Bug - 11/3/2006

I love the goo that comes out of it's head when it dies. Really cool. :goodjob:
Frickin' awesome. The death goo, the attacks, everything. Frickin' wicked. :thumbsup:
beboy said:
Status: downloaded

My Status: Downloaded & Implemented :D

(So cool. This is one of the coolest units ever created)
To answer "How does defend work?":

If a unit has less than max HP(has won a previous battle) AND is fortified, it CAN trigger its defend when it is attacked again(Not Does...its still a percentage, like the "withdraw" that fast units can do)

Note: It never happens on the first round, the unit must be fortified after winning a battle, and then be attacked the next round...perhaps it represents defending during healing...?...I dunno...
Man am I glad that I'm going to be too busy rendering LHs to get any units done this month... I'd hate to go against that thing in the competition... Heck, I'd hate to go up against it in an actual battle, too! :p

Even though I don't have any immediate use for it, I may download it for future use (Possible MoO mod or something like that).
Great job. I had fun with some cool squshy sound effects.
Wyrmshadow said:
Okay, it reminds me of NeoLords from the old Exosquad cartoon.
This bug is way cool! Great job on your animations... I love your attention to detail. Man, you are setting the bar very high! Be sure to enter him in November's Unit Contest, you'll have my vote even though I may never find use for this bug in my mods (as they are strictly historical). :goodjob:
NavyDawg... Great job on this Bug. Love the Fantasy Units and this Bug fits my Personal MOD very well. Excellent animations...I am wondering if my "Skreech" can Kill it :lol: :goodjob: I Really like the Fly and Drop animations...it is cool how those little wings allow him to fly lol. The Stinger is a nice touch as well.

Here is a Civ Specific Bug_units_32.pcx I made if you want it.


  • Bug_units_32.zip
    1.5 KB · Views: 67
Vuldacon, That's a great unit_32. I have difficulties making those teeny tiny images look good. Many Thanks!

Not sure if the Skreech could take one of these bad boys down. Your skreech does seem to have some nasty tricks. I stole the stinger idea from that unit, BTW. Also, Skreech sounds work very well for my bug, so maybe they can talk to each other and will go after humans instead of each other.:evil:
Not sure if the Skreech could take one of these bad boys down. Your skreech does seem to have some nasty tricks. I stole the stinger idea from that unit, BTW. Also, Skreech sounds work very well for my bug, so maybe they can talk to each other and will go after humans instead of each other.
NavyDawg... Good Idea... War of the Bugs :lol:
I have been so busy working on EFZI2 that I have not been able to keep up here at the site lately. Endless tasks. I plan to make some sounds for Your Bug. It will no doubt be a long while before I can get to it because so much work remains to be done to Finalize EFZI2. I also want to make sounds and add your Highway Patrolman for the Authorities in the Game. You are making some Really Superb Units and they add Much Fun to the Games. They will no doubt be enjoyed by more players than you will ever hear from. :goodjob:
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