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Bugsy's Braves Ride Again

Turn 213 – 1515 AD (con’t) – I’m so glad I write all these questions for the team. The better to ignore you my dear.

Edinburgh: museum => zoo

A site is excavated and we have 36tourism now.

IBT – Bismarck wants to buy horses. I sell him 5 nags for 5 gpt. Lizzy want to enter a RA with us but it costs us 24G and 3 gpt. We have 7 tech lead on her. If my memory serves, we do not get as much benefit from a RA with a civ that is behind us in tech. Although I am thinking that if we have the Porcelain Tower we’ll get an extra bump. I pull the trigger on the RA and I will try to get the Tower.

Both Shaka and Trollface lose a city.

Turn 214 – 1520 AD – Switch Edinburgh over to the Tower. Time to vote in the Congress. We presently do not have an interest in silver for happiness so I throw all our delegates at the arts funding.

IBT – The silver ban fails, but arts funding passes.

Turn 215 – 1525 AD- Douglas: coliseum => archaeologist
Dublin: infantry => museum

Turn 216 – 1530 AD – A musician and a scientist are born. Purchase a musician with faith to fill out Broadway. Swap an artifact to get a theming bonus. We are presently at 40 tourism per turn.
Cardiff: zoo => lab
Nantes: archaeologist => museum
Turn 217 – 1535 AD – Refrigeration completes. Time for hotels. Flight, on our way to airports next.

Turn 218 – 1540 AD – Truro: infantry => hotel

Turn 219 – 1545 AD – Renew our friendship with Gus.
Douglas: archaeologist => hotel
Dublin: museum => hotel

Turn 220 – 1550 AD – Nantes: museum => hotel

Turn 221 – 1555 AD – Our tourism level finally gets rid of our dissidents and we are at 14 happy.

Turn 222 – 1560 AD – The Tower completes. Start on a hotel. Flight completes. Start military science.
Turn 223 – 1565 AD – Military Science completes. Start on dynamite. All these are required to get to radar and airports. We have an SP. This is a tough decision. More rationalism? Start Exploration? New Deal (An ideology SP will bump landmark output. That will help very soon with hotels coming on line so I go for it.

IBT – renew a sugar deal with Gus for 240G.

Turn 224 – 1570 AD – We get a great writer. Several hotels complete and tourism jumps.

Start a caravan towards Siam for more influence.

Douglas: hotel => bank (our cash flow has gone negative.)
Dublin: hotel => forge
Truro: hotel => bank

Turn 225 - 1575 AD – Renew our friendship with Lizzy. Finish our poaching of a Swedish artifact. Swap it for a Celtic artifact and we are now at 94 tourism.

Edinburgh: hotel => lab

We now have five great scientists hanging out around the kingdom. We might want to use them soon.
Turnover: I have a few units out searching for the nine unaccounted for sites. There is one next to Nobama. One in German next to Babanango. And we are excavating one near Kabul. Just found some dirt near the international dateline.



  • Boudicca_0225 AD-1575.Civ5Save
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I don't think it's a good idea to pick Exploration at this point. A safer plan is to save the Ratio finisher and Oxford for Internet as well as bulb all GS once the Labs are up. Though it's been a while now, maybe we do have Oxford already :lol:

What did the Congress do after Arts funding got passed, odds of IG being around?
We still have Oxford to build.

I didn't check on the next WC proposals. :blush:
Well I suggest we work on Labs and Airports, once both are up, bulb the lot towards Internet and NVC, using Oxford and Ratio finisher for the last pair. After that I don't know since we burned the musicians on Broadway
I shouldn't have used the musicians on Broadway? I thought that was why we built it.
Yeah I know but that's not how *I* generally play CVs. I never ever build Broadway because my religion is never that good to manage more than 2 faith musicians so each one counts :)
OK. That makes sense. We will probably have several more faith generated works of art. An embarrassment of riches.
T225 - 226: Use of diplomats to help, a couple micromanagement stuff. Moving units around.
I gift some iron to germany and siam, trying to improve relations...

We are really poor in artifacts. Only 6, ugh. At least we got some landmarks. The only one I can see are in Germany from whom we don't have open borders.

T227 Nantes Hotel -> Lab
Bulb Railroads, move workers around.
Dynamite -> Penicilin

T228 Start to make rails
Douglas Bank -> Lab
Cardiff Lab -> Tower

For teching I suggest the following, we have 4 scientists and will get one in 15 turns. We have oxford available.
Going Rationalism at that point is worthless
1. Manually research Electronics and Balistics, bulb Radar. Try to buy/build airports
2. Bulb the 3 prerequisites of Telecom
3. Oxford Telecom, build NVC
4. Bulb+research Internet

Truro Bank -> Lab

Siam is massing on the border and is a runaway in culture, I bribe sweden to attack him.
Capital Lab -> Caravan

Use caravan for the tourism bonus with germany
We find a natural wonder
Capital Caravan -> Tower

Zulus lose their capital to Germany
The bad news is that International games come soon

We spawn a GA with which I can finish the hermitage theme

Siam become friendly and accepts open borders
Germany accepts open borders for 6gpt
Dublin Lab -> Tower

We get an additional musician, the next one should be synchronized with high tourism in 21 turns
I get a policy and spend it in tourism from towers
Capital finishes the tower and will spend one turn on Oxford (have to go international games the next turn).

