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Aesthetic City Names


Aug 28, 2007
Sovereign State of the Have-Nots
Let's keep this going, I was enjoying it.

I've always thought Axum was a pretty cool city name. Onondaga too.
I find Cedar Rapids evocative.
There are some cities in central Africa that have cool names: Harare, Kampala, Kigali, Kisangani, Lagos, Lusaka, Nairobi. I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch.
I like Florence.
Frog Level is a cross roads in NC.

There are lots of cities and towns in the US whose names originate with Indian languages. Lots of those sound very cool. Also having a personal connection to a town can improve one's feeling about the name.
As stated in the zombie thread: my city is called Palmdale, notable since there are no palm trees. It was named by some ditz that saw the native joshua trees and thought they were palm trees. Maybe not aesthetic, but 'named in error' is at least unusual, if not unique.

I assume that is in the Balkans, or some equally vowel deprived part of the world...although Zzyzx is in California, and we have never had a vowel shortage as far as I know.
I like the salaciously named Beaverlick, Kentucky which happens to be in the same county as Big Bone Lick State Park. ;)
I like the capital of Sri Lanka. I’d have to look it up to remember how to spell it but it sounds nice.
As stated in the zombie thread: my city is called Palmdale, notable since there are no palm trees.
There's a "Chestnut Plaza" strip mall near me that they built by bulldozing a grove of actual chestnuts. Not quite your case, but sadly ironic in a similar way.
Minas Morgul
There are some cities in central Africa that have cool names: Harare, Kampala, Kigali, Kisangani, Lagos, Lusaka, Nairobi. I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch.

Like Khartoum and Timbuktu? Northern Africa has Tatooine [really], plus Oran and Casablanca.

Cities with cool names which were regretfully renamed: Constantinople, Bombay, Rangoon.
I also like Ukrainian names like Dnipropetrovsk (I refuse to acknowledge that they changed the name to the much more boring Dnipro).
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