1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

2514: I don't exist, England never settles Wellington anyway. :p
Local patriotism aside, I agree completely.
2540. You dare to try that new abomination some call The Successor. But after a few hours with the abomination, you quickly realize that you didn't play civ4 too much yet... you still have plenty of one-more-turns.
2542. When I see all those corn, wheat and other fields and farms surrounding my town and 6 temples built, wondering what will be like when Great Profit arrive.
2543. When you're playing FIFA 12, and you hear the announcer say that Barcelona certainly has divine inspiration, and you're confused because Spain is Catholic and obviously didn't get to Divine Right first.
2545. When your yardstick for a good game is thousands of hours played, not some pathetic 100 hours.
2544) What's FIFA 12?
2546. 12? Civ 12 is out? Since when? I was busy playing 4...
2548. You think Byzantium, Constantinople and Istanbul were 3 different cities in 3 different locations.
551: You deny that Napoleon lost at Waterloo because he could not get his reinforcements in time as the French UU has extra movement.
2549. Clue 551 is false. Redcoats has bonuses against gunpowder units.

657.)when you see a hot air ballon, you wonder why they don't upgrade it to a jet fighter
2550. Because they could no longer see submarines once upgraded.

740) You carry around a stirrup to see if someone is telling the truth
2551. Then you bring along a horse just in case that person is being hunted down.

... or you have never tried farming tundra/ice/desert... that leads me to:

825. You have tried farming tundra/ice/desert.
2552. And you try to do it without any source of water, since you claim to know biology.

1199) The first thing you think of when reading the headline Hong Kong’s growth chokes on filthy air is green smoke and lots of :hammers: and :yuck:.
Too much factories, coal plants and forges, obviously.

#1217 You wonder where the Hanging Gardens are. They can't just have dissapeared, they never obsolete!
The Arabs, and later the Mongols, pillaged Babylon.

1281) Russia should have been conquered a long time ago since there is no weather bonuses...
But RFC has the Russians start with General Winter.

1313) You scoff at the idea of the Portuguese introducing firearms making a difference to the Japanese, because Tokugawa never trades techs.
It was gifted to them, obviously.

1378. you have been searching for a video of the the entire history of civilization on earth in a civ 4 format with play by play explanation (someone please make this).
An RFC one would be infinitely better.

1565: You can't believe that Genghis Khan conquered the world with Horse Archers and that the Persians used Chariots.
It's a mix of horse archers and keshiks.

1579 - You wonder how Ukraine can survive in modern age with such conditions - 1)half of country's cities 50% culturally influenced by stronger neighbor and ready to culture-flip every turn, 2) non-existant miliary, 3) strong corruption with courthouses increasing maintenance instead of decreasing it, 4) not having vassal or mutual protection treaty, 5) constantly arrogantly demanding and demanding help from EVERYONE, 6) with people hating universal suffrage and demanding police state and state property even though they dont want to build military units and want to travel abroad.
Then add the leftover fallout from Soviet times.

1663:You think that Russia,China,India and America are contending for Domination.
FTFY. India's area is too small.

1679: You use the Internet to learn how to make lasers and fighter planes.
2553. When you have given up, you thought that the Internet is not yet fully built.
2554. Then you wonder who is building the Internet.

1734. You think peace treaties were unbreakable, no matter what.

1735. You think that Hitler cheated and used WB to declare war on Czechoslovakia and Poland (because he had a peace treaty).
2555. You know it takes ten turns for peace treaties to expire.
2556. Then you wonder how Russia was able to declare war against Japan with the latter making peace after losing Khalkin Gol badly. And the Russians against the Turks multiple times, with peace only lasting for a year.

1744: You find Isabella hot.

1745: You have fantasies about her.

1746: You then hallucinate about her coming out of the computer.
Sort of guilty of 1744, and my ongoing story is a manifestation of 1745 (1746 never happened so far), so it leads to:

2557. You actually write a story about how you fell in love with [insert name of female leader here].
2558. Then you constantly imagine yourself rescuing her after traveling back in time (Realpolitik CIV players who are constantly concerned over Cathy are guilty of this).
2559. After that, you challenge her RL husband to a duel to death (if she's not Elizabeth of England, who died single).

1774. You mod RFC so it's more realistic than how Rhye made it.
Some people do it all the time.

1780. You weep over Michael Jackson's death, saying "It's not fair! I just needed to find one Great Merchant and then the Golden Age would allow the US to change to State Property!"
2560. When Billy Mays also died, you knew that another GA is coming.

The other countries are barbarian confederations!
2561. Actually, they're independents/rebels/whatever you like to call them, otherwise they're already invading their neighbors since they are always at war against everybody.

1946) You rank your mood towards someone in a Civ4-like fashion (i.e. Friendly, Polite, Cautious, Annoyed, and Furious).

I for one have personally done this!
2562.You have tried to draw the equivalent diplo screen.

1958. When running close to a deadline, you consider chopping to get your work done.
2563. Then you tried whipping yourself.
2564. Several broken bones later, you realized that you're doing a project, not a wonder/building/unit.

You read through this entire thread to make sure what you are about to post hasn't been said yet.
2568 You uninstall the game to make sure that you do not play it constantly, and still you lurk in this forum.

You wondered when the North Korean Leader died IRL, What 2 traits will his son have, and what tech will he research first? will he still be furious at us or just annoyed now?
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