Do you finish your games in one sitting/day?

I used to, but I don't anymore as I have gotten busier with other things. My usual playtime for a single round played from start to finish is around 5-8 hours, give or take. I usually play it in sessions of about two or so hours and then come back to it later or another day. I think if I had to estimate, I finish a civ5 game every 3-4 days or so on average. I think taking breaks is also good as you can think about what your strategy is like and what you can do next when you come back to it. You just don't get that when you play it all in one big session.

I play standard speed, always. The other speeds don't really convenience me.
i play on quick but it takes a week or two to finish.
I do.mico manage.
I play virtually every day but most week days, I might only play 3 to 6 turns mid game
If I know I am coming back after a day or two to a game where there is a very slim to no chance that I will lose, I usually just start a new one.

Yeah, I hear ya.

That's usually why I try to finish it in one day, or else I would start a new game.

Although I have just moved up from King to Emperor now, I may have to slow down my game a bit, maybe. :think:
No way, I play marathons. The time between turns after the renaissance wouldn't let me finish if the day had 36 h!
Rarely, if I start it Saturday morning and keep at it all day. I play on Epic so they games aren't as fast as standard. I'm not sure if I have finished one in a day since I started playing Epic...
Given that I play during my commute (2 - 45 minute train rides) and 2 hours in the evening, my games last 4-5 days (king, standard speed, large maps). I concur with the notion that frequent breaks encourage you to think through your strategy, especially during boring meetings at work.
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