrain for Sn00py's Terrain Greener.


  • Screenshots.rar
    2.9 MB · Views: 210
For the land battles, you shouldn't have rotate before attack checked. It is only for ships, as they need to rotate for the cannons to hit the other ship. :D For land units, don't check it. Then they will work properly. :)

OFFTOPIC After posting this I noticed that I should hurry to catch the bus. Then, after I had waited a few minutes at the bus stop I began to wonder where the bus could be. "It should have been here 3-4 minutes ago", I thought. "It's 07:55 already! Wait a minute...07:55!?! The bus comes at 08:55! I'm an hour ahead of the time!" You can guess I feel a bit embarrased now. :blush:

thx arexander, I'll fix that right away
I still get an error crash with V1.03.:badcomp: The error message says its missing an entry in V1.02 for a Spanish Academy. I attached a screenshot of the carsh...maybe you can tell something from it.


  • V1.03 error.zip
    393.8 KB · Views: 117
@Guardian, with regards to El Justo's naval setup in AoI: Battle ships have high A/D and HP but slow movement; Destroyers have high movement, low A/D and HP but can bombard with a high rate of fire; Cruisers have medium A/D and HPs and are faster than Battleships. In this way Destroyers can beat a Battleship, Cruisers protect Battleships from Destroyers and Battleships can dispatch Cruisers.

Basically its like Rock, Paper, Scissors with each beating one and losing to the other. What I was suggesting was a setup that would give Cuirassiers and advantage over Hussars, Hussars over Dragoons, Dragoons over Cuirassiers and so on. Just an idea. I'm really not sure how to accurately represent the differences between the cavalry types (and infantry for that matter) in game though.

Oh, and could you post an updated Beta sometime (if its not too much trouble) so the testers can stay current with any changes or additions?
click here for a more concise rundown on how we formulate the sea units :)
click here for a more concise rundown on how we formulate the sea units :)

This really helps with a couple of different problems I am having. One in particular concerning the overseas (colonial) resourses and of course the sea units. Thanks alot for the assistance. I know you are very busy working on the release of AOI 4.0 (which I am looking forward to) so I really appreciate your taking the time to provide this assistance.
Thank you El Justo for such a clear explanation. I know you must be pretty busy putting the finishing touches on AoI v4.0 (really looking forward to the release btw :D). I found your raison d'être theory to be especially useful.

In this scenario each civ has quite an array of both cavalry and infantry units. While the unit graphics may be entertaining, most of the units are just inferior compered to the strongest few. And, as you discussed in your post, since there is no incentive for the AI (or human player for that matter) to build the weaker Cav and Inf types they are rarely if ever used.

That in mind, I find it difficult to come up with a way to create differentiation for a pool of units whose combat capabilities were in reality quite similar.
my pleasure, gents. and the raison d'être is a MUST across the board for all classes of units. it is as close as we can come to dummy-proofing it for the AI :)

there are some ways around that issue you're having NUC. autoproduction is one but streamlining the unit lines is probably the best way to go imho.
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