Argh! Goto w/ ships causes WAR!


Nov 5, 2001
This may have already been mentioned , I've been busy reading the strategies and MODS, and playing of course. :)

What is up with giving ships a destination to go to, and then they attack anything in the path!!! So many times I would have to revert to a saved game because a galley isn't smart enough to go around one of my allies. BOOM! I'm at war.

So I have to move all ships manually :( Please tell me it is fixed in the upcomng patch.
Weird...never have seen that one. Just last night I was noticing one of my subs on GOTO bouncing all over the place trying to get through a mass horde of German ironclads.
Your kidding me? I have this stupid thing happen to me all the time. Transports especially. Playing as americans. It is driving me nuts!

Unless the AI is attacking me, but no word, and we've been at peace forever. And IF I revert to a saved game and go around, they don't start a war.

Darn Naval goto !
It's happened to me, also. May be a bug in asking you whether or not you really want to declare war.

I restarted a turn during which this happened to me.....there was a Bab sub in a square that I didn't see, but when i tried to move into the square, war started.....and when I did it the next time, the same thing....tried it a third time, and got the message.

It's like it just skipped the message twice....or something.
I've had the same thing happen to me, but only when I ran into a submerged (and unseen) sub belonging to a civ I was at peace with. Auto attack, auto war!
Now that you mention it, I think it only was with Submarines!

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