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Australian Summer Patch discussion thread

Slowing down the era changes is nice, but where are the peaceful playstyle buffs? Seems like it is even more critical to kill someone early now, seeing as it harder to do it later.
True Earth Start - England can't build Stonehenge as there is no stone near its historic location.

No Cliffs of Dover either ;)
I'm glad that they slowed down the tech tree a bit. Often times civs were getting horsemen or knights ridiculously early (like horsemen way before swordsmen could possibly be fielded - made swordsmen worthless in many games.)
No UI changes. Every single issue I had still persists. I still have to dig for information that should be a tooltip away. The city screen UI is still incompetent with that pointless overlap. Last built bug is still present.

Game is just as bad and purposely obtuse as was it was before. The best they can do is to give us good modding tools and promise not to patch anymore so their pointless patches don't ruin good mods.


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I'm liking Australia so far. The civ trait really mixes up how you can build cities. Melbourne is going to be glorious.


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I must say I did a lot of begging for the team multiplayer, so I just want to thank you guys for adding it! Way to go and I will love playing team multiplayer with my friends! THANKS!
The set of "modding tools" was pretty much what I expected, Workshop support is nice and I'm sure there will be some neat uses of the Australia stuff, but no .dll access means significant changes still aren't very feasible. More art asset stuff is good though.

I honestly don't understand why the "last built" display bug isn't fixed yet.

The "nerf" to commercial hubs and harbors doesn't strike me as a very big nerf.
I don't see any mention of district cost changing either. It feels like such an annoying exploit that you have to place them without actually building them just to lock in the price.
I win Immortal without that exploit. I agree that district production costs are too high, but that exploit isn't required.

The AI tweaks have made a BIG difference. By accepting Qin Shi Huang's delegation, I ended up allied with him right off the bat, which disabled the ability to declare war on him. He's forward settled me and I have no form of recourse. It will take a couple games to learn the ins and outs.
I'm liking Australia so far. The civ trait really mixes up how you can build cities. Melbourne is going to be glorious.

I don't know - I think you could have gotten a +8 campus there. That would have been very tempting...
"Many of the techs that reveal strategic resources have been changed to reveal the resource before it is needed to build a resource-dependent unit."

I swear, I was just thinking a week ago about how this would be a good idea. I think it makes a lot of sense for immersion. Your people discover some brand new resource, but it takes them some time to figure out how to use it.
There is an undocumented change to the Advanced Options screen where you can now choose the number of City States.


Also an option on whether teams share visibility. Not sure if they mentioned it before since I don't really care about MP.


They've also made major changes to the way the mods screen works. Sorta good, sorta bad. One gotcha is if you've got mods installed watch out because when you start your first game they are ALL enabled.
City states seem to be doing a much better job of building out a military that can fend off aggressive AI players.

Wouldn't the campus spot give you +2 for each of the natural wonder tiles, plus another +4 for breathtaking?

You're thinking of holy sites. That was the best science generation I could see for the city, but +4 without any mountains is pretty darn nice. I plan to use the other tiles near the wonder for outback stations once I unlock them. With that concentration of pastures it should result in insane food output with a nice production boost as well.
Is it just me, or are barbarians even more vicious than before? I'm playing a game as John Curtin, and all 4 of my cities have been fighting off barbarian HORSEMEN since like 20 turns ago. It's like they spawn infinitely.
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