International games passes and I switch our cities to it

So far it seems we can win it, only Korea really invested in it and did less than us.

Forgot we have some RA going so we get Radar prerequisites
Bulb Radar, onward to Internet, we'll get airport after the games

I try to make Germany busy to slow him down on the games

Germany and Korea are putting a ton of hammers in international games, I think we won't win it. It reached 100% on our turn anyway.
We switch all city to airports. Capital continues on Oxford and I rush an airport there, Dublin gets a caravansary so that we may have a shot at linking us with England.
Bulb Penicilin, next turn finish atomic theory, then bulb Ecology and time oxford to get Telecomunications. Use last scientists for Internet
CN Tower after NVC is a possibility...

We currently have to overcome 20K on 4 people and we are making 300 tourism with modifiers toward them.


  • Boudicca_0240 AD-1650.Civ5Save
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And here we go:

T241: Germany bullied our city state. He will pay for this.

International games were an embarrassment, Germany beat us by a wide margin, scoring almost twice as many hammers, 2600 to 1400 lol

T242: We can't start on NVC right now as Cardiff doesn't have their Hotel yet. It will be up in 6 turns. I suppose I should have checked but at least we didn't lose much. Even with Caravansary we can't reach England so I divert the excess science to Combustion which is due in 4 turns. I'll use Oxford on Internet next turn

side note: we're sitting on LOADS of Uranium. If this were a domination game, it would be really brutal

T243: Got Internet. 317 base tourism now. Airports and NVC still not up, probably gonna be over 500-600 once it's all said and done, so a pair of musicians should finish it. Started a Bank in capital, as our economy isn't all that well. Caravans was sent to the highest grossing city, hopefully with Combustion we should be able to reach England

T244: Siam actually proposed Historical Landmarks. Too late to make a difference. They also denounce us for no reason, he really is a Ramkhamtrollface jerk. The RA fired getting us Combustion, which I also forgot about. We can reach England now :)

T246: Sent a caravan to London. Siam are preparing a sneak attack that may just be against us. So I change to unit production rather than Broadcast towers. CN is not going to be there any time soon, 12 turns from now. For the next policy, we pick Sovereignty for more gpt

T248: Finally starting the NVC in capital, due in 6 turns. boost from a Golden Age is nice. I'm going to have a few more army men around just in case.

T250: England denounce us. A backstabbing action just shows Liz being Liz :lol:

side note: I'm going to fit in a few Broadcast Towers just before the Musician spawns get the most out of him. A double bomb on Siam might be enough to end it

and it completes peacefully. I haven't paid close attention to exact numbers, but we're quite close. A musician will appear on the next turn and we can faith buy one at any point.

Bugsy, it's on you now, you can either use a musician each on Germany and Siam or both on Siam and influence the rest on residue. Either way, I don't see this moving past another session.
Very cool Gents. I'll play tonight. So magical mystery tours in Germany and/or Siam.
yeah, see for yourself which options are the most viable. I only hope Siam don't decide to DoW soon, as it will force our hand. We (should) have enough army to defend
If Siam declares war, we will have a use for all that uranium. :mischief: :nuke: :scan:
Preflight – Turn 255 – 1725 AD – Here is the present tourism screen

There are two key numbers: 33 turns to be influential over Germany. 25 turns to be influential over Siam.

Shaka has left his earthly body behind and climbed into the dustbin of history.

We have hotels and airports everywhere. We’ll get a great writer in two turns. Musician due in one. Looks like it is time for the Quarrymen to take a few gigs in Hamburg.

I agree that the Siamese army looks menacing. I upgrade a couple of Gatling guns to machine guns. Hopefully the extra strength will be a deterrent.

Looking at global politics, everyone is at war with someone, except us. :jesus:

We have the faith so I use it to send the great pastafarian musician Moby to conservatory until the next turn. A musician will give us 10X tourism. If Troll Face declares war on us, it might be better to use a musician right now on Siam. :hmm: I’ll need to ponder this one.
IBT – Korea and Germany sign a peace treaty.

Turn 256 – 1730 AD – Tourism up a notch. That gets us one turn closer. A 10X boost should put us over with both Siam and Germany.

We have a SP available. Nothing really looks good at the moment. We presently don’t have an RAs in place. After going through all possibilities, I select universal healthcare (+1 :c5happy: for each national wonder).
Turn 257 – 1735 AD – We get a great writer. :hammer2: I see that with a few swaps we can get theming at Oxford, presumably at the Bodleian. Tourism is now at 533 per turn. That cuts another turn off the win. We’re now at 28 turns away to win over Germans to our culture.

Turn 258 – 1740 AD – Time to vote at the UN. Two options: ban whales (we presently have one available from somewhere), and historical landmarks. We have a bunch of the latter. Losing whales won’t hurt us short term, so I throw all our delegates at the landmarks legislation.

Rocketry completes. I go for Combined Arms and tanks next.

Moby goes on a concert tour in Siam. The Bangkok gig was a major success. Siam will be influenced in 13 turns.

Truro: lab => stock exchange
Cardiff: infantry => factory
Edinburgh: infantry => rocket arty
Dublin: infantry => rocket arty

We lost a trade route between us and Germany and time to victory has gone up to 42 turns. The Quarrymen (aka the Beatles) find the road to Hamburg to be long and winding.
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